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Everything posted by hunterkilla

  1. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    Due to keeping most of the topics safe from anyone just viewing we request they sign up to the forum. It was set to send me an email and then I would approve it straight away, I have now set it to auto but if it gets abused I will have to turn it back to admin approval.
  2. How do you define remotely friendly.... most people I come up against in game either say nothing and just stand around or crouch walk around so they could be considered a threat or they go on mic saying friendly... but then 50%+ of those might just shoot you anyway. Me.... I try to observe from a distance, watch how they play and wht they do and decide if they are dangerous to me... if close up and stumble across them. I am always ready to shoot and now i never turn my back on them or remove my cross hairs until they answer or show some level of being friendly.
  3. hunterkilla

    New player, always running into snipers.

    I would also suggest going on lo pop servers for a while, less chance of hackers and even snipers as they prefer to come across people than sit in an almost empty server with no one else around. Get used to the game, gearing up etc. Also go look for spots you think would be an ideal sniper spot. Look what you can see and then work out the places that are in the kill zone. Like in elektro on the hill, its a snipers heaven. So the in the firestation is very dangerous but behind the firestation is hidden. Learn to also hide in corners if you need to check a map or drink and never check your map standing or even crouched.. go prone.. I got killed by a sniper in zelengorsk as I checked the map whilst crouched and boom, dead.. taught me to be more careful. Also when going from place to place, don't take the quickest route, thats usually across country and so easy to spot a player from a distance doing that. Go zigzagging through the trees and taking the safest route. I watched 2 players who were new spawns an they ran across country and along the coast and I followed them for along time and could have killed them anytime had I so wished.
  4. hunterkilla

    Using the axe/hatchet

    Also a tip I read on here once, when aiming with the hatchet always get the circle over the zombies head for a one hit hill, aim too low and will take couple also get used to the timing of your swing, too early and miss... I had a great time in cherno yesterday, had the hatchet and just went around silent killing zombies.. Also followed a player who had 10 zombies chasing them and took out a few for him.
  5. hunterkilla

    what do you like busy or none?

    I prefer high pop servers as more chance of interaction, good or bad. The only thing is due to amount of hackers, I find hi pop servers usually have one or two on and any time I go to a pretty full server I end up having to log due to thunderdome or other such rubbish..... when standalone is out will probably go hi pop most times
  6. hunterkilla

    Be wary of helicopter crash sites

    I find as long as no zombies already spawned ( ie other players near ) then let them walk away a bit, sneak in, take your time to loot and then run away. Sure you will then aggro them but know where the nearest tree line is and you can lose them easily. I find I am often full of kit so have to decide what to drop based on whats at the spawn site. I dont want to rush and lose a decent gun due to glitches etc I find the worst thing at heli sites.... other players laying in wait... my first heli site I sneaked into the first one, was looting it then sshots fired over my head, ran away to live another day...... and have died a few times to snipers
  7. hunterkilla

    Spoiled Meat???

