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Everything posted by Banicks

  1. Banicks

    Unlootable downed choppers

    I don't think you are supposed to get into a crashed chopper. I found one randomly andwas concerned that it was broken for 10 minutes, then came across an M14 AIM outside it on the ground. It drops the loot around it in 4 segments about 1-2 meters away from the sides. Difficulty to see in night time especially with the beta gamma changes, you'd practically need a flashlight to even spot a downed chopper. IMO choppers need events ie: you hear it/see it, crash, orange glow of fire in the area it downed. Would cause mini fights over the possible loot.
  2. Banicks

    No Weapon = Crapshoot

    It is a matter of luck whether you even aggro though. If you're in one of the coastal towns that is a 30 minute walk away from cherno or elektro there is precious little you can do to avoid the zeds, if you aggro you sprint for trees or around the town and 9 times out of 10 the zeds seem to get stuck in what limited buildings are lootable, basically forcing your hand towards one of the larger towns. By the time you get there, if you were even lucky enough to not lose blood, you urgently need food and drink which is quite rare to locate. Spent the better part of 3 hours trying to understand the zed behaviour and it is at a loss to me right now, the wall/attack thing that was supposedly fixed doesnt appear to be. I've managed to aggro most of the time a zombie through a building leaving me at a loss as to where I'm going wrong. I think stealth is out the window now, aggro a bunch running through a place, run out to a corner of the town/forrest and try to lose them, then head back in? Don't make sense to me. The learning curve for a brand new player to this game is going to be frustrating.
  3. Banicks

    Hands up if the game is too Easy.

    You blokes need to start fresh without a pistol, it is hardmode. I've been playing for 3 weeks prior to this latest release and the zeds are capable of seeing through walls and hitting from a house away, which almost 9 times out of 10 incurs bleeding. It's a bit OP at the moment and as I stated in rockets idea about starting without a pistol, the stealth system needs to be implemented and worked BEFORE the starter pistol goes. I knew this would happen if the stealth system wasnt working, which is isnt. Zeds will only lose sight of me after I've run into a building or around a few then into a building. One has to run, because if you crouch run, bang bleeding, and you have precious little time to stop it. I'm sitting on 4k blood after 10 minutes of sneaking, and I wasn't taking any risks. The crouching system has a pip more sight for zeds, but no noise. Crouching has a pip sight when it had none previously. All the times ive managed to aggro have been through a wall for some reason, no noise or any indication that the zed was there, just a single zed bolting around the corner at me! Needs some refinement, and until the stealth is worked properly, please bring back the pistol for now rocket.
  4. Banicks

    What to do once you have all your stuff

    I managed to get everything except nvgs and it just wasn't worth the risk. You don't need nvgs critically unless you're planning to kill survivors out of boredom, or kill bandits. I lived up north near a dam for 3 days RL hunting animals and it was clear that if you want to get on the leaderboard for longest alive (when it goes live), that is what to do. But it was so, boring. The aspect of this game really is rinse and repeat trying to clear towns to find and kit out, it really, really needs a pve aspect with some risk/reward in it. I ended up heading to cherno north and popping all the newbies as they came towards the fire station, ended up raking in around 20 kills before I got really bored and reset to begin again. It's just ironic that when you finally have your nvgs which you would find useful when trying to locate your kit, you end up not really needing them and killing others from the advantage it gives you and out of utter boredom. Perhaps the secret is to try and find a bandit crew, but im yet to find a decent one.
  5. Banicks


    It's a new idea that Rocket asked the community about and majority wanted to spawn without a weapon. I think it may have been a bit of a mistake to combine it with the 1.7.1 patch when so many other issues came with it, just increasing the difficulty for completely new players. But bear with it, because the devs are reverting some updates and fixing others. It's just a bit of bad timing at the moment. Be patient!
  6. I receive the 'Retrying to Authenticate' message whenever I attempt to connect to an Australian/New Zealand server. I can join the LA/US servers almost immediately within the same minute of abandoning my failing join attempt. Is there an issue going on here with communication between oceanic server hosts and the central database? If not, I'm using Steam copy of Arma 2 - Combined Operations. Just can't pinpoint why this is occuring only for my local servers.
  7. Simple idea, server side hole is dug with the tool, store items in said hole, fill hole and continue on way. Buried treasure as it were that can be dug up should the character who created it die. Similar to the tent idea, but less obvious.
  8. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11457&highlight=entrenching Had this idea yesterday.
  9. Banicks

    Spawned in Ocean

    Put on camo clothing and spawned out in the middle of the ocean upon next login. Name: Slevin Kelevra ID: 19829318 I was origanlly up in northwest airfield and had found an SVD Camo rifle - if this could be restored it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Banicks

    Auto Run/Walk

    Instead of having to hold the 'w' key down, is it possible to script an auto walk. (Think the auto walk feature of most MMOs) It would do wonders for everyones RSI.
  11. Banicks

    Servers back up.

    Hey Switch. Rocket said he was taking down central server and updating it with new BattlEye and such to ensure that it heads in a direction where you never lose stuff to hackers. Just a minor inconvenience, have some lunch if youre in Australia mate! Come back and it'll probably be back up with less/to no hackers in the future.
  12. Banicks

    To all you hacking faggots

    I don't think they care. Kind of like bandits not caring about taking out newbies. Just this is the RL version of it.
  13. Banicks

    Global humanity, could it work?

