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Everything posted by haxborn

  1. Hi. I was a DayZ megafan, but honestly the thing that really made me stop playing this game is honestly the bad performance. I know it's "not their focus" and so on at the moment, but is there any way to improve my pc performance on this game? I just played trough The Witcher 3 and I KNOW it's not the same thing or the same kind of game and performance can't be compared and so on bla bla bla. But all I wanted to say is that I enjoyed it so much because I could play on maximum settings and it was sooo beautiful, and my 144hz screen made it look even better. I had 150+ fps at all times, I also do on GTA V online and campaign. Whilist on DayZ I got 30-80 fps.. My rig: i5 4690k 3.5GHz - shit I know NVIDIA GTX 970 4gb 8GB 1666Hz ram 120gb SSD kingston How is that not enough to play DayZ on medium settings 1080p with a stable 60+ fps? The game looks so boring on 720p, and it just ruins the whole experience. I've tried ARK survival, h1z1 etc but nothing is close to being as good as DayZ, but the graphics are wonderful on those games and performs great..
  2. Yeah I can agree on that one. Sometimes it works rather ok. but then when facing another direction its down to 30 fps again. Sometimes I get used to it, but then I just look into the ground and see my fps increase to 200+ and I never wanna look up again.. It's like I'm expressing sadness ingame as well.. Dont get me wrong here tho. This is no "complain/criticism thread" to send you the message that DayZ sucks. It doesn't. DayZ is really cool and one of my favorite games. All I wonder here is if anyone discovered the secret on how to get good performance on this game. I've seen many people stream on twitch and they seem to play it at 1080p and the performance is flawless. But then I guess they have the pc rig of doom, and doesn't know anything I don't.
  3. Hi, I read a post before with upcoming features or something I believe where they stated: implementation of the *** vehicle. Which was a truck of some sort. Does that mean it will be added in the 0.50 update? Or just an upcoming feature we will see within the next few patches? The information of that isn't really that clear. As I play dayz alot but grow bored after a couple of hours each time which puts me of the game for days, a vehicle would change the game into something me and most of my friends will play non stop for weeks if not months. So does anyone know!?
  4. haxborn

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    Lol if you would have read more than the title you could easilly see: "Does that mean it will be added in the 0.50 update? Or just an upcoming feature we will see within the next few patches? The information of that isn't really that clear." And this guy clearly said how vehicles was NO WAY NEAR the current dayz state, so your argument bro, is pretty invalid!
  5. haxborn

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    Who's laughing now?
  6. haxborn

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

  7. Hi, just got myself a new high-end pc. i5 4690k, gtx 970 4gb, etc. I tried to run Far Cry 4, Assassins Creed Unity, World of Warcraft and The Crew, it all ran on ULTRA 1080p with stable 55-60fps. To my surprise, DayZ didnt run stable even on only "high" settings, and still was lagging from times to times. Is there something I do wrong?
  8. haxborn

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Yes but this time most of the crashes has nothing to do with hardware. If it does it's something critical such as "all windows 8 users" or "all nvidia users". Since I see that every time I crash and relog, halv of the server disconnected and I can see how they all pop in again. It can't just be a coincident where me and my friends crashes at the same time, not just once but several times. I'll send a report in "feedback" but I've never got any response from there, and they could make it more responsive. Make a "feedback" thread where you update the most common problems and your theory and solution for them? It would encourage alot of more people to actually give feedback. I guess they are busy designing a new melee weapon since we don't have enough. What about an ingame dildo you could use as a melee weapon, or maybe a chair you can use as a melee weapon, wrestling style. Or spend more time modelling real life persons as ingame characters? Could you please do Gandalf next?
  9. haxborn

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Yes, the problem seems to be server side. Since everytime I freeze, or 9 times out of 10, my character doesn't spawn on the same place, it's about where my character was 10 seconds ago, also when I was on 2nd floor, I respawned downstairs and got the damage as if I fell down the same height. Maybe it's an error while trying to save the character(s)?
  10. haxborn

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    My DayZ crashes once every 30 minutes in average. Somtimes after 10 minutes, sometimes after 1 hour. Anyone else experiencing this!? Really annoying to play :( Usually happends when I'm inside a house or close to a car. Also once it happend inside a house, and when I got in again my character was 10 meters away from the house when a sudden broken leg.. which I had to patch up!! Damn it still hurts.
  11. haxborn

    High-end PC performance

    the i5 was on sale ^^ and the i5 wont bottleneck my pc in years to come.. so why waste money on an i7 while I only use it for gaming/surfing, and not producing/programming? But alright.. thats to bad..
  12. haxborn

