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Everything posted by nikiller
Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)
nikiller replied to chrismgtis (DayZ)'s topic in New Player Discussion
hi, I guess it's time for you to slow down playing the SA and wait for beta or full release. Alpha isn't funny since it is a broken product where testers (us) have to looking for bugs so I can understand your frustration. But some stuffs have to be made from scratch and it takes time. I scripted a lot for ofp and ArmA2 and I know if you fix something you break something else. Report as many bugs as you can, play others games, be patient that's the only answer I can give you. I have faith in BIS because I know they will still patch the game and add features years after release. That's how it works with them deal with it. cya. Nikiller. -
hi, I don't want to be harsh but playing hero doesn't mean you have to play like a noob and run around like headless chicken in Elektro the temple of PvP. You have to be even more careful when you choose this play style. Spot people before they spot you, stalk them to see what they do and then choose to meet them or not. I even remember a guy in the mod bloodbaging people without they notice him. Good luck that's the hardest play style. cya. Nikiller.
hi, Instead of working on new objects and new game mechanics they MUST fix this, it's a priority. cya. Nikiller.
hi, Is it me or hit box really needs to be fixed? cya. Nikiller.
Should you only have one character per server?
nikiller replied to Roshi (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
hi, You never went to play to well administrated private server, did you? cya. Nikiller. -
An Issue with the New Spawns AKA "The Kamyshovo Massacre"
nikiller replied to wgaf's topic in General Discussion
hi, I have mixed feeling between disgust and fascination. You have a background story behind this behaviour, you are making your own DayZ story and I respect that. Even if it is not my stuff I prefer that than cry babies asking for rules instead of doing something to change their fate. It adds to the fear thank for that. Shit, you guys are really weirdos but I like you. cya. Nikiller. -
Kill on sight... my group is doing it now
nikiller replied to Nariquo (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
hi, Take my beans good sir. cya. Nikiller. -
Tips for green survivors - PvP / KoS
nikiller replied to [email protected]'s topic in New Player Discussion
hi, Good post OP, very useful for new players. I would like to add a tip to your list: Train to fire your gun. Too much players never fired a shot before they really had to. First solution is to connect on a low population server and shoot zombies at different distance. Like that when you have to defend yourself or take a kill you are a bigger treat and waste less ammo. It's not perfect and it will never replace PvP but at least you know how to use your gun. The best solution IMHO, is to practice PvP for a while. Practising PvP will help you to: - know how to use your gun in combat condition - think like the hunter and not the prey - have better adrenaline control during encounter. - be less attached to you gear When you feel you are comfortable with PvP, go back to your play style whatever it is. cya. Nikiller. -
hi, Nice vid. Good teamplay. cya. Nikiller.
hi, Luck and a grain of banditry. cya. Nikiller.
hi, cya. Nikiller.
hi, Did you read this by any chance? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153994-early-access-important-information-known-issues/?p=1545068 cya. Nikiller.
[3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)
nikiller replied to joeyslucky22's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
hi, Very nice job! Keep it up! Maybe some Granola bars! Fuck it the "others" copied almost everything why not you... cya. Nikiller. -
Who Else Thinks Pushes Annoyance and Survival Too Far?
nikiller replied to Diz (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
hi, I didn't play the new patch yet. But what I have read in the log file looks good to me and goes in the right direction. Community devs definitely did a great job with all those new features. New players needs to keep in mind that it is a slow placed realistic survival game where you have to think before doing something or you may die and come back to the beach with nothing. Even if you are careful you can be unlucky and die as well. The more parameters you have to think about the better. DayZ is a "new" game kind and break the game industry rules, that's why some players can lose their marks and finally give up because it's too hard and you have to train and work to be good. cya. Nikiller. -
hi, OP, you are 100% right. Nowadays, we see too much games who do things for the player, you push the easy button and tada! As I already posted in the crosshair topic, let's come back to real skill where you must be trained to be successful. In other words, where the player is at the center of the game. You must suck at start and when you die ask yourself what I did wrong? How can I improve to don't die the next time? You have to work to be good at something and to be valuable for the others (good shot, medic, pilot...). Walk or die and fuck the weaker. To be clear, by the weaker, I mean people whining for a dumbed down game not the new players who are learning the game. I remember when rocket talked about anti game with no law, no hope, violence and darkness. An anti game where you can be very happy because you ambushed a whole squad with your buddy and took their vehicles and gear and few minutes later you are mad because you are killed by a lone wolf sniper who was stalking you. That's exactly how I see an apocalypse. It's not fair, totally unbalanced, you can be the best and the following moment you can come back to the beach with nothing because you made a mistake. There's some very good suggestions made by the community like headband lamp or manual car just to name few, but the game direction should be left to the devs's vision. cya. Nikiller.
hi, Exactly people need to learn to be good at something. cya. Nikiller.
hi, I play without crosshair since ofp. When you are used to it, you know where is the center. If you train to fire from the hipe in the editor you can hit target with good accuracy at 25-30m without problem very quickly. It is the same to loot stuff you know where is the center so you find the object you want to pick up or the ladder you want to climb very easily. It's just a question of training. As for the new players problem, DayZ is a survival simulation, it means that there's a learning curve. People are too used to Hollywood style gameplay where the player have instant fun since the game do things for them. Let's come back to real skill where player sucks at start and is frustrated because he sucks and then learn how to play and becomes skilled. EDIT: I agree that the open/close gate addAction needs to be fixed. cya. Nikiller.