    Trying to change the game to suit your playstyle? It won't work anyway mate. Bandits will still kill a player who has the best humanity going anyway - especially seeing as with your way of working it, they're bound to either score something decent from the corpse than they would from looting houses themselves. So your idea actually promotes more people to bandit. Remember it takes a bandit 1 second to shoot and a minute to loot. It takes a good humanity player an hour to scoot and loot a town so to speak.
  14. Banicks

    Absolutely necessary changes

    #4 isn't something that can be done effectively for server hosts at the moment. Currently you need roughly 4TB per month to host which, in AU$ is around the 400 mark. Hosting a higher number than that will increase the required bandwidth, so on and so forth. I believe 1.7.1 is reducing the overhead code (?) but as to whether this will reduce the amount of UL/DL strain on the servers, don't know. I like the idea of clearing a town, but opposingly, if that town is cleared then loot should stop spawning/spawn at a much slower rate - however at the end of the specific time frame a decent amount of loot spawns - making it wortwhile to hold a town in the first place. This would increase the number of organised PvP incidents over town ownership and also give way into what really needs to be introduced into DayZ - which is a PvE element. As it stands you get nothing for eliminating zeds (other than the planned leadership board), people simply avoid them via stealth to obtain what they want. Especially when they will simply respawn, over, and over again. Clearing a town, and occupying it for a period of time should trigger a PvE event of a load of zombies. Thus owning a town would require a decent group of survivors/bandits and should ownership fail, evacuating the town and make good their escape (reference to 28 weeks later intro scene). This would add a decent element and incentive to grouping, makig people double thing and lowering the "herp der he has x and i dont, *bang*" Of course it will still happen, but the element is there and it still retains the core of mistrust.
  15. You blokes are forgetting about ghosters. And your security team wont even have background checks (ie: you dont actually know them). This is just asking for a group of organised bandits to socially engineer if you're not already one.
  16. Banicks

    An anti-banditry idea...

    Yea it would pretty much be an unused idea. As Enaver said, any bandit worth his salt will sit and watch as the cashed up 'goodie' goes and makes his purchases from the outskirts, stalks them, takes them out, snatches the gear. Once that happens to someone the first time, they won't bother trying to spend the extra effort cashing themselves up to hand the items to bandits on a platter.
  17. Again, it's in alpha state. If it isn't how they want it, it will be addressed in the future. In it's current state, it doesn't hinder any sort of gameplay unless your running around swimming in the middle of the night, with the wind blowing a gail and it's raining. I fully expect there will be an overhaul of this feature to include in-game items. ie: wooly outfit, diving suit etc. North will be colder area so you will want a wooly outfit to remain at an acceptable body temperature in decent conditions. Wear that same outfit down south and you're going to be too hot. etc etc etc - look im sure the devs will get onto it. Just be patient! :)
  18. Well if the no pistol on fresh spawn comes into play, it is a necessity for this feature to work well. Stealth will be alot easier. Currently I've been discovered by a random zombie through a wall, or even on the outside ground floor when I'm in a building. The only way I can handle said zombie is to shoot, which naturally entrails his fellow zeds in the area to come a running. More shots, so on and so forth. But, with the wall issues resolved, one can presumable proceed through a town unhindered providing you monitor your sight/noise levels. However, AI has become 'smarter' I think, you have to keep an eye on where they're looking and their LOS has been increased. To what? Don't know - but we're certainly going to find out. As it stands, I can prone down and let zeds pass me within 5 meters, continue on my merry way. I'm hoping that it stops this, and adds a touch of realism where you practically have to learn the patterns of zombies and wait for the perfect opening, if things go wrong you can try to lose them around the town and duck into another open building. But with the limited number of open buildings and even less number of rooms within those buildings, I wonder if closing a door would be enough to break LOS on the zed allowing you to successfully fool the chase. I would like to think simply 'locking' yourself in a room would be enough to do this. We shall see!
  19. I think you're delving into it too much. Are you going to question why we don't have to maintain our weapons with gun grease after x number of shots? Or why we don't get sunburn when we remain outdoors all day? It's a game feature which I'm sure will be given more attention later when able to be addressed. Realism is the name of the game, but lets not let herpes in just yet.
  20. Banicks

    Kill on Sight Solutions?

    Rocket has stated the mistrust within your own fellow survivors is part of the game he wants. Labelling or clearly giving a way to identify a 'bandit' would remove what he is trying to achieve. Keep your wits about you :P
  21. Yea quick leaners Rocket! Give the community a bit more credit :P Once survivors learn to be stealthy around zeds to get what they need, and avoid other people. You survive alot longer. I spent two weeks up north just hunting animals, filling up at dams, occaisionally hitting the outskirt towns and airfield when it was quiet. Out of sheer boredom I went into a town, propped myself in some offices and began killing zeds. Got up to around 200 kils before I ran out of ammo and was promptly stomped. It's really not hard to survive. Just stay away from people, theyre the ones doing the killing. The zeds arent. However, I look forward to these changes in their behaviour and fully expect the statistic to lower until their behaviours are re-learnt.
  22. Well I can understand why they have done it. Maxing Gamma and Brightness with VH HDR turned night time into a daytime b&w. But fair would be fair, I find that the chemlights are quite underpowered. So increasing their range of field would be appreciated in my opinion and would probably fulfill what the developers would want us to go towards (viable application of chems and flares). I've also found chems to be a bit glitchy when throwing/dropping, in that they fall through buildings and floors. PS. I also find that a torch taking up 5 slots in my packback is a bit of a reach!
  23. Yes. As you said, who has a handgun at home. That's realistic enough for me, it also means some people will have handguns, some wont.