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Kane (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Kane (DayZ)

  1. Kane (DayZ)

    Suggestion : Vehicle Disassembly

    Then people could take the engine/fuel tank out of their own vehicle, put it in their bags and then log off knowing that if someone wants to steal their vehicle they will need to bring an engine/fuel tank with them. (which could force the guy finding the vehicle to take all the wheels/other parts off the vehicle in spite) So it could add alot to the vehicle hide and seek that goes on all the time, and could make use of those vehicles you find that need too much repairing but have something like a fully working engine. Would be interesting to see this idea tested out.
  2. Kane (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    @People that quoted me If they did start adding things that would force players into group A or B then the game would become a team death match and would start to lose the sandbox feel that it has at the moment. I'd much rather play the game solo than with someone that used to kill everyone on sight but is helping me just because of a certain gameplay mechanic like wanting something only a non bandit can get. But if Rocket decides to start adding features that force people into groups then I'm not gunna make a thread and complain or stop playing, i'll just adapt and continue to enjoy the game as should you if they don't decide to add anything that forces teamplay. Doesn't matter what Rocket and his team adds/takes away or modifies, people will be divided by the decisions and there will always be people complaining against or for those decisions, he can either listen to both sides and meet a middle ground resulting in non of the sides being happy or just do whatever he wants and take the odd 1-2 good/bad idea's from the community, try them out then decide for himself whether it's good or bad. As blacksheep said, just let him do as he likes with his mod and not make a big deal out of the changes/new features that are added since we are just testing it for the moment.
  3. Kane (DayZ)

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    I like the idea of no NVG's, night servers are just hunting grounds for people with them or server hoppers jumping into the low pop server for loot before moving to a diff one. From the few times that I've played on night servers i've found it quite beautiful with the burning barrels and flares around the place, casting shadows and making it feel like a completely different experience but the thing that is bad about nights is that you know there are many people with nvg that are just waiting to see you and have full advantage of people without NVG. Removing NVG's would let more people experience night play and might grow to enjoy it more than day play even since there aren't people with massive visual advantages over the others.
  4. Kane (DayZ)

    Anyone Else Having Trouble Staying Friendly?

    I'm half friendly, I don't shoot people that don't shoot me and I don't shoot people that aren't a threat but in dangerous area's like military zones then I'll shoot on sight because it's a risky place to be. I disagree with penalties/rewards for being a bandit/civilan, there's so many tense situations and memorable moments made from not knowing the other guys intentions and firefights between groups that would be completely ruined if you start thinking "they kill people which is the wrong way to play the game because I don't like being killed". You're going to die from other players and lose your stuff because they are the big threat of the game, just don't get upset over it and restart. Trying to reduce that threat or making it really easy to see who's a bandit/civilian will ruin so many potential heart racing moments and turn the game into a "Red vs Blue" scenario which is in every generic fps and doesn't need to be in this game. Also trying to put people into 2 groups or trying to say "this group bad, this group good" is impossible to do in a sandbox game like this since there is so many shades of grey amongst the black and white.
  5. Kane (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Then teams would just send one person into the area whilst rest keep watch/protect him from afar.
  6. Kane (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I like how so many people are wanting "rewards" for teaming up with people, as if the following aren't enough of an incentive to team up and they want even more. -Always someone there to give you a transfusion -More bag space, can get other person/people to carry stuff for you that you have no room for -More awareness of your surroundings since there is more eyes and ears to watch around the place -More safety since people are less likely to just shoot a big group of people -Easier to fix cars/gather supplies since you can split up and then meet up at a camp to store the goods -More chance to get your stuff back, friend can watch over your dead body or carry the important things back to you once you die. If all these things aren't enough of an incentive for people to work together then you must be crazy, honestly they should give more bonuses to people that like to play solo since teams get all the benefits at the moment.
  7. Kane (DayZ)

    101 Servers violating slot requirement

    I don't care about the ones that have 25 limit and up, but the ones that have a cap of 5 and under are just plain stupid, you seem to have missed those servers from your screenshot since there are many with caps of 1-5 people. Edit: Did the guy below seriously have to quote the entire first post?
  8. Kane (DayZ)

    New item: Blindfold. Does what you think it does.

    Yep good idea but I'd also like to see "rope" and "tranq darts" so you can knock people out from afar, tie them up with the rope and haul them into the back of a vehicle. Just imagine being that tied up guy having no idea what they are going to do to you/where you are going. Would make so many memorable moments.
  9. Kane (DayZ)


    Sounds fun, you (or someone else) should upload a montage video of the killings/ragings from the activity.
  10. Kane (DayZ)

    Suggestion for new important threads.

