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Everything posted by BitterChris

  1. BitterChris

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    Right there with you on this one. My only complaint about the current UI iteration is the fact that it's in fucking Times New Roman. The minimalism of it is great, but throw a man some verdana, or at least a sans serif font.
  2. Probably still has a few years to go before that becomes a biological possibility.
  3. There are kits for testing what type of blood you have. It's a 1 time use thing that just tells you in an indicator message what blood type you have. Syringes aren't used for that purpose, so that's likely why you got that message. If I had to guess (haven't used a syringe yet), I'd guess the syringe uses involve filling it with something from a vial, and then using on a person. This is probably what the "nothing left" alludes to.