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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I concur, avoid Slap Private DayZLingor, power tripping dickless admin, pointless to play on. Don't play on this server. The rules got weirder and weirder. From kicking people for just shooting, to banning people for DRIVING VEHICLES. Then there were more weird rules coming down. No hiding corpses. Everyone just merely asked "Why?" and got kicked. All I said was "Wow, dis admin be crazy" and got kicked. I came back and spat some venom in chat and of course immediately got banned. Anyways avoid this server at all times, the crazy power tripping admin is using it just to justify the size of his miniscule micro-cock so your amount of fun is going to be inevitably limited by this dumbass. Just pick a different server and save yourself the time. EDIT: He never once actually banned anyone that was ghosting or combat logging. No decent bans were handed out ever. There was much ghosting going on, so I imagine it was all a cover up for his buddies. Its on my twitch channel twitch.tv/gorgenzola for 9/11/2012
  2. In this patch (1725) My skin keeps toggling back and forth from one with a bandit head scarf, which resets my view and deletes my backpack. Sometimes it even gets me stuck in the ground. DO NOT RELEASE!! This keeps occuring every spawn/death, and just sort of happens randomly. No point having a backpack as it keeps getting deleted.
  3. Must have my playerID since he chased me across servers even after I changed my name and turned on my overlay to cover up the name. Server was US 8 VA at about 10:00 pm last night (CST), exact time is hard to nail down. He was also able to spawn bear traps in a large radius.
  4. Right, speaking of vehicles, the fact they explode from regular gunfire or crashes seems really silly. Mythbusters has proved that you cannot explode a car hollywood style even if you shot it in the gas tank. Maybe disable car explosions in the mod? I know it makes sense for a military simulator, but nobody should be firing an M1A1 Abrams unless they are hacking anyways. Disabling vehicle explosions seems like it has no downsides to it, other than maybe server cleanup or something.
  5. 1. Cycle through the channels with "." (period) key until you get to direct communication. Hold the CAPS LOCK key to use direct voice. It has a fairly short range. 2. Yes, this is normal. 3. Press "G" on a body to loot the body. Scroll your mouse to "open backpack" to check the body's backpack.
  6. This is my concern as well, but I'm also concerned about the balance of new unarmed survivors being able to get away from zombies anymore. If they LOS you from 100m by chance, how could you possibly shake them in the bushes when they are 5m away. It was already nearly impossible before.
  7. I was just checking the weapons wiki. I think the beretta M9 should be more common in terms of spawn and ammo spawn. Might as well have something that slots between the makarov and the de-facto 1911/Revolver that everyone takes!
  8. How about an audible indicator of bleeding? I've watched myself, my friends, and streamers all not notice they are bleeding and lose thousands and thousands of blood unnecessarily.
  9. Is a totally great release, so that makes the wait easier. I remember how much everyone was excited for 1.7.1 and then how horrified they were at the results!
  10. why not just disable the HDR instead? I don't believe you can. My only options are NORMAL, HIGH, and VERY HIGH. I am unable to descern a difference between all three settings.
  11. If I had my druthers, Zeds wouldn't be able to fracture your bones at all and it would be a completely player-driven wound. I would also make gunshots do less immediate damage so you have messier, longer more drawn out firefights with plenty of crippling bone injuries. But thats only in my dream world where I am King.
  12. Weird wouldn't it be enough to change the date on the mission.sqm or description txt ( can't remember ) to a different moon cycle? moonIntensity sounds like a variable that would be used for how much light the moon gives. Perhaps they are going for a value they can set to make even moonless nights have some ambient light by adjusting this value.
  13. I'd guess that it will be out around 4 or 5 pm pacific time, given the past history of patch releases.
  14. Most of the time the 800 meter shots we lose friends to are body shots, or rocks/gates/walls/stairs other bugs. So wether or not you can revive a face-shot wouldn't really affect me. If people don't like it because it's inauthentic, then I think thats fine, but I'm not sure if ARMA tracks what kind of death you had.
  15. Are there any of these in the North? The only barrel fires I know of are in Cherno and maybe (if someone can confirm) I think there might be one in Berezino.
