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Everything posted by Lectoor

  1. Lectoor

    Hear no footsteps

    ive been killed a couple of times now, and then it hit me..i never heard footsteps from an "enemy" player... Ever... for example one time: im in a building and i close the doors so that i can loot and eat privetly. when suddenly..someone is walking in the room and shoots me. no sound, no warning..and he was not crouching. :P atleast add door opening sounds, and footsteps so that i can be aware of incomming ppl! Thx for a good game ! :)
  2. Lectoor

    Dayz Stand Alone Lack Of Items

    just run...run as fast as you can..dont look back, dont stand still..RUN
  3. i love the game..Alot :) its awesome. but i must admit that i think the hunger and thirsty is a bit un-balanced..i mean.. i must eat & drink every 5min. thats a bit to much.. but i undestand its not an prio issue atm :) just wanted to know what other players think about the eat and drink.. peace !
  4. Lectoor

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    same here :) Great patch btw.
  5. (sorry for my poor english skills) Been waiting to participate in this game :) been playing for a total of 6 hours..and its been 6 hours of fun and exitment. i read the forum and was fully aware of the buggs and wierdo stuffs that was going on in the game.. still i had a blast! to bad with the servers tho :P hope you`ll get it sorted out soon! so sad to see players typing of what a piece of shit game this is and so on :( they didnt read the forums nor the warning sign at the start of the game. i just want to express my joy and happyness to the dayz team. im looing forward to see this game grow ! well done!
  6. Lectoor

    Needing a can opener to open a can is pathetic

    i like massive quests :) finding a can opener is my life now