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Everything posted by Ynneead

  1. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    because i'm pretty sure every town will have at least one bandit in it. But its painfully obvious it's not up for debate so I'll leave you to it
  2. Ynneead

    Does pen and paper work?

    i saw a picture with a big thing about a can opener donno how it went i went something like: If your someone is out here. Anyone if you read this i can offer shelter. i can offer security i can offer protection. but please oh please give me a can opener
  3. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    Seriously the gimping power of your post is so bad id rather just be a bandit and help people because as i said god forbid I'm defending myself and a magic ray of light comes down and smites me if i'm a survivor. I could loot peoples body's' fine when they die (not just when i kill them there's A LOT of ways to die in dayz). and i wouldn't have the heart beat thing as i usually don't kos. win/win/win/win
  4. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    uh ya i would be seriously gimped by its effects. I wouldn't be able to loot bodies that are around (Even if a friend fell off a ladder and i want to pick up their important stuff ie saline SERIOUSLY DESTROYING SURVIVAL/COOPERATIVE ASPECTS). I would have a gay message pop up telling me there's bandits in like every town that i will learn to ignore. God forbid i have to defend myself because i'll fucking die if i shoot someone. Oh and ill feel like a rapist is chasing me hearing his hard breath and his heart breathing from 500m away. And apparently i have to declare how i play 100% of the time the first time i play the game by picking survivor or bandit cutting the game in half makes sense. ...so please tell me again how it wouldn't effect me?
  5. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    I help people in game all the time maybe? i never kos probably? Kos IS a part of the game no matter how much you complain about it. If it's a deathmatch to you then your doing it wrong or in a military base. plus if you never die then what would be the point
  6. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    probably because he couldn't put in the bandit outfits anymore. Also I've never even know this loud heartbeat was a thing. probalby because i don't kos. But in reality if i wanted to play a game where i just kill zombies and don't have to worry about players i could play nazi zombies. The many many arcade zombie games on xbox. the last of us, left 4 dead, dead island, the list continues
  7. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    Sooooo he never played the mod yet seems to know every veteran player and their views in the game. makes perfect sense!
  8. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    i do not support this heart beat thing must have a heart of a dinosaur
  9. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    again nothing about being fair. nothing about 50/50. ...Also do defend my statement even more people play blackjack all the time. The chances of winning with one deck without house rules is even less than 1/13. Substantially less then your 90% kos chance
  10. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    Because most people aren't spiderman and have super human sense that can detect danger from 500m (a little under half a mile) away. Again not halo no radars/detectors
  11. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    I don't think you've ever played the mod by that statement...... People saying leave it the way it is usually don't mean: keep it alpha. pretty sure they mean keep it on the path relative of the mod which does include vehicles and base building (but the mod did not have item degradation as far as i know without being shot so they will probably need to have upkeep
  12. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    v. gam·bled, gam·bling, gam·blesv.intr.1. a. To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest.b. To play a game of chance for stakes.2. To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit.3. To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior: You are gambling with your health by continuing to smoke.v.tr.1. To put up as a stake in gambling; wager.2. To expose to hazard; risk: gambled their lives in a dangerous rescue mission.n.1. A bet, wager, or other gambling venture.2. An act or undertaking of uncertain outcome; a risk: I took a gamble that stock prices would rise. nothing about being fair
  13. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    I like how you post a poll that doesn't support even your idea by a long shot. Although i do support the harsher environment ie more zombies. possibly different types of zombies(not really sure). Base building requires multiple people but not sure if rocket will put in epoch stuff. Also vehicles maintenance will require multiple people (as items degrade now so will tires and engines by theory).
  14. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    not sure if uneducated or just stupid. 90%is STILL a gamble
  15. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    jan3sobieski, on 30 Dec 2013 - 3:37 PM, said: I'm afraid this game is going to die quickly because casuals will see no point in playing and the hardcore players, the "bandits" that shoot everything on sight will eventually run out of fresh meat and only hunt each other. And eventually they'll get bored of it and quit too. If all you want is to kill other players you should go play other games more suited for this than this one. -mod had KoS still alive and healthy I hear the other side of the story too though. I get the point. It's a simulator game, you should have free will whether you want to play friendly or not. I don't know if this is possible but wouldn't it be just easier to have someone "declare" at the character creation screen whether or not you will play a survivor or a bandit? -wouldn't be a problem for me if voip in stand alone went farther than 8m ( i want mod distance :C) Then: If I'm playing a survivor and kill another survivor, my karma (or conscience, or whatever) goes down eventually killing me. (like if I kill 3-4 survivor-they had a bandit/hero thing going on in the mod not sure if can happen in the stand alone considering all the clothing options...... Why would you die for killing someone makes no sense If I'm playing a survivor and kill a bandit my karma stays the same (or if I have killed a survivor by a mistake, killing a bunch of bandits would slowly, VERY slowly grow my karma back, sort of as redemption)-again had bandit/hero thing in mod not sure if implementable here do to clothes.. Also dying for killing someone is just plain stupid If I'm playing a bandit, I don't have karma BUT, whenever a survivor comes within, I dunno 500m radius of me, they'll get a warning, a message that "bandits are roaming the area." This would give survivors a chance to run the hell away and go somewhere else. -This makes no sense to me at all... are all survives spiderman now and can sense danger?This isn't halo there is no radar If I'm playing a bandit and enter an area where there are other bandits or survivors, I don't get that same warning. No change there from current game.-No option on this. This is how the game should be for everyone Also, and this is tricky (but necessary), survivors would not be able to loot anyone, other survivors or bandits. They would only be able to find loot or take loot that was given/dropped for them from other survivors (not bandits). This would be to prevent "false" survivors. Ones that choose to play as a survivor yet go on a rampage to kill everyone. (Kill a couple survivors then mitigate karma by killing bandits) [edit] this might not be necessary as the karma system would be enough to discourage killing more than, let's say 4 survivors, however, there would have to be a way to make sure "false" survivors don't go on a rampage killing bandits with a 500m warning advantage. Honestly though, I'm for the original idea. I don't care about looting others, I'm a survivor, I like to find things on my own and share with others if they need my help.-This idea is utterly retarded. So your saying that my character doesn't have the intelligence to use his hands on a dead and unresisting body's' to get their pockets/backpack open? Are you forgetting that this is somewhat trying to simulate reality(with exceptions like fall damage and a few other things) The biggest issue in my opinion is that when an encounter happens (when 2 ppl run into each other) there is really not a lot of time for decisions, talking or trying to figure out if the other one is friendly or not. That's why most ppl just kos. This system would eliminate the need to guess. Also, bandits would most likely stay near the coastal, military, airstrip areas. If you're a survivor and want to risk getting better weapons and such and want to go there, you do so at your own risk. [edit] I should edit this, the system wouldn't completely eliminate guessing but it would help -Well how would you feel if if you and a random person where both holding guns to each others heads? A tiny piece of this is somehow already implemented, it just doesn't work since to hear the bandit's heartbeat you really have to get close to him which by that time is too late anyways. I think the range is like 10-20m. That's completely useless. -20m is pretty far must have a really really loud heartbeat I don't see how it would take away from the game at all. Bandits can still hunt their prey it's just that this way the prey will know it's being hunted. Wouldn't that give bandits a bigger adrenaline rush and sense of accomplishment knowing they got to someone who already knew they were coming? -Its a survival simulator not red vs blue What do you think? -Terrible terrible ideas posted your entire post with comments so you can\t use that all too convenient YOU DIDN'T READ IT ALL! This isn't a team oriented game. It IS a survival simulator. How you choose to survive is up to the players be it sneaking around towns scouting it out or killing other players for their loot -only one i kinda want back is the bandit/hero thing but i have no idea how they would implement it -Also the hipocracy! You say it should be real and taping knives to bats should be in but isn't but yet you adamantly support an invisible omnipotent force that kills you if you kill someone. All my wut right here! -My comments in bold with -
  16. Ynneead