EODmyDOG: the perfect DayZ dog module! (next dayz mod update)
nikiller posted a topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
hi, I was checking BIS forum and I found this: EODmyDOG | 0.1.0 alpha Download: http://www.mediafire...k55cp46j51y6t64 Video | 0.1.0 alpha: Author: Monovdd (Carlos Alberto Arango Schütz). Version: 0.1.0 alpha. Credits: Kmilomore (Camilo Serra Miguieles) - Kaiser (BOE 117th) - For testing the first version (2011): Scar, Paranoik y Prozac (CAA) | Special Mention to Rommel (First Script of EOD dog in Arma 2) Description: EODmyDog is an addon (module) that extends the gameplay in Arma 2 CO, and takes the role of combat engineer to another level. This addon invokes a dog companion for the Engineer and with this you can search for mines in a specific area, looking for explosives in objects or units and attack enemies. Features: Unlike other scripts or addons, EODmyDOG has a menu that facilitates user interaction and makes the addon user-friendly. Also it has a way to detect explosives that is fully compatible with ACE and Arma 2 CO Vanilla Version (only with CBA). Multiplayer notes: We run several tests to ensure the playability on dedicated servers as well as non-dedicated servers. (The server must be configured to support CBA). Requirements: ARMA 2 CO (COMBINED OPERATIONS) and CBA (Community Based addon). Installation: Install EODmydog like other addons. If you dont know how do it follow this FAQ in http://www.armaholic....php?e=faq&q=18 Usage: Just put in the mission editor the module called --> [Mvdd] EODmydog [0.1.0 alpha] and sync with players wich need to have the EODmydog. Summary of Changes and Challenges Changes since script version to addon version 1) I Finally found a solution to send animations with ShitchMove across the network. Now the addon works absolutely fine on dedicated servers. 2) New framework for dialogs and menus. 3) New system for translating. Menus, helps and tips are now available in english and spanish. (If someone wants to help me with other language incorporation just ask via PM). 4) New Sounds, Images and stiles. 5) New Engine with less usage of network transmission. 6) New EODmydog function that extends the simulation on Arma 2 CO. Future Challenges for this Addon If anyone wants to help in the development send me a PM. In order of priority 1) Create a new 3d model for EOD dog (model and textures). 2) Create a new ring and bones for EOD dog. 3) Create new animations for the 3d model of EOD dog. 4) Create a new engine with FSM to simplify process in the cpu. 5) Record a new sounds for EOD dog. If you have any issue (bug) with EODmydog i urge you to post here in order to resolve problems and release new free-bug versions of EODmydog. source: http://forums.bistud...159#post2248159 IMHO, community member who are involved in the community + development team generated update for the DayZ mod should contact those guys and ask if they could use their work for the next mod update. cya. Nikiller. -
hi, Imagine rape with infection system... A real troll paradise. <_< cya. Nikiller.
hi, I don't know it you you are talking about the mod or the stand alone. If this suggestion is for the SA, there will be no AI but zombies. source: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ Morevoer, Rocket already said that there will be not safe zone, balance or any artificial system. Everything will be build by players. If we want economy with trade, safe zones and so on it's up to us to do it. Devs will give us the tools and we will use them as we like. EDIT: I was ninja'ed too slow... cya. Nikiller.
hi, And frenchies? What about frenchies? There's so much to say about them... and now here's a stupid vids to relax everyone: cya. Nikiller.
hi, I suggest you to play alone at start to learn how to survive by yourself. Learn ArmA controls and get used to "bugs". If you are lone wolf you will have to play very slow. Always check and double check. Take your time, analyse the situation since you have noone to watch your back. It's cool to be lone wolf but you can't make error or you will pay cash, i.e if a zombie break your legs or if you're unconscious you are in trouble, not dead but in trouble. Trust noone that's the rule number one i.e if someone says "hey guys there's an heli crash near this village" be very careful it's maybe a noob trap. Practice PvP even if you don't like that, it will help you to defend yourself if you need. That's all I can think ATM. When you are used to the game join a group/clan you will have more fun. cya. Nikiller.
hi, Very good idea. I always prefer manual when I have the choice. beans for you. cya. Nikiller.
hi, Changing your FOV will increase your game performances, give you more peripheral vision, helps in CQC. Moreover you will feel more confortable with the first person view. If you want to change FOV in ArmA2: - Browse to C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\My documents\ArmA 2 - Open YourName.ARMA2OAPROFILE file - Make a backup - Scroll down to fovTop and fovLeft - Multiply both values the same (i.e: values 0.75 and 1.20 become 0.975 and 1.56 when multiplied by 1.3). - Save the file - Test and repeat the operation until you feel comfortable with the new FOV. - Enjoy. Be sure to find the best compromise between peripheral and center vision I use the following settings with my 22'' monitor: fovTop=0.98; fovLeft=1.57; cya. Nikiller.
hi, Kamenka isn't too bad spawning point. If you know a bit the island, there's at least 6-8 deer stands if you follow the northern road. If you are lucky you have a fairly good gear in less than 30min. cya. Nikiller.