  16. I have to give +1 to this thread since I was just about to start one. I think there should be a small 1 or 2 minute window of revival that includes the epi-pen and a blood bag. The revive mechanic is used constantly in ARMA 2 (at least the few matches I played) so this isn't really a stretch. If you respawn, like it has been said, you have effectively given up your opportunity. A defib unit doesn't make much sense medically as it is NOT used to start a heart like people commonly think, it is used to stop one that has gone into ventrical fribulation (irregular beating). However, since medical stuff is so fucked anyways in ARMA I don't have a problem with it personally. This would make it so that one shot from a sniper far away that clipped one of your teammates isn't an instant evening breaker. You can effectively have an impromptu ER going, one person giving blood and the other treating the cardiac arrest. As long as you can get blood into the body, oxygenate it, and circulate it, you should be able to keep that person alive (albeit vulnerable). I really really like this idea. It adds another layer of panic to a terrifying situation. Besides, you would NEVER use an epi-pen on someone that is just unconscious. That is what smelling salts is for. You would make their heart explode with an Epinephrine applied this way.
  17. I fucking love seeing performance improvement patch notes. Yum yum framerates. Not that you need some kind of pat on the back, but GOOD WERK SOLJUR!! Testing Notes 12/06/25 - Got murdered in Kozlovka so had to respawn. Sneaking through elektro, lost some zombies in an apartment building. Heard shooting, saw survivor on the other side of the wall I was against. Zombies broke his legs and he ran out of ammo. Watched him get eaten alive. Gave him some words of encouragement through directchat and snuck away as he was screaming. I like the no weapon on spawn! That would have gone so differently if I had a mak. - Stood on top of elektro firehouse with no weapon just watching about 3 or 4 survivors milling about weaponless. Funny to watch. Even funnier to yell down tips and hints. Zombies climbed after me, so I managed to descend the firehouse by sliding akwardly down smaller parts of the building you cannot normally stand on. Again, not something I'd take the time to see if I had a starter mak. - Ran into group of survivors that asked me if I was friendly. Last thing I heard was "we can't hear you" before being executed. Looked down at my headset volume controls - mic was muted. Remember those hints I was yelling? Yeah.... - At this point everyone on the server died. Hacking still seems to be an ish. - Respawned again, ran to cherno to loot. Getting pretty proficient at losing zombies in towns - just use any indoor place with two entrances. However, picked up some zeds at Balota. Could not shake them in the trees no matter what. I seem to remember losing a few in the bushes by crouching at the right time. Couldn't get it to work. Not starting with a mak makes you pretty good at losing zeds in towns. - Found a survivor who "could not hear me" because he was in teamspeak? I don't understand how you can't hear someone because you are in another chat. When I play with my friends over voip, I can still hear people in the game. Server-wide teamspeak seems like kind of a bummer to me. Maybe it shouldn't be allowed advertisement in the global chat (Example: Welcome to US ##, join TS ip.ip.ip.ip). Removal of side-chat happened for a reason! - I see no reason why matches shouldn't spawn as often as knives or hatchets. It should be junk loot, really.
  18. He's right finding matches is a bitch yesterday i was searching for at least 6 hours On Saturday I literally looted every single apartment, church, and general store from Elektro to Vybor and not found matches. I eventually died due to a zombie knocking me out through a wall because I had low enough blood and couldn't cook the full inventory of meat I had. Matches...the giver of life.
  19. I don't think fog should change sound. Fog is fog, =/= sound.
  20. Please don't post like that. Use proper written language, even if you're texting in from a phone. Take the extra time to fully type out what you mean and maybe you'll actually be taken seriously. The zig-zaggy frantic zombie pathfinding is something I'd like to see smoothed out in future releases. Our ARMA avatars have nice fluid animation changes between each action, and even if they zeds have some kind of superhuman virus, they still have mass and should abide the laws of physics with their actions.
  21. That Proprioception thing is for real. I really need 3rd person to know where I am in the environment. The swimmy gross 1st person view actually gives me less immersion because I don't know where I am in relation to anything. I only use first person when I need to see out of vehicles properly.