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slippery gypsy

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Everything posted by slippery gypsy

  1. slippery gypsy

    Have you ever given guns and ammo to freshspawns?

    by definition werent you the bambi and your alleged victim being armed a little above the bambi station
  2. slippery gypsy

    The Most Dangerous Game

  3. slippery gypsy

    The Most Dangerous Game

    cool story ...now make me a sandwich
  4. slippery gypsy

    So...after 8 months...

    last experimental patch you could jump off the capital citys town hall and to my shock i survived so i did it about 3 more times .... so i rekon you guys toons are just soft ... im sure someone will correct me but i think it might be the highest jumping point in the game
  5. slippery gypsy

    Tent bait

    thatssss lowwwwwww dishonestttt but really how long would you have to hide in a hole in the ground chances are he would have waited that long he cooked like a hungi in the desert sand
  6. slippery gypsy

    First Balancing pass on firearms

    so does MoA still count for a longhorn or is it negated because it is a single shot weapon .... also does anyone know where they spawn now if at all ?
  7. slippery gypsy

    To whoever's named " What? "

    splitting axe fits in a hunting pack ... but hacksaw to cut down a axe to make a hatchet wouldnt be a bad idea
  8. slippery gypsy

    Archery: Bows, Arrows, etc.

    cant even get a sawn off .22 .. doubt you will get community to agree on bow crafting logistics or arrowcraft ... which i might add in this situation most likely would be a broadhead made out of a spoon or similar
  9. slippery gypsy

    Please STOP making updates....Thank you

    the cr mag is stupidly hard to find .... i cant even confirm they exist....i agree with OP stop progress of the game ... tents and persistent storage who wants that shit ...right ...
  10. slippery gypsy

    Something to help clear the air.

    why no dev blogs
  11. this is a simple poll to discuss the idea as most people go for military type weapons i truely dig the little .22 plinkster we can already cut down the shotgun so why not the .22 i am fully aware of how inaccurate the sporter would become probably less accurate than most pistols ... or would it become a small bore OP 30 shot pistol like WMD and if accuracy was you major concern you probably wouldnt be carrying the sporter anyway mostly i am hoping that this thread can rabble rouse enough of you so that some devs see it and consider the idea flipside of it is the realism factor which is a big thing on this forum i highly doubt there is a huge number of sawn off weapons floating around a place like chernarus as opposed to where im from
  12. slippery gypsy


    i never suggested pre WW2 Cars for starters it was a suggestion about soviet build motorcycles because of the massive list of cars i never suggested adding anything pre WW2 .. im pretty sure anything with a carby and magneto is gonna be runnnin round long after a showrroom fresh H1 hummer has dropped a cell in the battery so i would go as far to say all that would be on the roads is diesel trucks and older diesel 4x4s because they can be run on "dirty " fuel just like older bikes can be run on kero or just about anything with a octane rating ... and since modern petrol isnt made to have a long shelf life it would be safe to assume that no matter the age or condition of your vehicle 2yrs tops will be useless ... i am not to sure about LPG or aircraft grade fuels myself but im pretty sure someone here will ..so when you say larger utility can you give me more detail on your opinion as i see it as a discussion and not a debate
  13. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    and that completely stands to reason and most valid point brought to the discussion .. majority try to bang on about bullet ballistics and so on ... thank you for an informative constructive answer .... and with that it makes complete sense that this will most likely never happen so no real reason to continue with this thread ...... +1
  14. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    yes because how ever many people it took to have the sporter make it in game wasted there time on something that is rarely used so there good at picking the best thing right ?
  15. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    or more like every weapon you come across will be cut in half so if you had the only fuctional firearm in the server you would become the pre reset feudal lord of sorts
  16. slippery gypsy


    what about bikes .. i would link them but im to lazy ural cossack the jupiter (2 stroke ) i think nati 750 and a few more that are pre WW2 much like china today soviets were great at make "official soviet copys" of things my dad owned a ural and it came in 1 of 2 colours his was "strength of the republic red"
  17. slippery gypsy

    Force shadows on client

    its the warz turn grass off argument all over again
  18. slippery gypsy

    So placing the Bible in my Press Vest did this..

    bible does nothing ..pretty good for RP thats about it .... ""book of jobs" is a far more useful religious text if you can find it in 400 hrs its been sighted once that i know of
  19. slippery gypsy

    Map loot markers

    or you could write it all in your diary
  20. slippery gypsy

    sawn off .22 sporter poll ...should we be able to

    a fire arm is a "TOOL" that is modified or enhanced to suit the job you are using it for
  21. slippery gypsy

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    more of this
  22. slippery gypsy

    portable stove

    + 5x1 meat in the pot on stove in the pack
  23. slippery gypsy

    Ultimate Guide to Fix Lag in DayZ Standalone

    nope the old info said scene complexity 100000 this pioneers has set scene complexity @ 200000 cutting edge stuff a digital frontiersman if i do say so myself .... boldly going where three quarters of the forum have gone beforeeeeeeeee....
  24. slippery gypsy

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    melee might suck but at least we dont have to reload the axe .....yet