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slippery gypsy

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Everything posted by slippery gypsy

  1. slippery gypsy


    just another example
  2. slippery gypsy

    Getting really bummed out after buying this game.

    wow a new angle on an old topic 1/10 for attempted drumming of forum traffic its almost like some fanboy was bursting with wee to post something but nobody was posting new topics for them to reply to because there all off badmouthing H1Z1 so OP had to do it themselves in classic 4chan style
  3. slippery gypsy

    Regarding reanimation of a killed/dead player

    did you just read h1z1 road map now
  4. slippery gypsy

    Going Cannibal

    THERE ARE ELDER SCROLLS / FALLOUT VILLIAN E-DIARIES AND I AM NOT READING THEM!!!!! move over silent hunter 3 fan fiction ....
  5. slippery gypsy

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    im sure there is worse things going on in game that people have had to console there loved ones about ...and racism is the only thing you want censored... im sure there are numerous mother groups out there that could give you a whole encyclopedic report on bannable content ...you must have had a very priviledged life if racial slurs are so emotionally devastating to your family .. im sure there is content in game that gets alot of people "ANGRY" as you are ....im pretty sure the generic most logical answer would be dont play the game ....so i put it to you simply find another server or dont play at all
  6. slippery gypsy

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    in Australia people of recent have had to face magistrates and receive criminal charges for racial abuse usually resulting in community service or heavy fines alot of it is hardly hate crimes it just gets so over sensationalized by the media that the offenders receive heavy charges ... almost every instance has been on public transport with a 3rd party filming the event and then putting on social media ...then public out cry results in "lynching" the offender who always appears to be white the joys of a over policed nation that does not have freedom of speech protected under a bill of rights ...
  7. slippery gypsy

    This is a fake...right?

    rollerblades what is this 1998 ....unless your an avid viewer of D grade 90s sci-fi movies i can totally understand ... skateboard = table..seat..weapon...transport..
  8. slippery gypsy

    Ruining the christmas

    natural disaster is not apocalypse ....the lack of hope and desperation will do amazing things to a persons behaviour
  9. get the hell outta here schrub your niche is oprah feel good storys not dayz development fanboyizm conflict resolution ...and your spelling is slipping
  10. slippery gypsy

    Too many guns or just silly spawning

    add more zombies problem solved
  11. slippery gypsy

    DayZ for purists - Keeping it real

    accept my way is the right way
  12. slippery gypsy

    How to look into tent?

    did you learn nothing from the mod never overfill a tent or walk over a friend that was prone but to answer your question its ALPHA and thats all you need to know ...trust me i read the disclaimer
  13. slippery gypsy


    maybe just a rebel of the sacred heart ...singing drunken lullabies
  14. slippery gypsy


    dont stress he is probably within a mile from home
  15. slippery gypsy

    IS THIS A NEW THING!? I am running out of pants...

    goddammit get the hell out ... just go ....dont even say anymore just leave ... im not even angry .........just dissapointed now leave god i hate you kenny
  16. slippery gypsy

    DayZ 2015 roadmap

    he rode a triumph inTWD
  17. slippery gypsy

    DayZ 2015 roadmap

    roadmap pffft thats like some guy telling you and the great things hes gonna do to his car ...reality is 2015 rolls rounds and that shitbox was written off and a new car build is planned
  18. slippery gypsy

    Some DayZ Facts About You...

    i heart .22 sporters
  19. slippery gypsy

    Share your alcohol induce story.

    i bet you get heaps of chicks too
  20. slippery gypsy

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    wasnt stealth just crawling and rolling around the map
  21. slippery gypsy

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    its a trap!!!!
  22. slippery gypsy

    gas stations

    even better if you didnt hear it exploded but see the smoke ... for a epic heli crash fail
  23. slippery gypsy

    What happened here? Duping or bug?

    millions of games are not persistent either
  24. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    cannabalism is not new to dayz
  25. wouldnt forced 1pp make even more people treat the game as a shooter ?