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About Shelledfade

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  1. Shelledfade

    Is it time to come back?

    it is literally the same game that it was when it released in 2013, give or take a couple of fixed bugs and new items. Movement is still as clunky as it was on release day, zombies are the same more or less meaning that there are none of them around and all you have to do is walk in a circle and beat on them and they can't do anything to you lol... lag's still bad, map is still boring, no transportation and all the servers are pretty much dead usually (for a reason, this alpha is really really bad). The people who are saying its worth it to come back to this clearly didn't play this on day 1 because this is still the same damn alpha where virtually everything is placeholder.
  2. Shelledfade

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    Their "answer" for us from the devs will probably be "play on private hives." At least that seems to be what dean would say. Which is not the right answer at all but is one they would probably say to us anyway. If we can't enjoy the game on public open servers then what is the point to this game at all? This isn't minecraft, and if they take the game in this direction NOBODY is going to effing play it!
  3. Shelledfade

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    Pretty much agree with this. Public open servers are what keeps games like this alive. Private modded servers are not an answer to anything, and that screams like an excuse or a plea for modders to finish the game for them on private hives.
  4. Shelledfade

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    I will copy-paste what I said in a different thread that was basically identical to this one. I have to say this, in terms of trashed vehicles on the map there should be a crap load of them. I mean vehicles that cannot be repaired at all, there needs to be way more apocalyptic details like that in the setting for the game because right now, and I think anyone would agree, you just don't get that feeling whatsoever. The map is huge so the entire map doesn't need to feel like an isolated 3rd world farmland, add in a highway and put some trashed cars on it. As far as how many working vehicles should be on the map, 10 is ridiculous and so is 20. This map is absolutely huge, and if somebody finds a vehicle knowing they are so few in numbers the potential for griefing the entire server by hiding it someplace ridiculous is extremely high. If they are persistent like tents are, the potential for griefing would be astounding. I watched that video, dean wants the vehicles to be super rare and all that, but I don't agree. Transportation in a game like this should not be rare. Nobody wants to play a running simulator, its just boring. If they keep making everything so frustrating and annoying, I feel like a majority of players who want to play this game are not going to. I mean my time is valuable and I want to have a good time in a game, not be harassed by its bad mechanics. As far as using the walking dead as an example, it would be the most accurate representation of this though. I think they're hell bent on making their game the most boring thing in the world to play or something though. I really don't know what their deal is with this whole rarity thing. I understand you want the player to have some sense of dread for surviving any situation especially when they find something rare, but honestly... you always have that sense while playing anyway. Just make the game fun to play. I'm not asking for 500 cars, but 20 is way too few. Also please make the game look and feel more apocalyptic. Right now everywhere just looks completely normal, like nothing bad happened anywhere. As far as hopping for car parts goes or making this some kind of group activity thing, that is so far from realistic its not even funny. First of all, vehicles are bullet magnets. A clan isn't going on a public server, find a car and then start huddling up in it so they can get sniped like imbeciles. If they make it this rare, smart people will use them as kill bait. I think this developers perspective is a little warped on the reality of making these cars so rare. Rarity means nothing in a game like this. It doesn't matter if you find an M4 assault rifle or a crappy 22 pistol, if you get the jump on somebody before they see you it doesn't matter what gun you have. The same thing applies to all rarity aspects in a game like this. The moral of this story is this. Rarity means NOTHING in a game where you lose all your crap when you die. All rarity does is make the game boring to play. If you can't understand that, you can't be helped and maybe you shouldn't be working on this type of genre if you don't understand where I am coming from. That goes out to any dev reading this.
  5. Shelledfade

    The future mod of Dayz SA that will become the new SA

    Then the whole point of playing with others becomes pointless if you penalize people when they die for playing with their friends or in a clan by making them wait. That's amature development. It's pathetic, and it slightly disgusts me that anyone would even consider a suggestion as bad as that.
  6. Shelledfade

    .50 a true survival iteration

    Its still so far from playable that I can't give you a realistic assessment on it. Firstly I'm tired of hearing about realism when there are zombies in the game. Realism only goes so far until the game your playing becomes boring. 2ndly, this is still so far from playable that I can't even make a judgement on it. If I was forced at gunpoint to give you an opinion, I would say almost everything at the moment in this game sucks ass. I want to survive against zombies but right now not only is it easy, its just freaking annoyingly boring. It's not that its boring, its that its annoying as well. When you combine boring gameplay on top of annoying mechanics that aren't even hard but are annoyingly trivial, it pisses me off. Zombies in this game wont ever be a threat unless there's 50 of them on screen. Right now you can circle-jerk a group of 5 of them solo with your fists. Give me a break.
  7. Shelledfade

    The future mod of Dayz SA that will become the new SA

    That's a real good way to make people stop playing your game. Let's hope you become a developer sometime soon.
  8. Shelledfade

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    If I can't advertise my stream, especially in off-topic, how the hell am I supposed to get viewers -_-
  9. Shelledfade

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    I don't think I've seen anything as stupid as not being able to advertise your stream in a off-topic forum, I mean there's not even a forum dedicated to media/streaming. I don't get it. Regardless: http://www.twitch.tv/shelledfade
  10. Shelledfade

    Get it off your chest!

    This game straight up sucks, probably the most boring piece of shit I've ever played. It's not even difficult. That's about it.
  11. Shelledfade

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Really? Its in off-topic though. It's not like I posted it in general discussion lol. Anyhow, I'm don't streaming for the night its 3:45 xD.... but i'll be back later ;P
  12. Shelledfade

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Having some probs but I think it works now.
  13. Shelledfade

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    What could be more boring than playing a running simulator? Watching somebody play a running simulator. http://www.twitch.tv/shelledfade
  14. Shelledfade

    Shoes in experimental

    this is idiotic.
  15. I've dead on nailed zombies directly with melee weapons and 70% of the time it misses even though the thing is standing directly in front of me. Maybe it has something to do with how bad the straffing is. Zombies in general absolutely act goofy as hell and I can't take them seriously at all if you want my honest opinion on the current zombies. They don't seem intent on eating you or killing you, they just seem like completely retarded a.i that wants to slap you. Meh.