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About mfratane

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  1. Some of the most famous DayZ images as a mosaic made of 50x50 tiles. All tiles are DayZ-themed. Each input image's pixel is replaced by a tile. There is no alpha effect or any other kind of effect applied to the tiles or to the input image(like photoshop and other apps does), it is just pure pixel "replacement" as you can see. Links for high-resolution images. (15000x8400, 162MB) https://mega.nz/#!G0sCiQIa!McQOPeaVub8DZAkZCnV54WBqnNkbUHFxBG7HuTf19PM (15000x8400, 142MB) https://mega.nz/#!elcyWKBZ!pqTEdBHCDjqA5IZ11TGDlw4UCzdd5TUWlNgvNGPFIF0 (15000x8400, 105MB) https://mega.nz/#!a5MjVIJT!351GeI0NhWkiWagi3GJKfZ2PCfYlnw8BImn73QQwFL8 Source code on Github: https://github.com/MFrat/MosaicBuilder
  2. mfratane

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    No, it wasn't. In 2013 dean hall said that they were building a new engine. Since 2013 they have been building it. 2013. I'm not being negative, i'm just asking questions. I'm a big DayZ's fan just like you.
  3. mfratane

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Brian, Why when people asks for game improvements in performance, zombies, vehicles and stuff you and dev guys always says "it's alpha", but you increase the games's price like a complete game does? Why don't you put a alpha price? Is Alpha only for development and not for the price? Considering when the 0.50 was released, dean hall said that the game wasn't 50% done, and the game's price was 25 dollars. Will the game cost more than 50 dollars? Are we getting a less-than-half-done game and paying for a more-than-half-done game? if the open alpha is for users test the product, why are you developing the core of the engine in this stage? Users can't test the engine, i can't report to you that you are not allocating memory in the correct way, but i can report to you that the zombie's ai is not working properly. Why didn't you do it in the closed alpha(2013), or maybe why didn't you don't extend it?
  4. mfratane

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    What about hopping? When will it be fixed?
  5. mfratane

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    i think they should add areas with levels of radioactive contamination, and to enter in this areas you will need a functional gas mask.and other things.
  6. mfratane

    Hopping or Dupping?

    it's not so simple for a brazillian rent a server. 400 bugs per month. I don't think he has so much money to spent like a drunk on a Friday night
  7. mfratane

    Hopping or Dupping?

    I think it was hop followed by dupe.
  8. mfratane

    Hopping or Dupping?

    What do you think? Both? Steam Account: [EMA] Luuan BR http://steamcommunity.com/id/luuanmc http://steamcommunity.com/id/luuanmc/screenshots/
  9. mfratane

    Translate Dayz SA to portuguese

    Tem que colocar saparada aê pra frente :thumbsup:
  10. mfratane

    Translate Dayz SA to portuguese

    I don't think so. I'm Brazillian, translate is too damn difficult when you translate a video or a game that has a complex plot, but when you only have a few sentences, it's easy to transalate and don't take so much time to do a good work, when you have a team of course. And nowadays we have a lot of good dictionaries that explain words easily to portguese speakers understand. And i don't fucking know y i'm talking in english to you '-'
  11. mfratane

    Translate Dayz SA to portuguese

    Do you think dayz has so much things to translate that will take so much time? I don't. Only a few status mensages and items descriptions. And congratulations for your iniciative, i really apreciate what you are trying to do, it's hard to see it in Brazillians :D
  12. Holyshit. I feel shamed to say "I'm Brazillian". You piece of shit, go read de forum's rules before post something. Ops, i forgot, you barely know portuguese.
  13. mfratane

    People over exaggerate KOS so much.

    guns are too easy to find, i think it's because of this KoS is too exaggerated. And a lot of people are doing server hopping to get ammo and medicines.
  14. mfratane

    Epoch in SA.

    For me, Epoch was the most ridiculous MOD in the history of DayZMOD. Is there any possibility of it coming to SA?