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pope ramone

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Everything posted by pope ramone

  1. pope ramone

    Zombies with crazy range

    I bought Day z on launch (so I know its early access) but have recently been experiencing a strange problem and was wondering if anyone has seen similar as I can't seem to fix it and It has basically made the game unplayable at it has happened consistently . What happens is around the when I enter a building (and it ONLY seems to happen in buildings) I will begin taking mallee damage without any sound, It will happen over and over until I am dead. There are never any players or zombies close by and appears to happen at random. At first I thought it was a hacker as the behavior was so strange but last night I confirmed its actually a zombie attacking me as I saw its animation before I took damage; But he was two rooms away from where I took the first hit. I've tried reinstalling it and it has happened across multiple patches and no one I have played with has experienced it .
  2. pope ramone

    Zombies with crazy range

    thanks everyone!
  3. pope ramone

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I totally agree in principle but think its kinda evolving naturally. I am alot more distrusting of a crew wearing masks than anyone in military gear. The berets especially. It would be cool to have your characters having slightly different stats or appearance based on your actions overall.
  4. pope ramone

    Strange Happenings

    So I was playing last night with a mate. We were on a low pop server in the hills around stary sober when we both heard a number of really loud explosions. It was directional sound so was in game but was also loud enough at times to seem as if it was global. I was then teleported back to novi sober only to die in a house by being moved in a house. My friend was killed shortly after by being blindsided. Im sure most of these things can be considered 'normal bugs' but the explosion thing was very strange. Was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Perhaps if there is a pattern we could let the dev know of servers/patterns
  5. pope ramone

    Strange Happenings

    like I say im sure the deaths were run of the mill bugs but it seems suspicious that there was an explosion and a teleport followed by death by 2 people at different times. The sound was loud enough that I could hear the second one back on the coast when my mate was still around stary sober. although it was much lower for me
  6. Loving the game so far, I am a new player with no experience of the mod. so excuse me if my questions are stupid. So the server sync indicator I get that when It turns red it means you have lost connection with the server. Should you avoid doing any inventory management at that time? I ask because I lost a stack of decent loot after being disconnected, is there any way of avoiding that? Also what do the other colour indicators mean in terms of gameplay? there seem to be 3 types; recruit, vet and hardcore. does this have any actual impact on gameplay? I've read that some servers tweak daylight times are there any other gameplay tweaks that can be made server side? How would I know what they are? I would really appreciate server recommendations as no one on my friends list is playing. I don't want a server where everyone is a teenager and plays for 19 hours a day but I also don't want a kindergarten. Ideally where it is light in the mid evenings (UK time) so I can play in SOME daylight.
  7. pope ramone

    Few questions about servers

    Cheers man, but I was more asking what you can do when dsync occurs. If you are in the middle of Looting and the server crashes everything during that time is lost
  8. pope ramone

    Few questions about servers

    Wow my thread was stolen while my back is turned lol. Does anyone have any answers to My original questions?
  9. Hey everyone, I was wondering if someone could tell me how to set up the mic settings properly. I can't seem to communicate with anyone. Steam has detected my mic and it is set up as use push to talk. But within Day Z I can't seem to show the mic in the game settings and when I push Caps Lock near a player no-one seems to respond.
  10. pope ramone

    can't seem to get microphone to work

    hmm maybe people were just ignoring me
  11. pope ramone

    can't seem to get microphone to work

    lol Nah its happened more than once, Is there a indicator when you broadcast like in some other games?
  12. pope ramone

    can't seem to get microphone to work

    Thanks for the reply, yes tried those. Should the mic show in Day Z itself or is there a broadcasting indicator? When I press caps I get a unfilled microphone icon, thats it.