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About jdboxley@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. jdboxley@gmail.com

    Crashed Helicopter kills upon entering.

    I also just experienced this. My buddies were with me and they tried to fix up the heli after I died. After minor repairs it informed them that 'the vehicle is no longer on fire'. So, apparently the heli was on fire but there were no visual or audio effects to indicate this. Vehicles on fire do not appear to be on fire, word of warning. This needs fixed ASAP, lost a good character today.
  2. jdboxley@gmail.com

    Remove body bags from loot spawns.

    I'm not sure this deserves its own thread, but this seems to be the most relevant place to post this where it will be noticed. I really think body bags should not spawn in loot areas. They serve no purpose, and get in the way of picking up gear and moving around. In one particular case, they spawned in multiple places along the stairs of a castle tower. Not only could I not consistently climb past them, but when I was trying to mantle over them I glitched and was killed instantly. The whole glitching into things and dying issue is an ArmA thing, but if body bags hadn't spawned this wouldn't have happened. Body bags serve absolutely no purpose, they don't add anything to the experience in any way. I would very much like to see them removed from loot. Perhaps to make this thread more useful you could post your small suggestions here, if it isn't stepping on the toes of the larger suggestions thread.