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Everything posted by Banicks

  1. Why are you so angry about vehicles being hoarded? If a group of individuals has the capability to locate, repair and maintain vehicles they have every right to hoard them in locations, as long as they're on-map. Power to them. Im pretty sure off map vehicles do respawn...dont quote me though, I just seem to remember a notation of that a 1.7.# patch ago, along with a complete tent and vehicle reset via hive.
  2. I'd say to whomever feeds them intel, if it's a camp, raid it first and get the items you want. Then there really isn't any need to feed intel to get items you want. If the raid holds no items for you, then you give the info and get your items.
  3. Welcome to the physics of Arma 2. Sometimes you will break legs entering or exiting a door.
  4. This is the 3rd case I've heard of. Whether the friend exists or not, we don't know. None of us have the facts at hand. Leave it in BE's hands, surely the amount of emails they will receive within a short period of time would begin an investigation of the facts. Regardless of people who share the OP's attitude. It will be a period of time before anything happens no doubt, so be patient if you've been banned, and probably avoid playing until an official announcement is made.
  5. Banicks

    NW Airfield

    NWA is the only place with a permanent chance of NVGs, there is the chance of finding them in the 2 barracks. The only other place that offers a chance of NVGs is crashed heli which is random. Additionally, whilst hunting for NVGs at NWA you have a good chance of high end military loot in the barracks, hangers, air tower and fire station. Naturally, bandits will camp this location and you will most likely bump into other players doing the same thing. Other players will be in the same situation as you, peaked and most likely will KoS. NWA is basically the wild west of DayZ. High conflict point, unless you have a group or the server population is zero, is not really worth it. I prefer to hunt for bandit camps and raid tents. Perhaps one day I'll raid a tent with NVGs and I will have only been to NWA perhaps a hand full off times. Ultimately though the majority of players manage well enough without the aid of NVGs, I'd recommend hunting for what you need in less populated towns and hitting up NEA (north-east airfield), no barracks there but there is an airtower and hangers.
  6. Banicks

    M4A1 HOLO or M4 CCO SD ?

    SD. Silenced weapons are great, and the M4 CCO SD is probably the best silenced weapon in game.
  7. According to the majority of players claiming to be globally banned, they have not scripted or hacked. Naturally this is the internet and statements of fact need to be taken with a grain of salt. BE will have alot of investigating to do come checking their tickets tomorrow. The actual cause of global bans is yet to be pinpointed, your input is very useful however, thankyou.
  8. If they're illegitamately banning players they're effectively preventing a game from being played, and that game has a monetary value. $30 might be little to some, but to others it is alot, and BE can't just wash their hands of it if it moves toward class action. That said, no actual proof at this point in time can be given to effectively say why these global bans are occuring or if they are in fact legitimate bans.
  9. Banicks

    I found a Radio

    It was already released on DayZ wiki a while ago that the radio annouces the location of deer stands in morse code as well as a short message.
  10. Banicks

    Day Z Urban Legends

    NVGs in Deer Stands. Biggest urban legend around.
  11. If this is common knowledge for the community, why the hell aren't BattlEye aware of it - this is supposed to be their job! (rhetorical question)
  12. Banicks

    What should I do?

    2 week character with DMR and PDW, made a last stand taking out as many Zombies as I could in Berezino. Took out about 200 zombies or so before I ran out of ammo and became cornered. Good fun and feels like a proper last stand.
  13. Banicks

    Is it just me or...

    It's a random luck thing. Just not lucky I suppose. True, I don't like to gamma 'hack'. Prefer to keep it as realistic as I can.
  14. Link doesn't work for me.
  15. Banicks

    Lee Enfield, Yay or Nay?

    Nay, it will draw more zombies with each shot, and you won't have enough ammo. I fired a shot with it and I'd say pulled a Z from 100m away.
  16. Banicks

    Found an M14 AIM, how rare are they?

    Nice one, I found one at a crashed heli. FYI it uses the DMR ammo, so if you find a DMR its a great combo for long range sniping and mid range combat.
  17. Banicks

    Team Size?

    13, wow is does sound like a headache. I played solo for the first 4 months or so, finally convinced a friend to play and just starting out it's a bit of a hassle with the need to find food etc.
  18. The hacker tool intercepts BattlEye I hear, bypassing it and allwong the hacker to do whatever. I wonder if it is the hackers globally banning legit players or something else.
  19. Banicks

    Loot Glitch / texture problem

    It is either an ingame issue or a gcard driver problem. Make sure your gcard driver is the latest, if the problem still persists there is an ongoing issue experienced by all players lately. So much that a friend I play with occaisionally will experience the same sort of artifacting at the same time, same direction etc. Looks like the devs are onto it, so I expect the next patch to resolve it.
  20. Dingus what patch and beta are you running? Just hoping that this isn't going to turn into a pass the buck situation where BI will say it's a BE situation, and/or vice versa. Lord knows if it gets bad it may even end up in DayZ Development's lap. (Used to work in IT and know the pass the buck game)
  21. Could be this. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65572-global-bans-for-legit-players/ Apparently beta 95777 is causing legit players to be global banned.
  22. Banicks

    Is it just me or...

    Good for you. OP it can just be luck. Sometimes servers are camped by groups of people who hunt and collect vehicles then horde them in secret locations. This would lead to the belief there are no vehicles. It's also quite easy to miss vehicles, I was passing one in a town once and had no idea it was a vehicle because it was rusted out and looked like a bombed car. I could get in it but red engine and no wheels meant it was going nowhere. As for crashed helis, I've been playing for 4 months or so and only found 3. It is possible to walk right by them if you're not paying attention though, especially at night.
  23. NVGs are fine. However flares need to be able to ruin the vision much more effectively. NVGs have no weakness currently.
  24. Naturally if it's going to be US$30, it will mean $90 Australian, $110 NZ. However seeing as Rocket is a NZ native, I'm hoping he will make an effort to see this pricing remain even in oceanic regions. That said, he stated long ago that he is not a fan of F2P (free-to-play), and I expect that the easiest way to remove long load times, hive issues and so on would be to create MMO servers much like World of Warcraft. This removes the hacker issue or at the very least limits it greatly, protects loot tables, reduces load times and increases the number players per server. As a standalone game it may even mean a larger custom map or, dare I say, a real-life Earth map spawning us in our country of origin. That latter part is highly unlikely due to the amount of detail necessary. Any part of that would be a low entry retail box ($30), but ongoing monthly P2P (pay-to-play) fees. Makes sense to me IMO.