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Everything posted by Ynneead

  1. Ynneead

    I'm a'scared.

    I found m4 ammo and clips come from mostly military bases as the m4 itself can be found all over the place. The mosin and its ammo seem to be kinda weird they spawn almost everywhere in cars in schools in apartment buildings even found one in a barn once. Its ammo is just as random i once found an ammo box for it in a supermarket in cherno on a freshly restarted server. do take note that the silencer is a lie as it may be silent to zombies but it is still loud as hell, probably a bug
  2. Ynneead

    Wtf? (random death?)

    not sure about mosin sounds but i know silencers don't make the gun silent at all! also bipods will somtimes make you bulets shoot out of them into the ground somehow....
  3. Ynneead

    Wtf? (random death?)

    um a thing i noticed in firebuildings and the air control buildings in airfeilds(with the 3 garage doors) have a tendacy to bug you out of the building take fall damage and take you back in. This happened to my friends a few times. I'll be outside looking aorund and isee them fall out of the window of a second story and they go wtf i died. my response is well if you jump out a window your gonna die 1 story kills you now!. their response. but i wasn't even moving i was in my inventory checing my medic kit!
  4. i usually always try to help or hide especially the guys running around towns with the flashlights on because in my mind: flashlight in main hand is definatly not a weapon! Also help as everyone starts the game with one foot already in the grave(spawn: im thirsty! my tummy hurts! my head is throbing... im feeling faint). i've been kosed about 8 times. eh it happens maybe i scared someone maybe just for fun maybe for my stuff if i never died i would already be done with the game.
  5. Ynneead

    Dayz Vet looking for a team.

    dayz vet eh? prepare for a little disapointment with the lack of vehicles and tents that will hopefully be released soon
  6. From my experience the pipe wrench will almost always knock a zombie over the first hit and the 2nd hit will kill them so its a 2 hit ko for me as for evertyhning else besides the axe, its kinda buggy and will ususally not even hit them
  7. Ynneead

    I can barely get started

    Yerp they do. Albiet sneaky and somewhat reclusive i try to help most people i come in contact with escpecially if they dont have a ranged weapon (as i can ususlay outrun them since i have a few cantines and plenty of food to spare). for armed people i ususaly won't hep them and if ido i have ot be with m ygroup as there is strength in numbers
  8. Ynneead

    I can barely get started

    don't team up? i guess all those close encounters i went through when i got saved by my 4 groupmates where for nothing then :C becuase you know you can give yourself a blood transufion and everything
  9. Ynneead

    Can you craft double mags with tape?

    ive found a double mag off a server hopper once gave them to my buddy since he uses the m4 more than i do and he lost them. Not sure if you make them or find them. Also has anyone found a use for ducktape yet?
  10. Ynneead

    I can barely get started

    team up! Not everyone is bad but most are. I only shoot if i feel the person is a threat if i see someone at a water pump ill just lay hidden until they move on. I ususaly try not to help players now becuase my last few encounters resulted in being chased for about 30 minutes by a guy with an axe lol
  11. Ynneead

    Quick Guide to Proper Diet Management!

    i do feel rather strange stuffin all the food i find into my mouth. The guy gets hungry quite often so pretyt much all food goes into my mouth untill i see a "you stomach feels completely full!".... eating simulator 2013?
  12. Ynneead

    Wiping character

    How a bout don't server hop every military base so your geared up in 15 minutes. x.x
  13. Ynneead

    What Have YOU Found

    oh and a box of matches
  14. Ynneead

    What Have YOU Found

    mountain backpack (35) Tallon backpack (25) hunting backpack(30) Beanies of all colors saints row looking mask Balistics helmet motorcycle helmets mr mosin tactical vest chest holster Black corps pants splitting axe fruit beans spagetti canteens water battles iv starter kits blood bags syring bnadages head lamps books pens stone (lol) woodne stick pu scope sun glasses aviators orange raincoat respirator (doctors mask) vitamins alchohol tetrasometing (antibiotics) saline Protector box (6 slot) medical kits (6 slot) 3 different rails for m4 2 different scopes for m4 weapon flash lgiht bayonette can opener screw driver the old testament the bible
  15. Ynneead

    Mosin and 7.62 ammo box

    the problem here is your tryng to stuff a cardboard box into a gun XD
  16. Ynneead

    How do i know where i spawn?

    Im sorry that you have to learn to read a map and a few town names but if you didn't like it why did you buy the game in the first place? It is a survive based zombie game with almost no UI so why would you expect this game to pamper you with shiney little pointers a compass and a minimap to show you where your at at all the time? God forbid you have to learn anything inside a game besides walk to a floating arrow telling you where to go.
  17. Ynneead

    Mosin 9130

    ive found about 4 mosins so far one in balota in a house one in cherno under a stone archway next to a house that doesnt really go anywhere one in the high aparenment building city between cherno and balota in a 3 story house in the 2nd story on a shelf (think this is a school idk) and another one in chernoer in like a 4 by 10 green house connect to the side of a building (one door goes into the building the other goes outside)
  18. i noticed a bunch of server hoppers in balota killed one in my group so we just camped balota and killed a good 20-30 hoppers that just server hope its painfully obvous when the group is hanging out near buildings and the reload noise just popped out of nowhere so hello there 30 second black screen standing there in the middle of a room
  19. Ynneead

    Low mic sound?

    ive notice this too if your no within 8 meters of a person you cannot hear them loud enough to understand im running 1/4 evertyhing and 100% voip still low
  20. I started up and immediately my guy was hungry and thristy the town i was spawned in was completely baren with nothing in the buildings besides for a 0% rotten apple. I did find a well and was able to drink from that so my thirst stopped. with nothing in the town i decided to follow the road whihc led to a bog and another town. again searching every building was completely empty except for an old testment and a mask. Checking my stuff now my character was starving. Again decided to move on and while traveling i went uncocious for about 45 minutes until i clicked respawn. This Process repeated itself about 5 times until i just decided to go to bed so how do you not starved if every house is completley empty wheres the loot piles at? Or what is the estimated respawn times
  21. i dont think ill be able to shoot anyone with this wrench even though ti does make gun noises! Ive beaten some zombies with it though it seems to kill them 2 hits.... i will now name you george how oftne does a server restart to get new items
  22. hehe i try its just so hard! Right now im in the middle of a forest sick and hungry :C oh well i only have a screwdive some pliers and pocket pants
  23. I dont know the map well so going inland usualy means bunches of forest. ya ive found things under tables but nothing usefull (ie pens paper books). vicinity scanner?.