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About P.Y.T

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Gamesindustry classical modern and digital art fantasy detectives

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  1. P.Y.T

    the most typical case

    Thank you! Thanks! next art will be there!
  2. P.Y.T

    the most typical case

    Extremely extraordinary case but at the very same time - the most usual for the world of chernorussia.
  3. P.Y.T

    ART Happy Birthday Rocket!

    Thanks guys!
  4. P.Y.T

    ART Happy Birthday Rocket!

    Hi all! Happy Birthday Dean Hall and thanks for DayZ! art for you
  5. P.Y.T

    Day Z Wallpapers

    I don't mind :) looks cool :thumbsup: btw на русском я тоже говорю B)
  6. P.Y.T

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Thank you! Yes but this is photomanipulation - matte painting.
  7. P.Y.T

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

  8. P.Y.T

    "The Road" crafting

    That sounds good... :thumbsup:
  9. P.Y.T

    "The Road" crafting

    I think it would be plausible enough to use cart during this postapocaliptic period than to drag tons of ammo and AS50 with you :) yep, or "hunting" knife ))
  10. P.Y.T

    "The Road" crafting

    Why not, of course.)
  11. "The Road" Perhaps everyone has watched this film, if not, I advice to watch it, or even better, read the book. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Road In the film the main character has a trolley. And I think it wouldn't be bad to "put" the trolley into the world of dayz. The idea is following: Find the trolley, maybe with the wheels that are damaged, in this case - they will have to be found and replaced. For small objects not to fall out of the trolley (such as a box of matches), we need to cover up the holes in the lattice. Search for the box, for example the one with medicaments, to cut it we need a knife. Then fill it with our belongings, and for those for whom this is not enough, it's possible to find plastic bags. Which will take less slots in the carts, if being filled with the belongings; otherwise these bags can be tied to the sides of the cart. Do not forget that the wheels of overloaded trolleys can be damaged much faster, taking into account the condion of the surface on which you're moving. (Now it is possible, as far as I know from the Racket's interview for Rezzed) And in the end, attach the rear view mirror of a motorcycle or bicycle to the trolley, because when your truck is packed to capacity, it is better to know who is behind you.
  12. P.Y.T

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Thank you very much! I can't say that I learned this somewhere, rather it goes by itself. But the basic knowledge of drawing I got in the art school. So, maybe it has some influnce when I create my works. Soon I'll make a tutorial video on how I paint in the style of dayz, then you'll have an opportunity to follow this process of drawing. And now you can subscribe on my chanel http://www.youtube.c.../ThomasJakeRoss
  13. P.Y.T

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Thanks guys! That's right, this is a character from rezzed presentation. B)
  14. P.Y.T

    DayZ Fan Art Thread