    It is a nice idea, maybe allow some time before it starts to go bad and then if you cook it before then you can eat it and not get ill. Or the longer you leave it the more it affects you, slower running. feeling sick etc temperature rising
  8. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    For those who havent got teamspeak yet, can wholly recommend installing it, its free and means you can join us in game to chat, direct channel is way too small a range and trying to meet other players in the game without Teamspeak is alot harder..
  9. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    I think you joined the fogeyz site, your now a member so go back in and you will see the details, also its on this thread back near the beginning
  10. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    I have changed my profile name to have [old] in front so if we play on a nametag server anytime its easier to spot us.. I have also donned the large aviator glasses and have a dark skin now.... so if we all have similar looks it will be easier to know who is on our team or not... less shooting people in the backside or letting strangers amongst us
  11. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    I agree all good ideas and yes the main thing is we all enjoy it, no point if people are going " right im standing here doing nothing and being told what to do on comms and im bored..." maybe set missions that you have to be on the ball and maybe sometimes a campfire time or a time we can just run around and not have to worry too muc about missions and if we die we die...
  12. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    So I think maybe start on nametag servers, all setup a tag at the front of the name ie [old] or something and all decide on a look, maybe the black guy as most people have the default looks so less chance of someone being mistaken for one of us... then if someone does try to walk in and steal a truck or just appears nearby... keep it simple on comms... all prone... foe.... engage...
  13. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    Angel knight, spot on I think part of the problem has been we are traveling in much larger groups ie 6-11 people and all look different and then we have trouble knowing who is who and when someone walks in and steals a truck we can't notice it due to too many people in one place and no name tags or visible identical clothing... Maybe we should keep it to smaller groups for now ie 3-5 people when doing set tasks... I also think maybe a few of us starting as fresh spawns and going to cherno to gear up together... I have learnt how to gear up in 30 mins and head north and by doing this together a few times in small teams we will see who likes what role or how each of us can work better and it puts us at more of a risk than running through fields but we will be new spawns so won't matter if hacked or killed so much
  14. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    get well soon and come join us for a game
  15. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    I had a thermal gun and saw nothing except for the pig, I was sweeping all the trees lines and got nothing.Everytime i got a muzzle flash I would re-aim and still saw nothing...as Isay if he was laying in wait for anyone and he got us fair and square then fair play, he did really well. However he was only other player on with us and was laying in the spot we stopped at in the whole map, then shot us all and he got me whilst i was running and zagging at a distance which is hard.... and couldnt spot him on thermal and he waited till we went back to the truck when we were all standing around alot before then... hacker.. maybe ....
  16. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    We have a bus! hidden away awaiting fuel
  17. hunterkilla

    DayZ - The result after 4 month

    They have ruined the game, or at least made it hard going at times as you don't want to lose your gear for a new spawn just going into god mode or thunderdoming you. However the mod has allowed Rocket to push forwards with the standalone and once thats out the hacker issue will be alot less ( not gone, just less ) and that should allow much more fun and rewarding play as you will know your death was due to you doing something wrong or another playing getting the drop on you
  18. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    I have put a forum on www.fogeyz.co.uk and anyone is welcome to join up and post..... trying to add a chat box so its easier for us to pass information without alerting hackers we are on... for instance someone could have read this thread, knew we went onto 180, saw lots of FOG or OLD in the names and known it was us.... or we were just dang unlucky
  19. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    Well the fact it was 11-15 of us and one other player and they were in the exact spot we where makes you wonder... but we could have also played better as he wasnt spawning stuff or usual hacking.... as to time we play, alot more of us are on throughout the day so you should be able to meet us ingame......
  20. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    Problem is we were having to work out his location and aim for someone prone that we couldnt see, he could see us and take us out in his own time...next time if we have 2-3 on overwatch with thermal and range finders.... then smoke grenade near the truck ( wuold need to test with thermal vision ) and maybe two at the truck firing prone towards him and then overwatch positioning him and either going for the kill or slowly moving around hiding behind trees.. take our time... We just got caught out and hadnt thought out what to do..
  21. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    Was it a fogey stalking her or strangers.....
  22. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    I think we will learn from our mistakes ( 1 other person on the server apart from us, sure they will be at exactly the same spot as us ) and we will start working even better together with overwatch, not dancing at an airfield etc... its going to be half the fun and the other half is someone letting off a gun by mistake and scaring half the team to death going " What was that....omg omg"
  23. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    I wonder if the lady in the barn who had NVGs and seemed to have god mode was spawning a backpack etc.. they didnt make to shoot us but didnt try to avoid us... Its moments like that, that make you wonder if they are hacking etc, surely the point of the game is other player interaction, to be standing sorting your gear out when being shot isnt interaction
  24. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    Total blast tonight.... I think A) if you see a big dead heli... dont all get out and stand watching it... it might be a trap B) make sure one of us logs of for a break and comes back to save the day I think at one time we had 15 fogeys on TS we had 11 in a truck which was a blast to see us driving up north
  25. hunterkilla

    Players 30+ years old

    Yeah I would say wait on getting a server just yet, maybe see what happens with the standalone and also see how we all go and see how many stick with us.... then it could be worthwhile if everyone happy paying out each month