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slippery gypsy

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Everything posted by slippery gypsy

  1. slippery gypsy

    DAYZ ....ohhhh you

    usufructuaries ..... ohhhhhhh you
  2. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    so if the model isnt added it wouldnt really be upgradable would it ?
  3. slippery gypsy

    DAYZ ....ohhhh you

    more to the point dayz hackage is not really ... ohhhhhh you glitchage ....
  4. slippery gypsy

    DAYZ ....ohhhh you

    didnt read .......sorry
  5. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    because in reality not everyone can get there hands on a M4 or similar so a cut down .22 stashed in your jacket proves just the same point when aimed at a persons face
  6. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    akm is not rare
  7. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    i tried 5 logs and 8 stones in the forest and nada
  8. slippery gypsy

    What DayZ Players Say Before They Die

    pretty funny .... "good thing is you dont get sniped anymore"
  9. slippery gypsy

    Came upon a huge weapons stash in Berezino.

    trade you akm mag for amphibia mag ... i dump akm mags in the bush when i find them
  10. slippery gypsy

    How many hits from a zombie to kill you?

    i been crouched before and been 1 hit killed buy a zombie ....only advice i can give is more you play dayz you will gradually shrug off the ways you die ...because they get more and more ridiculously outrageous and unbelievable or unlucky however you choose to look at it
  11. slippery gypsy

    Golden magazines

    yes my friend and i killed some one and i couldnt see the loot but my friend could and he said that they had frankincense mags
  12. slippery gypsy

    Methods of Response

    full camo = KOS ... ??? weapon drawn and ready =KOS?? to bad for that cautious survivalist YOU come across then
  13. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    some would argue the longhorn takes the roll of the charger .... off topics charger was the first semi auto i ever shot
  14. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    any one tried the stones for the fire yet ?
  15. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    agreed but kinda off topic
  16. slippery gypsy

    New items spawn locations?

    pretty sure the engraved 1911 is totally random where ever 1911s spawn as i have found them in tents jail and ACT
  17. slippery gypsy

    What is Persistent Loot going to look like?

    im still confused ... why wouldnt tents be server bound with 7 day despawn it worked before and it will work now and being bound to your character make no sense because there supposed to be lootable buy anyone while you not around hence the whole hiding them so they cant be found .... the simple solution to the ass-hattery you can destroy the tents so they despawn
  18. slippery gypsy

    confirmed new stuff in exp. 46.

    i would have though a unstable country like chernarus would have had a RPG in almost every home .... ya know cause whenever you see 3 or more people holding AK's there is a dude with a RPG
  19. slippery gypsy


    train was pretty good in Red dead redemption pretty good idea in survivors too i assume there was some super power running a steam train in revolution the busted ass train in mad max 3 was cool too i like the idea
  20. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    good to know about the B95 ... im all for cutting them all down ...
  21. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    agreed i was not standing here screaming i want it done now ... but i would hope eventually that you can cut down most weapons
  22. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    why cut down a shotgun .... why cut down any firearm ...
  23. slippery gypsy

    CZ 527

    if i had one and could i probably would in game... IRL is a different story never even seen a mosin but a enfield is a different story
  24. slippery gypsy

    CZ 527

    australians because there easier to hide if you dont have a licence :o