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Hand Soloz

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Everything posted by Hand Soloz

  1. Hand Soloz

    Okay here's the problem : Gear Hoarding

    Cant really hoard gear, the backpacks and clothing have a limited amount of space, once it's filled then your done until you either consume or use the items...
  2. Hand Soloz

    day/night cycle

    Not too many "real world" places that have 12/12 day/night cycle, maybe if you live at the north/south pole? Or maybe the world shifted it's axis during the apocalypse and now every day is an equinox...
  3. Hand Soloz

    day/night cycle

    Flashlights make great target indicators IMO
  4. Hand Soloz

    day/night cycle

    I'd like to know where the time is based from, If I log into a server hosted in St. Louis MO USA @ 1:00 am it is just getting light outside, I dont mind the 12/12 day night cycle but cant we get it regionally based by the hosting servers time zone? I hate having to log into a server in Chille to get daytime during my playable hours and suffer horrific ping times. Just joined a New York hosted server and it's daytime while Chicago/St Louis is pitch black darkness.
  5. Hand Soloz

    The Slave/Quest method

    People that use terms like noob, scrub, herp derp, YoloSwag etc are noobs