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slippery gypsy

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Everything posted by slippery gypsy

  1. slippery gypsy

    gas stations

    you should be asking why did they remove exploding sandpits
  2. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    cannabalism was in 2017 mod no one cared then ...cannabalism is a fundamental survival staple happens through countless species ...
  3. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    are you able to craft the leather ants shown earlier in the thread or is it only a in game file atm
  4. slippery gypsy

    LRS messed up?

    from memory LRS had the same issue round the time SA first came out ...
  5. slippery gypsy

    How do I not panic/shake when I get in a gunfight?

    470ish hrs on stand alone still have my heart tearing through my chest in some combat situations ... i make every effort to minimize pvp so i can keep chasing that feeling only fear i will be one day found being choked with my own pants playing tetris in an alleyway being burnt with cigarettes and tazered just for a cheap thrill
  6. slippery gypsy

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    was better when you didnt try so hard
  7. slippery gypsy

    New patch and pond water

    disinfectant ....spray on open can of food .... chemical food poisoning ...to state there is no food poisoning is miss leading ....
  8. slippery gypsy

    Found a Helicopter crash and fully stocked military base

    7892 ... pffft conservative much
  9. slippery gypsy

    My dream " House " location in Dayz

    gardening lime and water
  10. slippery gypsy

    New patch and pond water

    what game are you playing there is multiple courses for food poisoning
  11. slippery gypsy

    How zombies will change the game

    guess we will have to see what H1Z1 comes up with
  12. slippery gypsy

    How zombies will change the game

    i hope they do a RUST effort and remove the zombies cause its to hard and then all thats left is ocd CoD kiddies just to piss you off
  13. i think im developing polio from the weak ass answers in this thread ... i believe it was most terrifying not typical player encounter
  14. slippery gypsy

    I am overheating

    JOG dont sprint .. thats all
  15. slippery gypsy

    welding mask

    no one said they wanted the mask to impede view in game for immersion or reality.. what was stated was does anyone else think the welding helmet implicates future crafting features which multiple people think it does .. to test a flash bang with a welding shield would kind of prove the fact i dont think anyone gives a rats ass about in game function of a welding shield but the futher implications ....if any at all
  16. slippery gypsy

    welding mask

    there is no welder who has done it for a living that hasnt given them self arc eye or ray burn its just a part of the territory the only thing that changes is the frequency it happens and the severity could be co incidence ... but i noticed alot of the older guys were getting alot of skin cancer in there noses and under there eyes ..and they were the bat shit blind old guys ...and then lets not get onto the health issues with the wire like 3XP and 80ni dualshield verti core type stuff banned in numerous states of america but openly almost exclusively used in australia with law only stating a paper dusk mask as adequate protection
  17. slippery gypsy

    welding mask

    then here is something that might interest you wearing clear glasses reduces the chances of arc eye than if you were wearing dark glasses because allegedly dark glasses absorb lights where as clears reflect light ...stainless is the worst for ray burn in general
  18. slippery gypsy

    welding mask

    kinda massive difference
  19. slippery gypsy

    welding mask

    not a welder its an acetylene torch ... to torture some one with a welder you would need to use like a coat hangar in an arc welder and put them in a bucket of water or something ...you can be completely drenched in sweat and tack a job while bare handed and get a small boot hardly torture ...
  20. slippery gypsy

    welding mask

    ive used all brand over the years and still go back to my flip top bucket ... only use a speedi glass for tig ...main reason is no company will supply clears for a speed due to so many models and the rebreather is a bulky pain in the ass when your up in a confined space ... i see how you got the answer now ... to my point i think it would not be relevant to the in game mask as i stated before a standard mask would be like having a sack over your head as oppossed to a auto darkening helmet aside from actual viewing area you can see very well through them til there flashed and in game is a auto tint mask granted a $30 ebay fixed shade still a auto tint .... what do you work on as a matter of interest ???
  21. slippery gypsy

    welding mask

    you win .... i have nothing ...
  22. slippery gypsy

    Wells not working? What's persistence?

    try fixing the well with the tools in game
  23. slippery gypsy

    Am I doing it right?

    notice no one rips on battlefield ..... cause everyone knows CoD is shit
  24. slippery gypsy

    Mosin Rangefinding

    just practice with your own FoV setting and you will soon enough just naturally know
  25. slippery gypsy

    welding mask
