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Posts posted by millie

  1. So far this has been one of the best games ive played.

    I originally was concerned that not having a weapon or food/water would be too difficult, but i have since learnt to change my playstyle to reflect the changes.

    You can lose zombies now in buildings, and with the addition of melee it makes defending yourself a little easier. Food and water is still a small issue in its lack of spawns.

    the only thing that really bugs me now is that i *still* cant choose a female skin :(

  2. I had a similar problem after running the patch yesterday. Im not sure if this relates to you or not, however after running it i could not connect to any servers other than 1.6 ones (which if im correct is Arma2 and not Dayz).

    You could check in the expansions option on the main menu to make sure Dayz in enabled, this fixed my connection problems.
