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About Pandusen

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  1. Pandusen

    Resolution problems? Read here before posting!

    I am getting percentage instead of pixels in the resolution pull-down! Anyone else seen this? Edit: I figured it out.. Guess thats how it is now... either I forgot or they changed it in the months I have been away! Resolution under User interface.. yeah that makes sense! :p
  2. Pandusen

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Lol.. I think the team needs some professional management! It seams the more people they add to the project, the more the features, info and updates go in different directions... They need to aim for a complete game, brake it into milestones and get a grip on the bugs. There are bugs that has been there since before the beginning of time! Like the random zombie sounds.. It was said by Hall that this would be fixed before alpha was released. It is still there only now, it isn't mentioned in the know bug.. its most likely forgotten in the sea of new ideas and other bugs.. i bet it wasn't even noted on a peace of paper... Management, milestones and deadlines! That's what the team needs.. I don't think a 100 people more would do any good, in fact, I think it would only mess things op even more, heck, now the news are at random locations, as if they forgot where to put them! At the moment the forum seems to have been forgotten and suddenly the DevBlogwhich had been dead for 5 months or so, had all the news.. Now its twitter, and tomorrow its facebook..
  3. Pandusen

    The Fear When The Rain Comes

    Hopping because of rain is ridiculous... I cannot imagine that many do this... Nighttime hopping I do understand, I do it myself especially because the cycle is 1:1 which I think is too much.. Especially when it is pitch black! And knowing that you won't be able to do much within the next 12-16 hours. If the cycle was 2-4 hours I would stay through the nights.
  4. This is seriously becoming more tiresome then the whining! This response is freakin useless to the point of almost having me chew my fingers off, every time someone plays this old f##ng record! This is Alpha. It means playable but not finished. You play alpha to walk around and go," Hey, it would be cool if this and that was here" or "that seriously has to go" This is the only stage where you have a saying! Next stage is beta Beta means the game is done, the stage of adding or removing content is over! only balancing and bug fixing is to be pointed out. Alpha means, you cannot expect the game to work at all, but you do have a fucking saying, and its the only time you do! Either suggest a fix, disagree with the suggestion or complaint or shut up and move on.. That, its an alpha you don't have a say, is retarded, useless and in fact WRONG! and it does nothing for the games development.
  5. Pandusen

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    The funny thing is, you can! if you move your mouse slow, speed increases... the "abs" mouse is not a problem if you ask me, actually makes sense, the problem is, the slower you move your mouse the more sensitive it becomes.. also, the closer the camera is to your character the faster he turns(indoor = faster accl).. it is a mess and it needs some focused cleaning up! We need John Carmack on this one ;) (my god, that guy could do a ton of good on that team) Edit: With that said.. Looking back it didn't really take me long to adapt.. although first impression was like, wtf have they been smoking...
  6. They should be called pussies! Cause that's exactly what they are.. people that failed too much in there life, so now they need god-modes to feel secure. And "Hacks" should be called diapers!
  7. Pandusen

    Remove the F*CKING 5 minute log in timer.

    what? Standard prebuilds have som of the shitiest hardware in em! It's a matter og buying decent hardware, cheap pre builds are just as crappy as cheap home builds
  8. Pandusen

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Ghosting: Why doesn't the timer kick in when you try to relog into the same server within a given time? Its not ghosting until you log back into the same server again.. I do not need to relog to the same server, there was a reason why I left. but I get the timer anyway.. Combat Logging: This timer has nothing to do with combat logging.. its a different timer! and that doesn't bother me... I don't have a problem with dying or getting my ass handed to me and gear up again.. I have a problem having to unnecessarily wait to join the fun. At least the load times in Standalone are very reduced, compared to the mod. that much the better.. however, this timer is still annoying, mostly because it is unnecessary.(not saying that Ghosting and server hopping shouldn't be combated, read my post above.)
  9. Pandusen

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    In short, you seem to favor this solution and thinks its perfect.. pfff... Or you just feel like disagreeing with people.. The solution is stupid and annoying and very NOT thought through!I don't have a problem with sound or anything.. I have a problem with servers never being what they claim to be.. The Time indicator is NOT working.. so when trying to find a day server, or a night server you have to try very often like 10 times to hit one.. also differences/variations that are not indicated so that your last character doesn't load.. happens alot to me, and i have to immediately find another server.. and i get the 5.min punishment even though my character has moved a millimeter. btw. Experimental servers there are only 4-5 of them.. and they are all setup with the same standards.. no wonder you dont need to switch around. The problem is the whole spawn system.. you should be spawned at random spots within a 1km2 of where you logged out. and you should only be able to log-out outside hot-spots(cities, airports etc) only in the field or forest.. So when in cities the abort button would be grayed out. That way we also eliminate the issue of spawning op behind people in loot areas(which makes observing or clearing out areas pointless and unreal).. Included with this spawn system should be some player spread function.. so if a player so happens to be within the 1 click square you where supposed to spawn in, you would spawn as far away from the player as possible(within that 1 square kilometer)
  10. Pandusen

    Log in/out location "ban"

    well, finding someone within a 1 km2 is quite a task! anyways, then make it so that you always spawn random within 1 km2 of logout point. that way you couldn't tell.. easy fix
  11. Pandusen

    Log in/out location "ban"

    I don't see why not.. this shouldn't even be discussed.. just implement it! Just make sure you cannot log out inside cities, airfields etc. that you had to be min 1 click from a hotspot, before the abort button would be available... And if you got disconnected or alt tabbed out, you would just spawn outside the hotspot next time you login.. I love that idea! Along with this, a sort of spawn spread function would be nice.. so that if another player is currently within 2-300 meters of the spot you logged out from, when you login, you will be moved to the nearest safe-spot. This way we could also get rid of that annoying timer.. as people would have to move at least 1km away and travel back when they login again.. freakin brilliant!
  12. Pandusen

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Does it say shitty server in the browser? It doesn't even get the time, version and type right.. Finding a good server is a freaking lottery, trial and error! You just pointed out the very reason why this timer needs to be reworked.
  13. Pandusen

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    what a fat tub of crap... DayZ is a very community driven game... People do have a say, they came up with 90 percent of the ideas that came after the basic mod. Getting kicked or disconnected by bad internet connections? what the hell are you blabbing on about? Read and understand what I say, or don't converse with me! All the reasons I mentioned had to do with the game, not me! Also, a massive exploit? maybe, but tell me exactly what this timer is preventing?
  14. Pandusen

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Suppose we just accept the game as it is, no big deal.. no need to add or change anything from here on! Even though your argument is completely useless, there is no reason to be a dick about it! The timer is annoying and that's a fact, it does not prevent what it is trying to prevent, server hoppers have all the time in the world.. However, I have limited time to play/test, and have a really hard time finding a server that isn't, lagging, is wrong version, doesn't load my previous character, is pitch black(yeah, I get tied of playing at night some times and the server browser isn't showing correct time of day at all..) and 5mins is not a problem, but it adds up! yesterday me and my friend spend an hour and a half, before we finally got on a server that we both could play on.. The timer should not kick in until at least 30sec into game-play, and the 30 secs should not count until the character has moved out of the spawn-point... that would be away of doing it for the future. .but for alpha testing.. hell no, there are endless reasons why you would change servers, remember, we are here to TEST it! Sometimes i need a nightime server to test stuff, sometimes i need daylight.