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About grandpa_smuckers

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  1. grandpa_smuckers

    DayZ - ACE (No CoD Kiddie Comments)

    or they should just add perks like in mw3 so you could use marathon pro and sprint and everyone should spawn with a dirtbike or add knifing so we can have commando perk and add tactical knife
  2. grandpa_smuckers

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    what's so wrong with kamenka? there's a slew of deerstands i love to loot.
  3. grandpa_smuckers

    New Website!

    Looks wonderful. The new logo is fantastic. Only qualm is that on the main page during the slideshow of photos it is blatantly obvious that the same "oldness" effect was used on each picture, but to make matters worse it was simply flipped 90 degrees each time. C'mon guys, step it up.
  4. grandpa_smuckers


    good idea, slightly familiar.
  5. grandpa_smuckers

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    I think it might have been somewhere on here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urination
  6. grandpa_smuckers

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    Those figures were based off of an average I had found on the internet. I think it is safe to say that peeing is more socially acceptable. Honestly, I would love to see fecal matter ingame. I think that the likelihood of that happening versus urine is highly unlikely.
  7. grandpa_smuckers

    People Are Food Too: A Case for Cannibalism!

    I love the idea of cannibalism! I was looking to see if anyone else had made a thread on here about, I was about to make one myself! I think it could add immense amounts of eeriness to the game, which can be a great thing. For example you and your party are all starving, who is the weakest link? You would be trading your morality of course. I would love to see this implemented as well as being able to identify the cause of death on bodies. Imagine if you were walking and came across a dead body that read something along the lines of, "Eaten alive. Not by zombies...". Your next set of decisions would be completely different hadn't you seen that. I am all for cannibalism!
  8. grandpa_smuckers

    Restraining of Players

    I completely agree with Hesher. I could not have said that any better.
  9. grandpa_smuckers


    I think that being able to see every player's humanity would take away from the suspense of not knowing who to trust. I realize it is unlikely for you to look up every single person you meet, but if someone is a devious trickster and likes to say they are nice just to get you into the woods and murder you, said player would no longer be able to fulfill this RP dream. Perhaps you could choose whether or not you want to display your humanity on the leader boards? Well, then again, it would seem very suspicious for those that chose not to. I don't know. Very though provoking post, Darkbud.
  10. grandpa_smuckers

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

  11. grandpa_smuckers

    Interesting new element to insert:Fatigue

    I strongly support this idea. I think it would be very interesting to have some kind of calorie level that you must be aware of. The actual numerical value of calories shouldn't be visible to the player, much like you can't see a number the more you get tired in real life, you are just getting tired. This would cause the player to be much more strategic when making survival decisions, knowing that they must conserve energy in the event of a zombie encounter.
  12. grandpa_smuckers

    NPC survivors to encourage teamwork?

    Personally, I don't see a need for this. What attracts me most to DayZ is the feeling of helplessness. You have no goal other than survival. I also find it much more rewarding and find myself more immersed when I come across a player and it appears they need help. At this point I am struggling morally with myself, I can save them from the horde/bandits pursuing them and risk my life trusting them, or walk away knowing that the survivor loses it all. These kinds of decisions are what makes the game so powerful. You don't get these kinds of feelings when you are working with NPCs. Also couldn't you just shoot the NPCs and take their supplies rather than pointlessly helping them?
  13. grandpa_smuckers

    Zombies with guns

    The zombies in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. could operate the weaponry. I think it would be great if the ones in DayZ could not. It would, however, be very interesting to find some wearing combat armor (more difficult to take down) or simply wielding weapons. I guess whether or not the zombies could use guns would depend on how the zombies came to be, which, to the best of my knowledge, is unknown.