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About mateusz243

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mateusz243

    Chicken coops

    Higher chance of finding feathers in chicken coops. And not just one, at least 3. It impossible to not find a feather in coops however in the game I found only 1 feather out of 7-9 coops.
  2. mateusz243

    New UI

    1. I really like the new UI and can't wait till icons gonna show the hunger.thirst etc. However it really bothers me when I'm taking screenshot because its there. My suggestion is to make hud disappearing after couple seconds just like it's done in Red Orchestra 2. After hitting a certain key the hud comes back you can see whats your health status and it disappears after 'x' seconds.
  3. mateusz243

    Post Your Gear So Far

    My holy grails :D
  4. mateusz243

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    Are you serious? Dying of 9V battery?
  5. I think you should gtfo of any SA posts. If you didnt play SA and you dont have any acknowledge with SA (apart from streams) you shouldnt really comment and critique on any alpha stuff and stop being bitchy. I dont know what you're trying to proof... HATERS GONNA HATE!!!