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Aussie Bogan

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Everything posted by Aussie Bogan

  1. Aussie Bogan

    You don't have to KoS, because...

    Errr it's my personal blood stash ;) From players who gave there blood willingly. Note: "A funny taste in the mouth may occur once consumed" ;)
  2. Aussie Bogan

    Military bases

    I hear what your saying.. But The Dev's are testing the basic mechanics of the game they want minimum loot, guns and qear easy to obtain from start so the testing can commence ASAP. Patience is Key..
  3. Aussie Bogan

    Blood types

    I would give you my blood... But beans will have to do sorry.. :(
  4. Aussie Bogan

    You don't have to KoS, because...

    I would hate to see how much Blood you collect over Christmas....
  5. Aussie Bogan

    the physics of dayz

    Yes! they just have alot of thing on their plates right now ;) They will fix them up just give them time :D
  6. Aussie Bogan

    Playing with friends

    Sorry about that :/ here's my beans for getting you in trouble ;)
  7. Aussie Bogan

    My weirdest/creepiest/loneliest life in DayZ ever.

    Man it must suck feeling like this:
  8. Aussie Bogan

    These noobs.

    Referring to your story ;) Not personal mate
  9. Aussie Bogan

    Playing with friends

    Selected spawn locations no not really. Last thing i want to see is 6 newcomers spawning on the beach. "Like they are ready to invade Normandy" I won't let them take me alive... If only we had cars..... Preferred option of suicide below ;) Dayz disclaimer "You have a weird taste in your mouth"
  10. Aussie Bogan


    From what I've heard it could possible be a bug issue. Although it was mentioned on a few wipes that your character would be reset.
  11. Aussie Bogan

    These noobs.

    COME ON GUYS leave the new comers alone, they are having a hard enough time as it is ;)
  12. Aussie Bogan

    Mouse Sensitivity Vote!

    Hi all, I have touched on this topic before, although now i am requesting the dayz Community to vote on this issue, Whether or not the Current Dayz mouse sensitivity layout needs to be changed. I personally find the current sensitivity isn't working to well.. when comparing sensitivity to the dayz mod/ battlefield 3/4 etc (The mouse ratio are out of whack i think on most games its 2:1 correct me if I'm wrong cheers) Example below:
  13. Aussie Bogan

    Mouse Sensitivity Vote!

    Yeah, thanks for the tip ;) I guess it's a personal preference thing. Been gaming over decade now and majority of games have similar smooth sensitivity Cod, rust, bf3 bf4 dayz mod. But the standalone I'm finding it difficult....
  14. Aussie Bogan

    Axe Maniacs

    Must be something in the water :D
  15. Aussie Bogan

    Mouse Sensitivity Vote!

    I feel your pain mate ;) I prefer it little bit faster but accurate is of great importance which isn't obtainable... :( Here have my beans hope it cheers you up ;)
  16. Aussie Bogan

    Mouse Sensitivity Vote!

    The acceleration is a know issue hopefully they patch it next update ;)
  17. For me, I was walking around Cherno with my kit usual m4 etc etc I saw what i assumed was a newcomer handcuffed and calling for help. I spotted 2 other players, one appeared to be looting him the other keeping watch. So i dropped both of them and took of the handcuffs with their keys. He started to thank me and asked to join me i was OK with it... So i helped him gear up etc from the two corpses. I enter the nearest house looking for food. Crouched over a pile of loot and started searching. The player i rescued called out to "Hey man check this out!" I spun around only to see his m4 pointed at me... Last thing i saw was "Your dead" I can imagine it must of felt like this:
  18. Aussie Bogan

    The "Fat Men" DayZ Squad Recruiting!

    So do i have to be over a certain weight limit to join??? Like 300 pounds would i quality or be over qualified ;)
  19. Even when 1st person gets implemented... Most people will shoot like this including myself! because the sensitivity is uneven. We need to push for a 1:1 mouse ratio <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  20. Aussie Bogan

    Tactical Vest Ballistic Protection

    Merrick i bet you felt like this when you did it ;)
  21. Yeah well sometimes its interesting seeing how low people will go. If you like living a KOS trust no one policy thats OK ;) However over time you may get bored of the KOS it's good to learn from your mistakes, whats even better for me is letting people have a choice and trying to show the dayz community not everyone is a threat :D
  22. Aussie Bogan

    By far, the most heart-pounding moment I've had in DayZ

    You got balls for admitting it... I like balls :D Take my beans
  23. Aussie Bogan

    Killed first player in SA

    Congrats! I'm so proud of you :D Take my beans ;)
  24. Aussie Bogan

    By far, the most heart-pounding moment I've had in DayZ

    Trying to justify a combat log....