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slippery gypsy

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Everything posted by slippery gypsy

  1. i see that ...so what else is there to change ? OP says its copy and paste not myself
  2. This sniper looks to be a copy and past of the Mosin with changes to its skin, damage, and caliber. what else is there to change ??
  3. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    jumped off the top of the town hall in the new capital took no damage at all so did it 2 more times with running jumps and still no damage ..... jumped over a set of stairs on the sidewalk broken legs ...so im assuming the new town hall is the issue
  4. slippery gypsy

    Secrets of DayZ in the Last 4 Months

    there is a rocket pack under green mountain ..... every one knows that because it sure as fuck wasnt under mt chilliad
  5. slippery gypsy

    Hunting Deer - mornings or afternoons?

    the western fields of lopatino my friend has good hunting grounds ...boar ,deer and a creek
  6. do you have to be johnny on the ball with the Ph level due to the excessive tears used ?
  7. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    "I have no idea if it's a problem in Lamecore mode, after all I'm not a 5yo console gamer who likes things in easy mode, but in 1PP" ... hardcore is just a lame gimmick and very far from hard ..... your a real regular bear grylls up on them hardcore servers .....
  8. slippery gypsy

    Russian roulette in DayZ?

    what is memespam
  9. slippery gypsy

    Meaningful Customization: Complete Edition

    hi quality gear for tattooing .. :huh:
  10. slippery gypsy

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    i had a remote control plane once hand launched it hit the throttle it took off in a massive loop before smashing into the ground not far from where i was standing ... but if a afghan mujahadeen fighter can jump in a mil hind and get it off the ground im sure i can too
  11. slippery gypsy

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    wait til you experience tunnel fear and you are traveling in a convoy with out a rear guard
  12. slippery gypsy

    DAYZ ....ohhhh you

    just sprayed my 75 round akm drum mag green ... changed it to a 30 round mag......DAYZ ohhhhh you..... any other rage-tastic moments similar please share
  13. slippery gypsy

    [017 035] Vanishing Town

    i recently went through a destroyed town all the buildings were burnt out or bombed .... cant honestly recall seeing it before
  14. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    loving experimental servers atm because there is so few you actually have to scavenge hardcore for gear ... currently im carrying a mosin a amphibia with a clip but cannot find ammo for either only finding shotgun shells ... very fun indeed
  15. slippery gypsy

    Actual Super Market

    warz had a walmart ...and look what happened there .... :| warz also made an american map ...and look what happened there ........ no malls ...... no US map
  16. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    sadly the sawn off shotgun in my experience is not very consistant in game .. i dont think i ever made a kill with it in a building either works well on zombies but not sure about other players
  17. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    like DaiZy 2018 ......????
  18. slippery gypsy

    Unhealthy amount of paranoia in SA

    love the racing heart after an encounter or the panic as a shot ring out near you .... not so much when im with a group/clan playin but definatly when lone wolfing
  19. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    noticed you can point your weapon while sitting down ...knew you could hold a weapon and sit not sure if you could point it
  20. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    pretty sure a charger is purely for bench rest range shooting
  21. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    i would have thought " i think you fucking need" made more sense than " i fucking think you need" i mean you dont want to come across like a clown right ?
  22. slippery gypsy

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    im all for choppers ... unit triumph or shovelhead preferably ... already got the bad ass jacket in game
  23. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    any situation you would use a sawn off you would be at a distance of what ? 10-20 metres ... the 30 rounds + plus semi auto more than makes up for lost accuracy and velocity ... the sporter is the least loved rifle in game ... so simple idea to get more use out of it ... .22 is the most popular round in the world so it stands to reason a .22 rifle would be the most popular firearm that said what mods can you do to a .22 LR ... scope it up and plink vermin or cut it down terrorize store owners ...i guess the majority think a mp5 with tactical rails is more realistic apocolptyic side arm... inb4 pictures of AR style .22s because i mentioned mods
  24. slippery gypsy

    The 5 Rules Of Dayz...

    1. cardio 2.dont talk about fight club 3.double tap 4.beware of bathrooms 5.dont talk about fight club