IF u have the Asus G75VW as i guess i got. I have Asus G75VW, only got the GTX 670M graphic card, not the 660M as u have. I have a pretty good SSD and ram speed is 1600Mhz guess it's the same for u. Im running the game everything from 25 to 40 fps (with 1080p) depending on where i am. In citys i have around 25-30, and in the woods or open field i got everything around 30-40... Sometimes it drops down to 26-28. I dropped the resolution down to 1600*900, and i got like 30-50 fps with everything at low settnings. And this is with the newest Nvidia driver. I did play with 1080p for a couple hours, but the fps was to low, specially when in firefight. So this is where u will be, u got the 660M so maybe a little under this. But u need to remember, the game is poorly optimized at this point! So when the final release will come in 2014 or 2015, the game will run alot more smoother than it is doing now. Guess 1080p will not be a problem at all wit medium/high settnings. Ofc u cant expect to run the game with SSAO at full, FSAA at full and settnings like that . This game run the same engine as Arma3, and Arma3 i run Texture, Objects, Terrain at Very high with a pretty good fps, turned off Shadows, particles at low, clouds at low, PIP disabled, HDR low, Dynamic lights Low, FSAA disabled, ATOC, PPAA and Aniso filtering disabled with 1600*900 at around 40-60 fps. jumps up and down depending on what i do. Flying a jet will lowering the fps to 35-40, but running at the ground will give me 50-60, firefight will lower it to 40-50. If i lowering the settnings to medium/high i can use 1080p without problems and get around the same fps as i have mention over. The best u do is to buy a desktop pc because u get som much better hardware than u get of a laptop! Hope my English wasnt to hard to understand! ^^ -Hveding