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Everything posted by Stormin_Norman

  1. I think taking the idea that they've put into the SA of physical illness and applying it to mental state. Flashbacks, slendermen are all BS. Simple physical changes are known depression symptoms that are already in the game as physical sickness. By doing good you can heal your mental side. Offering blood, feeding beans, giving supplies etc. To me it is the only method whereby there is movement away from loot/equip focus. Already the SA has moved from all about the firepower to all about the beans/health (top top marks) so a similar move from being all about the killing to all about the mental health of a post apocalyptic world where the survival of humanity needs to be balanced with survival of self. Humanity got to its current advancement due to co-operation. It is a core human trait and this discussion on how to involve it in the game is both excellent and core.
  2. Here's a bit of a left field idea. Just as drinking from a murky pond has a chance of making you sick...killing has a chance of making you mentally sick. Some may crumble at their first kill. Others may kill over and over before the weight of the actions weighs on their mind. So like getting physically sick, you get mentally sick. Lose your will to live. Mope (slow) speed movement. Needing more food to keep going. The shakes. Hearing noises/voices (like the current 'bug' of global direct messaging, you get random conversations of others played as 'voices'). Going to pull the trigger and instead lowering your weapon. Like I said, a bit of a left-field idea, but I think its an interesting idea that other's can probably take and develop a lot further than me.