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Everything posted by HeadlessChicken

  1. HeadlessChicken

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Sounds awesome! hopefully will help me with my crappy PC :D! Has anyone else lost there primary weapon in I lost my m1014 shotgun and a buddy of mine lost his M4, any news on that?
  2. HeadlessChicken

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    <3! xoxoxoxox
  3. HeadlessChicken

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Umm yeah like I said "you need to google 'Positive Feedback'", review you comment and get back to me :), you stupid retard. Yeah you can tell Rocket if the patch is bad, but there is a massive difference between(The magic word again) POSITIVE FEEDBACK and bitching and whining like little girls. Funny how you expect those with feedback to have positive feedback when you can't even do the same for yourself. People are getting emotional over losing long time standing characters. Read about a guy that had a 15 day character that died at one deer stand because they just kept coming. "a 15 day character that died at one deer stand because they just kept coming." It's an alpha get over it, you're meant to be testing it. It's pointless getting attached to a character in an alpha... Of course stuff is going to go wrong probably resulting in game death.
  4. HeadlessChicken

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Umm yeah like I said "you need to google 'Positive Feedback'", review you comment and get back to me :), you stupid retard. Yeah you can tell Rocket if the patch is bad, but there is a massive difference between(The magic word again) POSITIVE FEEDBACK and bitching and whining like little girls.
  5. HeadlessChicken

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Lololol? Someone of you need to google 'Positive Feedback' and stop being such whinny little bitches, you're bringing up the right stuff, but instead of giving feedback you just rage at non released game as if you expect it to be perfect.
  6. Peasedoff, I never in one part of my post said that you need to ask for my permission to play a game so please learn to read :)
  7. Peasedoff, if you think there is a bug in the game report it. Don't bitch about game that hasn't even been released yet, "i cba playing the damn thing anymore untill it`s fixed." Then don't no one is forcing you, it's still in alpha the whole point in playing this game at the moment is for a bit of fun and helping Rocket and the other devs be able to fix the little glitches and bugs.