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About RumPilot

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    On the Coast
  1. RumPilot

    Player bodies disappear as you kill them?

    When's the next patch said to be released?
  2. RumPilot

    Player bodies disappear as you kill them?

    So what happens to their body? Were they dead or just unconcious? Do I need to kill them before they can log in order for their body to stay?
  3. Is this a problem for everyone else? I've been jumped by 3 guys and my team killed them, and all their bodies despawned immediately. All that loot lost. What causes this?
  4. RumPilot

    So what heals you now?

    So I have been in a forest with full food and thirst for a while and I have yet to see an Improvement in color on my screen.
  5. RumPilot

    So what heals you now?

    Yeah, I'm very curious as to how to effectively restore my blood. Because sitting here with Full hunger and Thirst doesn't seem to make a difference.
  6. RumPilot

    So what heals you now?

    And does eating food replenish blood like before?