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Aussie Bogan

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Everything posted by Aussie Bogan

  1. Aussie Bogan

    need friends to play with

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/ << Try posting here :)
  2. Aussie Bogan

    Would love to find someone to play with...

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/ << Try posting here :)
  3. Aussie Bogan

    New, looking for squad, have TS

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/ << Try posting here :)
  4. Aussie Bogan

    new player here

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/ << Try posting here :)
  5. Aussie Bogan

    Looking for people to play with

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/ << Try posting here :)
  6. Aussie Bogan

    Rifle´s n backpack

    This is actually a serious statement for i haven't experienced this.. As for your hate 2) Flaming: Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited, this includes the Personal Message Service. Use common sense while posting. Have fun ;) on the forums harassing while you can ;)
  7. Aussie Bogan

    What exactly do ballistic helmets stop

    Hence leading to some discomfort within the cognitive side of things ;)
  8. Aussie Bogan

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    I would like to see your reaction if they say No....
  9. Aussie Bogan

    combat logged

    Nearly as boring as yours...^^
  10. Aussie Bogan

    How NOT to KoS?

    After reading this thread... I feel like doing this to all the care bears in my office
  11. Aussie Bogan

    combat logged

    sigh :) :) :) U mad bro?? well
  12. Aussie Bogan


    More bambi's running out of targets ;)
  13. Aussie Bogan

    [Request] Latest update

    Fuck me dead... Mate the Devs are people and they do have lives outside of work. They will update us when it's necessary for them to do so until then hang in there buddy ;)
  14. Aussie Bogan

    What exactly do ballistic helmets stop

    Interesting, honesty i thought the 9mm was going to go straight through at that range..
  15. Aussie Bogan

    Multiple characters

    So much like Warz setup :(
  16. Aussie Bogan

    Item spawns...

    So sad but so true...
  17. Aussie Bogan

    Silencers work?

    Use the silencers as a baton good for beating down bambi's :D As for the bayonet effecting rifle accuracy i heard it may be implemented (Yet to be confirmed)
  18. That's very nice of you ;) Reward: Beans
  19. Aussie Bogan

    Russian roulette challenge

    I tried it last week.... It didn't turn out well :(
  20. Aussie Bogan

    Day Z Standalone: Tips and Tricks or New Players

    And guys please make sure your shooting Good quality bullets, It will save you from having to do the shit you see down below ;)
  21. Aussie Bogan

    What exactly do ballistic helmets stop

    I didn't know how tough these helmets actually were... WOW Although i must say the mere force of the bullet hitting your helmet is enough to kill you..
  22. Aussie Bogan

    The Balota Situation / Skiddie

    Not sure if I've seen any real proof of this so called "god mod" so I'm still skeptical :D
  23. Aussie Bogan

    Mosin 9130 - Where to find?

    Some from what we have gathered they can basically be found in any building usually towns,army camps etc etc :)
  24. Aussie Bogan

    Rifle´s n backpack

  25. Aussie Bogan

    combat logged

    Wow how low can you go in insults... I think that is the question you should ask yourself. Weak :P