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Aussie Bogan

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Everything posted by Aussie Bogan

  1. Aussie Bogan

    How do I fill the mags with the 300 box?

    Man i suck at tetris....
  2. Aussie Bogan

    Agressive wildlife [Official wildlife topic]

    Speaking of wildlife.. What happened to the sound of the flies when you where relatively close to a dead body???? God i miss that sound^^^
  3. Aussie Bogan

    New Player Views

    Many of your views i completely agree with. However most will be hopfully fixed over a period of time..
  4. Aussie Bogan

    I feel nauseous

    Eaten any pristine rotten fruit lately sir?? :)
  5. Aussie Bogan

    Tips on getting more FPS?

    Tips on getting more FPS? Link should help.. http://dayzintel.com/dayz-standalone/dayz-standalone-performance-guide
  6. Aussie Bogan

    spawning under house

    Hasn't saved me from my uncles basement :( ... yet
  7. Aussie Bogan

    Looking for people to play with

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/ << Try looking here :)
  8. Aussie Bogan

    Looking for a Clan, DayZ SA

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/ << Try looking here :)
  9. Aussie Bogan

    "It's an alpha."

    "It's an alpha." Shit i never looked at it like that before ;) Informative post :D For those who don't know..
  10. Aussie Bogan

    Glitched through a house now I cant play?

    You will have to starve to until you fall "unconscious" then click the respawn button.
  11. Aussie Bogan

    human claymore

    I like the idea of traps and home made bomb etc But i wonder if implemented this could be abused and possibly break the game.. For instance Major looting places would be full of them.. And imagine running in the middle of no where full geared, hit a trip wire... CLICK BOOM Your Dead FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKK
  12. Aussie Bogan

    To those who complain about spawn killers.

    I love the smell of KOS in the morning :thumbsup:
  13. Aussie Bogan

    Do you understand the meaning of Dayz Alpha?

    I wonder how many people said "Yes" just so they could fit in.. Like me ;) Good to see another post not addressing KOS, server hopping & combat logging. Beans sir ;)
  14. Aussie Bogan

    The difference between: Scumbag & Banditry...

    Interesting definitions, although i must say people these play style's are just as important and people who are hero's of friendlies. You need a balance of good and bad within dayz ;) But i can assure you it's much harder playing certain roles...
  15. Aussie Bogan

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    ^^ LOL Why is there a solution needed for KOS, Could you imagine how boring the game would be without KOS??? Hell i know a solution to KOS lets turn on "Friendly fire" So no one can kill any one... (Carebear solution) Then watch how fast this game will die ..
  16. So from what I'm hearing..... Most people believe they are entitled to holidays hence no updates.Some people stay much the same although they would have liked communication lines a bit more open between devs and players.Others are saying fuck that Dev's should NOT have holidays for they have $20m now and they should pump out updates on a daily basis. And then there are the few that believe Rocket and team has ditched the project: For lambos, Long works on the beach and other luxury items.... Interesting ;)
  17. I believe the body is some what connected to the player... As soon as a player disconnects after being shot dead the body will instantly disappear. But if the player respawns and stays on the server the body stays For a longer period of time not 100% sure how long exactly...
  18. Aussie Bogan

    can't see other players

    This usually occurs when you Desync from the server either caused by poor internet connection or the server it's self. It sometimes happens on a regular basis and can really piss you off especially in intense situations. The Dev's will no doubt look into this ;)
  19. Aussie Bogan

    Fast/Safe Item Trading (serverfriendly)

    Good idea this may limit KOS a bit if friendly are trading... Although unfortunately as we all know bandits seem to trade in lead. ;)
  20. Aussie Bogan

    canned tuna and canned sardines

    Sardines Tuna
  21. Aussie Bogan


    I don't believe anyone knows that yet.... :( In the future how long i don't know...
  22. Aussie Bogan

    Feeling naive on my "no KoS" policy

    KOS isn't the only way to play for the life of a bandit is much easier to play than the life of a hero. I wrote a story explaining this ;)
  23. Why should I pay for a game with less features, when I can get a mod with more features for free? That is true "In this Current point in time" Although imo once the standalone is polished and up to a good enough standard the mod will slowly die out..
  24. Good effort. Take my beans