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Aussie Bogan

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Everything posted by Aussie Bogan

  1. Aussie Bogan

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

  2. Aussie Bogan

    [Suggestion] Tranquilizer guns?

    Interesting Idea, But aren't all of us survivors immune to this inflection???
  3. Aussie Bogan

    Is there ghille in this game ?

    Or else what :P <<<<<< This perhaps 0.o
  4. Aussie Bogan

    Time to Release a Hotfix

    So why are you suggesting this, if it pisses you off?? Are you not promoting what you hate?
  5. Aussie Bogan

    Time to Release a Hotfix

    Patience is key: Now tell me you don't wanna end up like this <<<<<<<<
  6. That logic is whacked my friend... I don't think it should be easy to shoot people??? really... Proper mouse sensitivity in any game realistic or not is a vital component. Especially in Dayz, if you miss a shot sometimes that means your dead that cost hours,time and can potentially ruin the experience, all over something that you can't control (poor mouse sensitivity regardless how well you play) Now tell me why would someone in their right mind make the sensitivity of their game annoying and hard to play with??? Perhaps to make the game harder? or the guns more authentic? "You say" Adding things like barrels sway, breathing or recoil when aiming down the sight may fix that, you don't need to penalize people in order to make a game harder. (That is plain stupidity) Imo it's not about making the game easier is about making the basic stepping stones of this game properly. And your last line suggesting if you get a better mouse it means you automatically become a better player like using an aim bot. Any source? because I'm pretty sure my razor mouse never gave me hack v3.0 nor made me the best player neither...
  7. Aussie Bogan


    Oh shit! My location has been compromised.... Time to bring out the big guns > >:( >:(
  8. Aussie Bogan

    Suggestions: Binocular Idea

    LMAO beans must be given :D
  9. Aussie Bogan

    IDEA: Post traumatic stress disorder

    Well the last thing i need is to develop a mental issue after self defense or locking players in my basement. ( Understand where your coming from but i believe to much realism can kill a game ;( ) Next thing people will be requesting i hit "B" every 3-5 secs in order for my character to breath.. It's just not really practical.
  10. Aussie Bogan

    I found the solution to kos go east!

    God no not another thread... Please read b4 you post. ;)
  11. Comparing the current sensitivity to the mod of any other top of the line fps (Battle field-cod etc). It's terrible imo It's not smooth and hard to adapt to. Other games i can go from one to the other and play on much the same smooth quick/accurate sensitivity as for the SA you can't.... Note: Tell me how many people you see shoot down a range like that with great accuracy i can assure you not many ;) (referring to the picture)
  12. Aussie Bogan

    Me against 3.

    YAY the 20th thread on the same subject... The mods are aware of this issue and are currently address it, as well as the hacking. Please stop repeating threads ;)
  13. Aussie Bogan

    help me stuck

    Is this what I'm going to find when i search the building?
  14. Aussie Bogan

    stackable items and wearing clothes over the other

    You raise a number of interesting points. I don't have informed answers on these things sorry :/ although a great deal of what you say seems to be just common sense (Perhaps not thought about yet) ;) By the way that is my older sister with her custom flash light ;)
  15. Aussie Bogan

    Ideas about the condition of items

    i completely agree with all of the above. Except i'm a tad confused on number 4. If you have 20 bullets damaged cant you keep spiting the bullets to separate the good from the bad?
  16. I bet you felt a bit like this... Welcome to DAYZ, where raging in a natural emotion.
  17. Aussie Bogan

    Feels like a backyard mod made with insufficient tools.

    I see what your saying but for now you will just have to .....
  18. Aussie Bogan

    Unconcious and draged by zombie wtf

    I read the Title and thought this.... I need help :/
  19. Aussie Bogan

    "Stop the server hopping"

    Please before you post use the search bar top right of page. Or other Blogs relative to the subject. There are to many threads requesting the same thing it doesn't really help :/ Thanks ;)
  20. I'm not sure if i'm ready to play another... Call Of Z Sorry plz keep the ideas coming ;)
  21. Aussie Bogan

    I was thinking about loot

    So are you suggesting that we start looking in places that aren't practical for loot??? You may know that to much realism can break a game... It makes complete sense I'm hungry go to super market I need medical supplies go to hospital i need ammo go to barracks It's simply logic If these places have already been looted by other players, well that the risk you take.
  22. Aussie Bogan

    More clothing?

    Yeah what he said ;D It's only early days there will most likely be more of everything in due time. So just hold on ;)
  23. Aussie Bogan

    Zombies & what can be improved?

    Critical thinking i like Take my beans sir ;)
  24. Aussie Bogan

    Military bases

    Sure, i was more or less answering the reason why it's hardly worth running North due to lack of players and loot..