    You have it the wrong way around, maybe if they are as successful as you think they will be, then they will get stickied. Not sure how you think the Trade thread will reduce banditry risk, won't more bandits read that in order to find easy targets with what they want? The Name N Shame thread won't really work since anyone can change their name in the profile options.
  11. Kane (DayZ)

    white dot paranoia.

    Probably no option to disable it, I don't host a server though so I'm not sure.
  12. Kane (DayZ)

    white dot paranoia.

    Peripheral vision, seeing white dots mean there is something in that direction like an animal/player/dead body on that side of the screen that you can't see infront of you.
  13. Because it's as bad as entering an empty/almost empty server' date=' there's no risk and it's far too easy to just farm dangerous high loot areas that normally have other players there to keep things interesting. [/quote'] "No risk?" What do you call zombies? I'm not going to argue that there should be no bandits, but it sure would be nice to have people actually *playing* as bandits -- in other words, killing you for your gear -- instead of all the COD jerks who shoot you with an M4 when you have nothing but a flashlight, then laugh at what a "noob" you are. Zombies are not a threat unless you are new to the game, I'll admit that in (or was it 4?) they were dangerous but once you'd gotten used to not being able to crouch walk/run it wasn't that bad, and since they made them easier in 1.5 I just run into a building and hack them up with the OP hatchet now.
  14. Because it's as bad as entering an empty/almost empty server, there's no risk and it's far too easy to just farm dangerous high loot areas that normally have other players there to keep things interesting.
  15. -Snip- just read first post properly. Seems to be a lot of "dodgy" servers around though that do what they want.
  16. Kane (DayZ)

    A few ideas that might be good for this game.

    Don't like the first one, I like the second one since you can do all sorts of mean stuff to people like steal their backpack/weapons or watch zombies eat them as they are passed out. Bandits will have so much fun with the noobs, it will be like shooting them in the legs only alot more worse/fun.
  17. Kane (DayZ)

    Female zombies.

    Don't see why the gender of zombies matter that much and there is female zombie nuns in the game. Does seeing no female zombies really break the immersion for you? It really wouldn't add much to the game, not that I would mind if there was more zombie skins to mix it up but when you start wanting them to be a certain gender/colour/race then it just gets out of hand.
  18. Kane (DayZ)

    Vehicle inventory dissappeared

    I think this happened to me as well, at first I thought it was just bandits since it's happened many times before but. 1. The vehicle was still there, fully fueled and repaired and hadn't moved at all, you'd think they'd atleast move the vehicle with the stuff somewhere. 2. Everything was gone, I'd expect a bandit to take the good stuff like the dmr's, m14 aims maybe a few blood bags and meds, but there was alot of random junk like car parts, food/drink, many bandages. I find it hard to believe someone would want all the stuff and not just the good things.
  19. Kane (DayZ)

    Sleeping in tents - Tent then becomes spawn point

    so you've never died to players i'm guessing or gone back to your body to find it gone/all stuff missing? What you're asking for is a save point, people will carry tents around thinking "oh this is a dangerous area, I better save before entrering so I can run back to my body/kill the guy that killed me" It's a stupid idea.
  20. Kane (DayZ)

    Sleeping in tents - Tent then becomes spawn point

    Then you'd just set up a tent close to one of airbases, raid/camp it all the time and if you get killed you'll respawn at the tent run back to the body and kill the guy looting it. Way too many exploits with it.
  21. Try thinking of places people would hide them, not where they spawn. It's really easy to find a vehicle if you just search the northern woods/fields, and once you find a pretty fast vehicle you can then search the off map.
  22. Kane (DayZ)

    idea for trust-building-mechanic

    Ok, I'll shorten it for you. Bandits/Survivors are fine how they are at the moment, no need to add punishments or rewards for certain types of behaviour.
  23. Kane (DayZ)

    idea for trust-building-mechanic

    If there was no benefits to being a survivor then every single player would be a bandit, but you know they aren't and that there are plenty of friendly players. There's no need to punish/reward for playing the way you want (unless exploiting/cheating). A lot of people turn to banditry because they are annoyed of being killed all the time but a lot of people are avoid getting into firefights and help people when needed. Short version: If you need incentive to be good, why even pretend that you don't want to kill others. If you don't want to kill other players and are fine with helping people, why let "no reward" or how other people play stop you from playing like that?
  24. Not down and not banned, just in a diff server now.