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About Nipson

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    Beans, graphic & web design, Photoshop, Beans.

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    IRL I'm a web & graphic designer. Bean collector.
  1. Nipson

    DayZ screenshots wallpapers

    You're very welcome ! However as someone gold me on reddit, it seems that imgur resizes the pics. So i'll post a dropbox link soon with the full rez pics. :) EDIT : imgur doesn't resize the size of the pics, if you want them @full rez, just hit the top right corner button when hovering the pic :)
  2. Nipson

    DayZ screenshots wallpapers

    Yeah, I did. I felt the urge to retouch those screenshots :p
  3. Nipson

    DayZ screenshots wallpapers

    Ups, I didn't see the gallery forum, as I usually only check the "general" one. My bad <3
  4. Nipson

    DayZ screenshots wallpapers

    Hello Survivors ! I've just left Chernarus and came back with a lot of photos from my journey. Here you will find the selected ones that I've turned into wallpapers (1920x1080). Hoping that you will enjoy them ! Cheers ! http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1u15av/dayz_screenshots_wallpapers/
  5. When you gather beans in your backpack before leaving
  6. The sound doesn't work, however it seems to attract less zed's when equipped.
  7. Nipson

    Armored Vehicles

    How about no ? Why not play Arma 3, Arma 2 ?
  8. Nipson

    DayZ is FailZ (Lacklustre Infected comment)

    Another post of an uneducated person who enters an alpha game without knowing the true meaning of alpha neither (as it seems) who has looked upon the future changelogs and implementations. I can't stannnnnd those commentaries anymore.
  9. Exactly, beta/alpha testing isn't made for the casual player. Furthermore, I also think that many players get over attached to their ingame character however it's an alpha. Which obviously means you can lose your character anytime (even if you can prevent as much as possible that problem). This game is a lot lot lot of fun already, and while enjoying it for hours, we just have to reports bugs we obviously encounter. I've already got 75h+ ingame, and have rage quit some times like some of us I think, but still. That's what an alpha is.
  10. Ahaha, I should've written another title regarding all the "hate" posts have already seen here. That's true ^^ That's actually a pretty good idea, some kind of Captcha system ? :D
  11. Seeing what the game already is is already pretty promising. Yet, we are just 1 week and a half from the alpha SA realease. To me everything is going great so far, and I should even say better than great with (if I'm not mistaking) 3 updates made in a few days, and one pending update waiting to be released soon enough. With all the warnings, disclaimers we have seen before buying the game, I really couldn't stand any more stupid comments (I can not use another word than stupid, I've seen really really dumb thing on the latest announcement thread). But that's not the point. The real thing is that, as some have already said, our "job" is to test the game from A to Z, Norh to South (well it would be from South to North ingame ^^), and report all the glitches and bugs we can see at the moment. And the "job" only consist in playing like an addict (well, we might all are already :P), spend a lot of time ingame and when we encounter a bug/glitch, post it in the right place. I don't even think that suggesting new features is useful anymore now (that's my personal opinion). Rocket's team has already plenty of work to do, and they know it. They know what to do and how to do it. Damn, it was an Arma 2 mod at the beginning, just look where we are now. Isn't it great already ? And there's more to come as the time pass. EDIT : btw, english isn't my first language, so you know, apologies etc. :)
  12. That's something I wanted to say before the latest announcement thread was locked. I understand the point of view of many, but we simply can't expect the same from an Alpha and a full released game. The goal here is to support the game development and give good feedback and suggestions to the devs. So IMO, we're "supportive" alpha testers before we are customers. Damn, it's an Alpha, not even a so called "beta" : an Alpha. Before this trend of sharing alpha games with the public, we never heard of any alpha, or beta (I think about about a few years later, maybe a decade or more), those were totally secret to the community, only very small groups of people were aware of them. Nowadays, we're given a chance to give live feedback to our beloved game devs. The point is absolutely not to reclaim more updates, more content, more this, more that. Everything will obviously come at some point. We all must realize that it has just been something like 1 week or so since the release of the StandAlone. Plus it's the XMas holidays for EVERYONE. Now people can not restraint themselves and stop reclaiming more and more. But before the release of the SA, people would reclaim the SA as soon as possible ! It's a never ending story. I just think we should feel kind of lucky to be able to get involved in the game development at such an early stage. That's something not every game developer does because of all the problems it can cause. And I'm sure, you who read those lines, can understand my opinion. My motto for DayZ would be "Wait, get involved and see what happens. Get involved again". In a good way.
  13. Nipson

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    WELL, I can not stand those stupid comments anymore. Must reply. How can most of you here yell at the developers, scream that you are "customers", that you have the right to argue that the game is not what you expect it to be yet, that you must have daily patches, that you want daily information. To me, at this point, we are not "customers", we are all "alpha testers". And that was said everywhere when we bought the game. Please, stop stop stop crying, stop arguing and learn to wait patiently. I'm sure you can do it as I do it. Furthermore, saying something like "Rocker took all our money and leaved" is really a shame. How can you morons say that. This guy has the faith and motivation to start a project of his own, and then work his ass off to make it really happen. Yes it takes times, much time, regarding the vast world of DayZ. The whole optimization that are needed. Whole parts of the engine that need to be rewrited. We are Alpha Testers, not customers, not yet. That will come, but NOT YET. Please use your brain before writing silly questions and statements here. It seems like 14 years old kids are invading the forum and talking non-sense. All I see is spoiled brainless brats that, if they don't have what they want right now, will yell and whine. STAPH. Also learn where to get your info before writing anything here. There's a whole set of social medias where you can get them. And finally, we still are at a early stage of the public alpha, which as you KNOW has just begun. I agree that maybe releasing it just before taking vacations may not be the best schedule of all. But still, we can play. "but it a f**king buggy piece of cr*p that needs patches", nope it's a freaking Alpha. You are here to support the game, and test it, report the bugs. If you wanted to enjoy it fully, you should've waited the final release. EDIT : the patch the devs talked about is avalailble in the "beta branch" of the game in Steam. Just hit "properties", and set the game to beta. (We heard you like testing game, so we but a beta in the alpha bro') ^^
  14. Ah ok, will do. I might have joined a "bad" server as I was not paying much attention to those names yet. The thing is that have been reset 4 times so far. But being already addicted to DayZ, I reroll every time ^^ even if I'm raging like crazy ^^
  15. Your answer seems to be the right one, and it makes me so sad. :'( But when we reconnected to DayZ, our previous server was not connected, and we had to connect to another one. Well... I guess the coast is not that bad ^^