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About DocHoman

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Long Island
  1. DocHoman

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Honestly if the graphics really bother you that much this early in...are you really a fan of what DayZ is meant to be? True fans of the dayz survival experience excuse its faults for the overall enjoyment of being able to play out the tension of a zombie survival scenario. This game is now going to be CONSTANTLY patched and tweaked and updated for the rest of its life, and it can only get better.
  2. DocHoman

    idea with eating food

    I wish there was a little more of a definite way to roughly how hungry or thirsty you are. Am I one can of beans hungry or half a can of tuna hungry?
  3. DocHoman

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas! We must have a bean feast!
  4. DocHoman

    Server Hop Solution: Lock to server

    Its just frustrating when this game is designed to be difficult and that finding good loot should be an "ohhh yeaah" moment because its a rare event, that people can just do the server dance and loot the airfield until they are full to the gills on army gear and weapons. That leaves NO challenge or sense of accomplishment at all.
  5. DocHoman

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Just want to send congrats to Dean and the entire DayZ team for taking the big step into open Alpha. Now it falls to all of us to be their eyes and ears and guinea pigs to smooth out the wrinkles and make this game the best it can be. Can't wait to see the new updates, but I would definitely like to see zombies being flushed out and solidified as a true threat rather than just an occasional annoyance.
  6. I expect quite a bit of heat for yet another suggestion on fixing the server hopping nightmare, but here it goes. Why don't we take a page out of the play books of many other MMOs and have our character locked to one server unless we want to maybe pay a small transaction fee or make a brand new character for the new server? World of Warcraft and The Old Republic being just two easy examples of this, do not have issues with people server hopping to farm materials. Let me know what you all think, I am excited to see DayZ in the next step towards maturing into its full potential and it just bothers me to know how other would exploit freedom to make their game easier but other people's harder.