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Aussie Bogan

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Everything posted by Aussie Bogan

  1. Aussie Bogan

    The development plan...

    Winner! Beans sir I think the Dev's are well aware of this... Atl east i hope so ;)
  2. Aussie Bogan

    Dog Acts (Post your own)

    To make the game more difficult?
  3. Aussie Bogan

    when did being friendly become bieng a sucker

    When did being friendly become being a sucker? Ever since the term bandit was invented ;)
  4. Aussie Bogan

    Rope Uses and Suggestions

    I wonder how many bodies i can hang off the cranes at electro???
  5. Aussie Bogan

    A simple Question¡¡

    I wonder why he dced, perhaps a internet issue?? You be surprised how many people still roll with dile up ;)
  6. Aussie Bogan

    new here!

    Welcome mate enjoy your time at the Dayz forums
  7. Aussie Bogan

    Awesome experience.

    Gotta love those intense dayz moments..
  8. Aussie Bogan

    Bug or normal?

    I guess it's difficult to classify something as a bug. Not without proper clarification on whether the spawn is actually planned or not.
  9. Aussie Bogan

    Why no zombie kids?

    And Zombie toddlers as well.... I don't know something about shooting kids zombie or not makes me feel sick.. But i guess in a realistic scenario Your right
  10. Aussie Bogan

    Found some Hacker. Got his name.

    Opps, stepped into that one.... Now i'm not only offensive but a hypocrite as well ;)
  11. Aussie Bogan

    A Suggestion/Comment Or Something

    haha yeah that would suck... I'm sure he is well aware of the issue of no clipping zombies and it will be fixed in due course :)
  12. Aussie Bogan

    Found some Hacker. Got his name.

    That's ok, your entitled to your view.... I'm not going to insult you over this as some people would... Some people may find me controversial, but that's there problem not mine. As for racist-ism and discrimination their are certain lines of discussion that need to be respected... Forum rules must be up held to some extent.
  13. Aussie Bogan

    Sick of seeing stupid threads!

    Well, If clans want players they are more than welcome to check out a useful thread... I wish i could same the same for this thread ;)
  14. Aussie Bogan


    Looking for members Check here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/ << Try posting here :)
  15. Aussie Bogan

    DayZ Standalone Can not find Any Servers ...

    "Hey bro, Thanks for trying to help atleast. I've left mine for atleast 2 Hours now and still nothing, Can we skype and you can check if all my settings are fine? I desperatly want to play and yeah. That didn't work either i saw you post it on somebody elses responce and tried it !" I know i would be keen to play to although I'm not really an expert on the game with server issues... Sorry my advance didn't help :( Perhaps someone else may have a better solution if not looks like you may have to wait it out ;(
  16. Aussie Bogan

    DayZ Standalone Can not find Any Servers ...

    oSecretGaming 1 week ago Well click on the internet tab and then refresh and I left it for 5 minutes come back and had servers! :D Reply · That's how he fixed it i assume its a bug. Just to be safe you can try...
  17. Aussie Bogan

    Need a teammate!

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/ << Try posting here :) Welcome to the forum ;)
  18. Aussie Bogan

    Tripod on Mosin

    Lol i had the same question.. Thanks for clearing that up ;)
  19. Aussie Bogan

    Found some Hacker. Got his name.

    This may be highly offensive to others :(
  20. How is someone having a difference in opinion stupid... Your mentality makes no sense.. "I'm not really here to insult you" Wooah you could have fooled me... On any occasion in this forum it is weak to personalty attack others (It's irrelevant and immature) , i could insult you personally right now i will be the bigger man and turn the other cheek ;) Good day sir
  21. Aussie Bogan

    Removing chat function sucks for deaff players

    Most people use a headset to communicate. So People with a hearing impairment won't be able to respond on most situations unless they type... Jeeze that's hard.... Need to be some translator system for that issue.
  22. Aussie Bogan

    Have you ever looked under the skirt of a zed?

    Some people in the dayz community worry me :(
  23. Aussie Bogan

    DayZ has encountered an error

    Try this... If it still doesn't work perhaps more people may be experiencing this.... Maybe a bug??
  24. No need for you petty insults. Go elsewhere with you views if you surly cannot learn to reason and respect others views. Simple
  25. Aussie Bogan


    I wouldn't mind a leveling system based on xp Nothing else.. So for instance killing players, helping players, time survived killing zombies etc etc all add xp to your level or rank... I'm not asking for bonuses for the higher level you are... (No perks or anything that gives you any minute advantage what so ever over a level 1 player) Just asking for a Number based on experience. I like leveling in games it gives you a motivator to want to play more like in most games...