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    Yeah well I like to keep my expectations high since they've had over 1 year of alpha testing and I want my cars :( No but seriously, this is the way me and 90% of my 10~ something friends that own this game feels when playing. Game is OK, its Alpha but really fun already. What makes us stop playing is that when we finally spend more than 1 day, is that the end game has no "sub goals". Sure we get fully geared within 3 hours easilly if we're a group of 3-5 people. And then what? We raid an airfield, sometimes there is 1-2 campers which always gets one of us with a sniper, we take him out, hold the area until our friend arrives, then continue walking.. and we always wander around asking eachother, what should we do? It usually ends up in raiding stuff or camping a big city for bandits, but after an hour or so one by one quits the game saying "actually, this sucks, I cant spend hours with the only reward being 1-10 min gunfight. Then wait AGAIN. If there were vehicles in the game we would find one, and fight for it, while some people hunt for parts, it would make the game so much more enjoyable. But well, guess fanboys will be hating again but sure go back to your clown masks, fish gathering (which is so pointless since you can loot food for weeks in 1 small village) and running marathons to move to another area. Im out. In other words, I'm tragically in love with this game.
  13. haxborn

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    exactly.. and thats why a vehicle could be possible within the next or soon to come patches.
  14. haxborn

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    Ehm, like the weight of the object effects its ability to spawn correctly? Or whats your point? OT, I believe they will implent it soon aswell, maybe in the next experimental to keep up the hype and get people buying the alpha as winter approaches. Wouldnt surprise me since they seem very uneven in the way they develop the game. While important parts such as falling out from walls or zombies still being able to run trough objects are present, they still continue to develop items and features which makes the game NO better than it is. I mean how important was the implementation of a cattle pod? or different ways of colouring a weapon? Not complaining, just saying..
  15. haxborn

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    So vehicles wont be added any time soon? Thats a huge let down.. Hunting for vehicles is like the only goal in DayZ, thats why so many people play it, gets full gear, and then stop playing, since there is nothing to go back to. Camping the beach killing new spawns? Running for 1 hour just to get sniped in an airfield and then start all over again? There really should be vehicles so people keeps playing this game. The vehichles would be the current main goal and people would hide them in the woods and guard them while others are getting supples - which results in communities and "gangs" in the game. Right now it's just: eat, shoot, restart. Sure you can sit in the woods around a campfire singing kumbaya, but people grow tired after a couple of hours and wont play again for weeks since there is nothing else to fight for.
  16. haxborn

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Started playing again this week, finally starting to think "oh this game is going the right direction :D" with a big smile. 2 minutes later I fall trough a building and loose my 6 hours of gameplay earned gear due to me falling... trough the freaking floor. And yes I ran back but someone took it all.. I just ran, and suddnely I was dead, I saw the message "your leg is in pain", "your leg is in extreme pain" or something like that and the screen said "you're dead". When I came back I could see myself on the floor outside of the building like I freaking suicided from the windows. I know it was me since I had some minor gear left on my corpse. I mean what the heck, the alpha have been out for almost 1 year now, and you still fall trough the building floor to a certain death while just walking? Not even being close to the walls or anything.. Please stop adding gear no one wants such as electrical sticks and crap like that and put ALL YOUR programmers, designers and developers to fix the current glitches problems instead of adding more and more problems for you to solve.
  17. haxborn

    First Gunfight

    This situations are really exciting. Also 2 people with weapons is much likely to attack you if you're alone, so yeah try to avoid them. Brotip:if you get one of them killed and you're trapped and hurt, go next to the dead player and go prone exactly ontop of him, the second bandit will most likely be like "Aaah, he died, walks up to you and tries to loot you, when you see he's checking the items out from his friend which he thinks is your loot or something (players usually gets confused), blast his dick of.. I can respect the people who acts nice only to lure you to stand still while their friend does a clear headshot only to see them both loot me afterwards, that makes me smile as much as I rage. Although people like you met who doesn't respond makes me so irritated. Servers should have an option saying: Microphone REQUIRED. And players without a mic should be unable to join them. Direct chat such as talking, bonding and negotiating using mic is like 70% what this game is all about, otherwise you could play any other single player game out there and stop ruining this game for others. But yeah, thats just my opinion. If you want another lonewolf to team up with some time, feel free to add my skype: luddeludde1 I play kinda rollplayish and prefer cool looks above actual performance, such as bandana mask/cowboy hat with brown coat and revolver/mosin, instead of having a balistic helmet and MP5. Plays really stealthy and tries to avoid players, unless it means saving fresh spawns that you can tell is nice or if I got a really nice opportunity to take someone out that would benefit me, I would do it.. I mean comeon, it's all about surviving huh? Usually I try to talk sense to people first, but yeah I notice this community gets worse every day so soon I'll probably stop checking if people are nice or not before I end them with my sniper.
  18. haxborn

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Perfect, I'll try it out. There isnt really much settings I've edited, only some graphics and a couple of keybindings, which I'll "re-do" in 2 minutes or so. Also I'm running "game booster" and that helps a bit. Thankxzxzx
  19. haxborn

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    +1. You sir, have my beans. Perfect response. I will experiment some when I get home with startup parameters and anti aliasing. Although shouldnt my extreads be =3? Since it stands for "extra threads" and since the game already runs on 1, i can only have 3 extra more? Although im not sure of this. At the moment I've already edited some in my config such as 3d performance and viewdistance etc, although I can't remember what I've changed. Is there any way to get a fresh unedited config without having to reinstalling DayZ itself? Is it possible to just delete the config and the game will create a new default one?
  20. haxborn

