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About dmarkwick

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  1. dmarkwick

    Favorite DayZ map and why?

    I think Sahrani would make a good map. Spawn on the southern peninsula (South Sahrani) and you have to run the gauntlet of Corazol before exploring the lush lands of Sahrani main :)
  2. dmarkwick

    Anyone else experienced this?

    Emergent gameplay. This whole mod is an exercise in it :)
  3. dmarkwick

    More maps?

    I know DayZ's attraaction is one of relative simplicity (as far as ArmA2 goes anyway), you have the game, the mod, the patch and you're good to go. But, I think Sahrani would be a GREAT map for DayZ gameplay. Have everyone spawn on the south coast of the Southern Sahrani landmass, and have Corazol as a sort of gauntlet for players to run to enjoy the rest of the landmass.
  4. dmarkwick

    WTF agro bat man

    Rocket fanboy = anybody who understands the concept of alpha trial? Guess that's me then :) Rest of you = entitlement whiners. Leave feedback not rage.
  5. Alright' date=' fine! Point 1: He didn't actually get the essence of the problem here. YES the fucking beta works with Steam. It's the convoluted chore of getting it working and the potential issues down the line that bring out the problem here.[/quote'] Beta just.... installs right? Then you start the game & play the beta? Actually yes it IS an argument. It's beta, and that means it's experimental, unfinished and in testing. If you don't like some changes, you get to say so. Nothing wrong with that process so far. Your misunderstanding is that you're demanding the same gameplay as before and bemoaning the changes as though it's a finished game, I cannot express enough how wrong this view is. It makes you sound frankly terminally entitled. Did you even see where people agree with you? Your so wound up you cannot see what's going on in your own thread :) Most people are ridiculing you for being immature. Some people (including me) agree with you but cannot take the thread itself seriously because of your shortcomings. And everyone who might disagree isn't a mindless fanboy, that's a straw man argument where you simply get to ignore valid points.
  6. Points 1 and 3 are perfectly valid. You inability to respond to them reveals you don't actually WANT or appreciate responses.
  7. dmarkwick

    Found Crashed Heli, no loot. what?

    My guess would be unlucky :) Perhaps there is the small possibility that spawned heli crash sites have no loot at all. Just one of those things?
  8. You are VASTLY misinformed. A decent, professional response always gets read & assessed. This, will not.
  9. You VASTLY have misinformed opinions. A decent, professional response gets read & assessed. This, does not.
  10. Increased zombie awareness. I'm not a great player, and for people who aren't great players it's a little tough. I can avoid player-trouble, it's the zombies that give me trouble. I suggest having more aware zombies the further north you go :) Purely a gameplay mechanic that one.
  11. What a wonderful human being :) I think you fail to understand what's going on in a beta trial. And, you take playing the game FAR too seriously. A beta game at that. It's baffling how someone can have so little in their lives that this sort of thing becomes important enough to reveal to the world all their personality flaws :)
  12. Yes. It simulates body language & other cues. Realsims isn't always about exact simulation, it's about reasonable analogs.