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About Vembumees

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  1. Zombies in this game are too weak, don't understand how u die from one. You outrun the zombies and can pretty much beat them up with your fists. Yesterday my friend was just beating up zombies with just his fists without dieing while I played rocky theme in skype. Maybe I am wrong but the zombies felt as they dealt more damage at the release of SA. Yesterday I was alt tabbed and was beaten by 3 zombies at the time and still survived.
  2. Vembumees

    How do I run from zombies?

    I haven't died from not even one zombie. Just when I bought Dayz I went to change keybinds and saw a button turbo that was unbinded (its the same as double w I think). So I binded it on my mouse button. Now when a zombie starts chasing me, I press that button and run. And wow, I run faster than the slow zombie and after running 100 meters or less the zombie stays behind. Much wow such difficult
  3. Vembumees

    Direct Chat still not working!

    All those 5 dollar horrible microphones with peoples tvs running on the background and baby crying don't break immersion at all.
  4. Vembumees

    Loot distribution is all wrong

    As said before, once they get hordes of zombies in game getting military base etc loot won't be that simple. Just hopefully that stuff will be handled within a month or so, not too long.
  5. Vembumees

    character being wiped randomly as of last patch

    This has happened to me probably like 10 times already from the release (and to most of the people), didnt come with the patch.
  6. Vembumees

    Night time way too dark

    You are supposed to see textures without using flashlight. I can still up my gamma and see everything, except a bunch of textures. I can still detect another player just by shape as well, the difference is that the game looks fugly and gliched this way. I log in right now to a night server and my character is without textures because of no light, same with farther objects. Ground that has no lighting has textures, grass has textures, I don't have textures. Sounds intended. Edit: The pitch black thing might have been my sided tho, deleted my settings files and checked back in and doesnt look like this anymore, might just be that its getting to a morning now tho, 3 hours ago in a night server it looked pretty much like that black night screenshot above, can't find any deep night servers atm to check either, all day/reaching day. we
  7. Vembumees

    Night time way too dark

    Won't give my head for this, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be pitch black. Before you could switch clouds options and have global illumination, which was still very dark with mid gamma, but at least you could see (right now at least I, turn gamma up and see some things just being completely black, which looks rather buggy, but I also messed around with .ini settings earlier so it might just be my sided). As it is without it right now (objects not even showing textures without lightning and just being black) and not seeing anything in the new patch notes, I'd say it is a bug or they are just seeing how the feedback is with total darkness mode.
  8. Vembumees

    Night time way too dark

    If your nights are pitch black you are having the bug with the cloud settings. Try disabling/enabling the cloud quality in video settings. Edit: I guess not, it seems to not work in the new patch. Maybe the nights are supposed to have no small global illumination then (had before).
  9. Think you can get blood yourself as well by using blood bag/syringe on a dead body.
  10. i5 520m 2.4ghz (2 cores) hd5650 (clocks clocked equal to 5850) 4gb ram (~4 years old laptop) Playing on like 1000x800 or whatever resolution (80%), textures etc maxed. Filtering, AA's off. Shadows/post processing on very low. I haven't bothered using fraps, but overall I should have ~30 fps in cities and probably like 60+ in wilderness, I have no stuttering and game works smooth all the time (with 1366 (my max res) I feel the fps drop tho). Overall game runs really smooth in my "I play games 30 fps as long as I can run em max" opinion, except I can't understand how post processing in this game takes away so much fps without really even seemingly doing other than bloom/doh/motion blur (which is only a matter of ~3 fps for me in most games and UDK, unless its dx11 doh)
  11. Vembumees

    What are your BIGGEST issues in the game?

    My biggest issue is lack of vechicles (faster traveling methods), rest are just issues to simply complain about, but can be lived with. Spending 70% of your time just walking from A to B gets rather unfun.
  12. Vembumees


    You spawn in the beach mate, not in your house. Flashlight is only there just because of people not being able to see absolutely anything (and who dont abuse settings/gamma) is simply unfair/bad game experience.
  13. Vembumees

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    1. VECHICLES, VECHICLES, VECHICLES (whatever vechicles to travel with, even at least 1). I won't even get my friends to play this until there are at least some vechicles in this game, considering how much time goes to meeting up. 2. Stable ~100 people servers with respawning loot. Rest of the issues other than #1, I can live with. Spending 70% time running from A to B in those like 25 hours I've already played, has made me rather wait for some kind of vechicle patch.
  14. Vembumees

    [SA] Malus and bonus for humanity

    Yeah, most people won't kill for fun, they'll just kill for food. One less mouth to eat my food! In such an absolute anarchy people would kill on sight just as much as in this game, they would just be more likely to just stab you while you sleep to not take the risk of resistance. In my opinion rather than a system to promote co-op, there should be different type of servers with different rulesets (doesn't need to be forced, just to get likeminded players together), like in mmorpg's (PvE/RP/PvP).
  15. Vembumees

    Items you want to see in the SA

    Cigarettes (could somehow be a currency?) Bows (would be nice if you could craft one rather easily, than find them) Glass/Cups to share drinks (or even use empty cans etc) Traps