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hi. Im playing again with stable FPS but I want help to increase my graphics so the game doesn't look like a fps from the 90's. Anyone good that can give me tips on what to increase and/or decrease to keep graphics acceptable while still having a stable FPS. Currently I got 30-50 FPS in the wildernes and 15-25 in the cities, and got some drops here and there where i get 10~ fos for 3 seconds then falls back to my stable 30~ Currently I got 1600x900. Graphics card: Auto, high, high. Rest is the lowest possible/disabled. Could I increase anti aliasing? shadows? What makes the game look so shit? When I decrease shadows, clouds and terraindetail etc i barely see any difference. The "objects detail" probably should keep low since that increased my fps alot. My specs are: Phenom II x4 3.2ghz Radeon HD 5770 8GB RAM SSD: NO Does startup parameters such as exthreads=4 help much? Could try when I get home, but I bet there is some smart dude that knows whats best for me here, and yes, you will get all my beans for helping.
  21. haxborn

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    How about the devs balance the loot some more, instead of having military loot at a few locations and the rest UBER rare to find anything usefull you even it all out. It should be the same spawnrate almost everywhere, that doesnt mean you find a ballistic helmet, first aid kit and m4 in a farm, i mean you should find axes, snipers and magnums at farms etc, while m4, the handgun and other items spawns as frequent in the military bases.
  22. I'll start of by saying, I'm not a fanboy, I did not play the mod nor checked every little detail about this game during development, although I partly followed it's progress so I was kind of excited about it. When I started playing, at one point of view I got excited, I thought about the infinite possibilities of what could happend when I was playing, I was a rookie and did not know the map or "tricks" to this game yet. Although the game felt a little dull, but I still had my hopes up. My first player encounter was a friendly guy who tought me where to look for items and the controls, I was really impressed about how I could hear him saying: Hey, bro?? from far away, as he came closer, his voice increased. It felt so freaking scripted, I could even see his MOUTH MOVING. That was a big plus. I played on and eventually got killed by a bunch of bandits with guns, although I had only a baseball bat and struggled to survive. Well that was one of many encounters. IF TL:DR START HERE: But the thing that makes this game the best is these two experiences: I just found my first weapon ever, never been so hyped or scared of dying before, I saw an small airfield, close to the sea. Headed to the big buildings by the hangars, as I approached I could hear voiced from inside. I mean comeon? How f*cking cool is this. I could hear weak voices from inside, planning where to go. I didn't know what to do. Do I hide and wait, or try to team up, or kill them? I decided to wait. Later on I heard them saying: lets go kill someone. So I raised my m4 and waited by the door. As they step out I said, hey guys, I'm friendly (all on instinct). I could see them raise their axes and rush towards me like zombies themselves, so I emptied my mag and both went down. My heart pumped like never before from playing a game. As I looted them I got shot by a sniper, one shot one kill. Still awesome though. The second experience: I met a friend a couple of minutes after I spawned, we teamed up to look for food and water together so we could share it all. Became real f*cking bros. :) I said that we could go more north to find better loot and items, he though that was a great idea, although we were both new and had no idea where to go. We followed the roads north and found something that looked like a military base. It was night now and we were kind of paranoid. We decided not to go in the main door, if there were bandits, they would easily spot us. We went around the wall and found a broken part. All of a sudden my friend THREW him self on the ground. I did the same as quick as I could, that was when I also saw it, 4-5 flashlights searching the base. He started to whisper, lets go in this house to take cover. We crawled all the way hoping they wouldnt go inside the same house as us. We made it and searched the house, when all of a sudden, we could hear voices and flashlights approatching. We got panic and said, lets be quiet and go to the roof. The bandits were now searching the very building we were in, all we had was axes and 1 handgun with about 5 bullets, wouldn't be enough since they looked armed. They came closer and closer to the roof, so I whispered: lets climb down this ladder to sneak away unseen. So we did, when we got down and though we were alright is when hell broke loose. Gunshots, alot. RUN!! We ran like crazy and avoided bullets. I got hit once but it wasn't lethal. We saw them running towards us from behind, 5 guys with guns and flashlights. We though that if we get out in the open, they would gun us down, so we made a last stand in a building. We waited inside one of these barracks and they said: get out or we'll kill u both, u can join us. But we didn't believe them, and we were now typing on steam since it made no sound ingame and we could talk private. The bandits eventually rushed the building and we got one of them down but both died. This is why this game has already been the most awesome game experience I've ever had, Inspite the games flaws and bugs which makes the game way worse than it could be, it got amazing potential. I hope rocket hears this :) Regards
  23. As other forum member with christmas spirit and wierd way to asslick people to get rep: Hi and welcome As the real major DayZ community who doesn't lurk in forums will greet you ingame: GTFO NEWFAG! Boom, headshot.
  24. haxborn

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Bro, I'm sorry for being unclear, I know it does, my question was: is it SUPPOSE to spawn randomly or on server restart? Is it a bug? Or is this the way it's suppose to be? I hope not.
  25. haxborn

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Is items suppose to spawn randomly, or only when the server restarts?