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Everything posted by hunterkilla

  1. Go find a bike and ride all over the map ringing the bell and seeing what you come up against. Find crashed helis... watch how many people find it and see if you could nail them become a hero and shoot zeds of people who are bleeding and running ( start out from a distance and work upto close combat ) unload your pack and fill it just with medical supplies and go into cherno announcing the doctor is in ( yes this will probably get you killed v quickly ) go killing animals and cooking the meat, then go load other peoples tents with food as a survivor santa put your mic on and in the direct channel run through a town asking if anyone wants assistance, start in a smaller town and if you r balls are big go into elektro hide in a deer stand or barn, when people walk in go on mic and go "BOOO" be prepered to be shot or shoot them... become a bounty hunter, go to the coast and find the new survivors, offer to "take out the man" for the price of 1 can of beans whistle the A team tune and see how much fun the game becomes.. sing the muppet song " manamana" on global voice and see if other join in I Could go on... you get the idea... no endgame, make your own
  2. hunterkilla

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    You sir can mug me anytime. its player like this that give bandits a good name and also makes the game so much more interesting, im tempted to try this style of gameplay as it adds so much more rather than just bang bang
  3. hunterkilla

    Need Dayz Partner/Partners

    UK player with mic, skype and TS2. Been playing Dayz for a while know and can find my way around and dont have a problem getting kitted out ( although not keen on going to NW airport alone ) and happy to be a survivor or a bandit, although if a bandit would like to either rob people or mix it up and not just shoot unarmed players from 500m.
  4. hunterkilla

    lokking for one-3 people to group with =D

    Whats your timezone
  5. hunterkilla

    Looking for some fun players!

    Yeah I hate getting it from behind too Count me in
  6. hunterkilla

    Need a partner for general play!

    Love to find another player to survive with, 2 is always safer than 1 what timezone you in? Im GMT and I have skype an TS
  7. hunterkilla

    3 fellers looking to bandit hunt

    what timezone you on as would love to go bandit hunting in cherno....
  8. hunterkilla

    How big of a dick am I?

    awww i want to meet the bandit fairy and get a nice SUV.... all I rolled around on is a bike ( although laughed my arse off riding through cherno tinkling that bell at passing bandits... )
  9. hunterkilla

    How big of a dick am I?

    Actually I would consider a bandit someone who robs the person and maybe does it with menacing rather than going " Oh its not a teammate" and then shooting... thats either murder or clumsy play ;)
  10. hunterkilla

    Clearing out zombies - crash site

    I did the crawling in whilst my balls dragged on the grass, got to the first heli and nothing, got to second whilst dodging Zs and then gunshot pinged all around so I had to get the hellof out dodge. Fun but heart was racing. So to the OP, scan the hills first
  11. hunterkilla

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    Thisis the thing, we need to call bandits bandits and anyone who just shoots on sight from afar murderers...Make the badge of being called a bandit something to be proud of ( although the game mechanics need to change to allow people that freedom )
  12. hunterkilla

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    I dont think we should discourage any sort of playstyle, you will always have the shoot on sight players and we should have them. What I think ( and what I would like ) is to remove the glitches and problems so people cant disconnect so players can try other styles like robbing people and leaving them alive ( but maybe a dry slap to make your exit safer )
  13. hunterkilla

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    I actually had a situation after I spawned where a bandit on voice told me to leave all my stuff and get out, unluckily for him I had no stuff so I told him no and he either shot me or let me walk. I walked and no shots fired. THAT was such an intense moment and made the game for me. I would love to see more of this but at the moment its not safe to do as you get people DC or just shoot on sight and take the stuff... make it worthwhile robbing someone compared to shooting and looting
  14. hunterkilla

    How big of a dick am I?

    so the person walked near / along with you and didnt shoot so when you realise it wasnt a team mate you just shot them even though they could have killed you beforehand..... more proof that people dont think enough in this game and just shoot
  15. hunterkilla

    How big of a dick am I?

    and a female one.....
  16. hunterkilla

    Dog tags on survivors?

    I like the idea of a journal or even the dogtags, maybe a way you have to view it so its not always onscreen. I know i saw a clip with rocket saying he wanted to remove the hud so this would do it. I also love the idea of a journal you could update as you play and imagine finding someones journal after you kill them and realise they were a friendly who helped others, how much of a douche would you feel ( well most bandits/players wouldnt care )
  17. hunterkilla

    How big of a dick am I?

    Player sees other player, thinks its a team mate, realises mistake and shoots... erm this is worth reading because?
  18. hunterkilla

    Where do you log off?

    I try to logoff somewhere safe so if its out in the open/forest I end up in a tree to lay down for the night. if its in the city and I havent the time to get out of the city, outside of a building usually in a corner hidden away, worse case in the building itself as I dont have time and need to log quickly but v aware I could get shot on login
  19. Dammit I just spent an hour riding around cherno tinklin my bike bell and if I had realised I could trade up.... Seems other players think the bell is a sound to start shooting at you
  20. we have that already, its called COD on an XBOX
  21. enable LOS for players so if someone is behind a wall, no noise...
  22. I do agree, the ratio of friendly encounters when the bandit skin was enabled was 50/50 and since then its gone way down, the only time I have a friendly encounter is when I am in cherno or elektro with no weapon or they have no weapon otherwise BOOM good night even then I still get shot more times than not even unarmed
  23. hunterkilla

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    I find at least 50-60% of the time you will get no reply either on txt or voice. I often say "friendly" and if no reply then warn them if I get no reply I will consider them hostile... often you will get a " im friendly " reply as they realise its safer to say that than nothing. if not you either shoot them or watch them to see how they react.... Shame it doesnt default to direct communications.
  24. hunterkilla

    uuughhh fiddlesticks! (matches)

    Supermarkets are a good one, also the pub buildings on the corners in cherno etc or just keep looking, went for ages without finding a single pack and now I can find them each life. Once you got matches and a nice sized pack, get the hell out of dodge and live of the land for a while.