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Everything posted by Zarazon

  1. You punch it a couple swings should knock it over, then continue to punch it until it doesn't stand back up. Aim for the head!
  2. Zarazon

    Night time way too dark

    It's most definitely not fine, it's turning new people away from the game, causing others to think they're having display issues & all around provides a pretty shitty first experience. Do you know how many people bought DayZ, but didn't play it for the first few hours of release due to 80% of the servers being night-time? It was a lot more than you think. Don't get me wrong, I kinda enjoyed night-time after finding a headlamp for the first time, that is.. until the battery died & It went back to being almost unplayable. I invited a friend who never played DayZ before into the game with me & she quit about 5 minutes later saying it was frustrating & she would rather play rust. I'd rather sacrifice realism & immersion in exchange for a little play-ability something like this, which in return would bring the game more sales/popularity. Even though I feel the screenshot above is too bright & colorful for night-time, it makes the game look good & in an industry where 50% of what makes a game good is its graphics, it's a much better option than what it is now. (Maxed Gamma/brightness) Something needs to be done about night-time, it's not even remotely close to fun stumbling around in the dark, even if it does 'feel' right & puts you on the edge of your seat, it's borderline unplayable.. EDIT: Just found a gas-lamp & tried it out on night-time server, it's kinda awesome but makes you a very bright target seen for miles..