    New Player Views

    new post as i don't make a gigantic all of text no one wants to read! -You have to equip an item twice if you have it held out (with space bar). Donno why just how it works at the moment. -i haven't had any slipperiness. Maybe because i never sprint i don't know. -previous post -Zombies aren't really a problem in my opinion one axe hit to the head kills them. Your little aimer dot dohicky does not help when using melee weapons ignore it!. If a zombie is chasing you the last thing you want to do is go in a building! i learned this the hard was as i went onto the roof and it just kinda come out of the floor... was the creepiest thing i ever saw. If you hear a zombie growl 19 out of 20 times its already aggroed to you while i was hiding behind a zombie at night and it made no noise(literally touching silly zombie). -There's humans! Thing is most want to kill you! if your really lonely go to the north west airfield, balota airfield north east airfield, or the military base just west of stary. There's almost always people there and they will almost always want to kill you! -Everything in this game is time consuming. Wanna snack? Time to watch/hear him eat it. The cities are pretty far apart and with sprint/run no longer the main travel source in this game, (as it uses a ton of water/energy) it takes forever to get from town to town by jogging the whole way.
  17. Ynneead

    New Player Views

    totally would hang out with you but the 8 meter speaking distance makes that impossible for me :C also for the sake of him not wanting to watch the video(my info from it of course) max water: 4000---------------------Thirsty messages start at 2000 water, half Max energy(hunger) 25,000-------Hunger messages start at 600 max stomach: 4000 Max health: 5000 max blood: 5000-------------------- screen will start going black and white the lower you are. You will pass out eventually this chart helps with eating http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Consumables to heal i would say get at least 5000 energy and keep water above 3000 (i know it starts earlier but 1 blood per sec takes forever). When blood is fully healed health starts getting healed! Donno what health does really You eat food/drink, it goes to your stomach, and supposively your stomach metabolizes it into energy and/or water(whatever is in it) at a rate of 1 energy and/or water per second. Stomach does not have to do with hunger oddly! So yes put all the food you find right into your mouth.
  18. Ynneead


    what is the diminished amount of them when eating a bunch? As i have yet to get the "healing"/"healthy" tab on my character and if eaten cherno about 3 times over. Not over stuffing myself to the point of throwing up but it seem pretty impossible for that to happen at the moment for me
  19. Ynneead


    mmmm donno than. i did this all near the cherno well and i wasn't hungry to begin with. Ah well guess i have to play eating simulator 2013 until i get some healing.
  20. Ynneead


    i know where the wells are... i've had a bag of rice 4 boxes of cereal 10 canned food opened with a can opener about and about 6 fruits still not healing pretty sure its not water as i have about 200 sips from the well which should equal do about 8780 energy but i donno how much is diminished from eating. When was i stressed? i just wanna know how much one should eat to get healing. What does eating have to do with getting shot? im confuse
  21. Ynneead

    How do you zoom in with a sniper aim?

    the pu scope doesn't seem to zoom in any farther than an acog
  22. Ynneead

    How do you zoom in with a sniper aim?

    top right corner where there is usually 100 while holding weapons? I've only ever found one lrs and it was "ruined" or badly damage not sure which but it had cracks and dirt all over, could barely see out of it.
  23. Ynneead

    How do you zoom in with a sniper aim?

    Does this only work for the long range scope? Using a pu scope right now and i don't believe it has zeroing. Is there a way to check how long you are zeroed too? Haven't been on dayz for a while
  24. Ynneead

    Dealing with Zombronies

    i just put an axe in their head they seem to take it well