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Everything posted by D4ngrs

  1. I think, the weapon-damage is way too high sometimes. I got shot by a pistol 3 times on 3 new, different and fully healthy characters and was instant dead all 3 times. A Friend of mine just needed like 5 shots to take revenge for me. I know that I did not get shot to the head, I saw for like a millisecond that I started bleeding at the lower back. What is this? How can I get oneshotted at the back with full blood and health while my friends needs like 5 shots to kill someone? edit: for everyone who cant read my other posts here: I GOT SHOT BY ONE BULLET TO THE BACK, AND DIED INSTANTLY. THIS HAPPEND 3 TIMES. I did not got shot once by 3 bullets.
  2. D4ngrs

    Weapon-Damage way too high!

    as I said, it was a bullet from a FNX, i had this bullet-proof-vest-look-a-like armor, which was NOT damaged. The bullet hit me in the lower back, more like the butt.
  3. D4ngrs

    Weapon-Damage way too high!

    Does anyone who answers even read the last posts? i did get shot BY ONE BULLET, THREE DIFFERENT TIMES, on THREE DIFFEREND CHARACTERS. Not 3 bullets at the same time. gonna edit this.
  4. D4ngrs

    Weapon-Damage way too high!

    as I said, I had protection. And I did express myself the wrong way: with i got shot 3 times i meant 3 different times, with a different character. I got shot with one bullet, and this happened 3 different times.
  5. D4ngrs

    Weapon-Damage way too high!

    Well, I dont want it like in Battlefield to take more then 20 Bullets from a rifle to die. But it's not realistic, too, that you die instantly by getting ONE bullet from a Pistol to the hips. You would start beeding, but not die. One shot from a sniper? Yep, thats ok. One from a Rifle? Yep, would not be bad, but a pistol? Nope. This thing would not kill you at the lower back instantly. Guys, I'm talking about the instant-death. The "action" didnt took longer then 2 seconds.
  6. D4ngrs

    Weapon-Damage way too high!

    Well, I never talked about 3 bullets. I was fully equippet with non-damaged clothes, as like those bullet-proof vests and so on and it just took one shoot in the back to kill me. As I said, I was full on blood, too. And btw guys, thanks for beeing unfriendly assholes. god, some people are so disrespectful. Not all of you, but some.
  7. I got a really annoying problem. I logged in, started normally where I logged out and my charcater instantly started moaning. I did not get shot, hit or anything else, it just started for no reason. Well, I guess, I just can stop this the "normal way" - but how? there are so many medical supplies, I dont even know what I should use for which situation. Thanks for any help!
  8. D4ngrs

    Character moaning for no reason.

    I guess it was a bug. I was not on low blood, as I said, did not get hit by anything, I did not even get damage from anything. But this problem solved after a relog... Anyways, my character has beed resetted, so it's not interesting anymore. :D - No, not only from the Patch, idk, from a bug. Just logged out, went to the kitchen to gather some drinks, went back, and saw a nice coast. :P
  9. Lol. the last part is exactly what happened to me. But the Player didn't miss me. :D It was really funny. 1 Shot, headshot - "You are dead". And then he shouted at me "ON THE GROUND!" - well, I was dead. :D
  10. D4ngrs

    Character moaning for no reason.

    Yeah, but the funny thing is, i did not get hit by anything, as I just said... this is the annoying part about that.
  11. D4ngrs

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    I got tons of servers, but all are empty. when I want to join, "Wait for Host".