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Everything posted by Ynneead

  1. Ynneead

    I'm sick and don't know what to do

    pretty much just have to wait now since you wanted to overeat x.x
  2. Ynneead

    I'm sick and don't know what to do

    by not overeating.....
  3. not sure if this have ever happened to anyone but if you quickly eject the ammo and load it while prone it plays a 10 layered loading sound pretty noisey
  4. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    i doubt they are going for the mmorpg tittle........ I personally don't support server hopping but right now to be fed it's necessary as items don't respawn. Not sure if they plan on upping the server limit past 40 but i defenately dont wanna see 100,000 people a single instance of chernarus. I don't think there's enough space/food to support that many. There's 2 problems right now, mostly because it is an alpha. There isn't enough zombies/harsh environment as zombies don't respawn its perfectly normal right now to walk through a town completely devoid of anything or anyone. This leads to people getting bored as once you get fully kitted there isn't much to do. Alpha The other problem in my opinion is the fact that in dayz mod the speaking range was about 50m~ and in the stand alone the speaking range is about 8m by default. i have my sfx at 15% and my voip volume to 100% and i can still only hear about 15m at most. Leading to them seeing you way before a person can hear you so they have to decide weather to let you get close enough to axe you or shoot.
  5. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    sure just remember its a lot easier to shoot someone that i observed through my scope kill another especially if its a new spawn :P
  6. Ynneead

    Spotting your enemy.

    Also. as you said your new, you can hold alt to look around you
  7. Ynneead

    Safest Hospital and Military camp?

    I mean if i was in their situation i wouldn't be at military bases/airfields they had well over 300 bullets m4s with scopes (i guess they wanted that pristine butstock?). i would head for hospitals and towns looking for medical stuff like saline and blood bags :P
  8. Ynneead

    how to play?

    i don't even know where to start.... well lets go wit the basics you need to eat and drink water so this video will help with the numbers oh didn't know posting the link makes it viewable here not my video its form another guide. This gives you the food/water values http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Consumables guide video from http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-in-depth-video-guide-on-eating-drinking-and-blood-regeneration/?hl=%2Beating+%2Bguide
  9. Ynneead

    Safest Hospital and Military camp?

    i don't think the north west airfield is safe at all i went there just out of curiosity and i ended up killing 6 people that randomly popped up in buildings. Donno what they where doing there as they all where pretty much fully geared and had nearly full ammo boxes... None had any medical stuff on em though
  10. Ynneead

    Safest Hospital and Military camp?

    nope they all spawn weapons so they all aren't safe....
  11. Ynneead

    Safest Hospital and Military camp?

    no military base is safe you willl almost always find server hoppers there... hospitals are weird i've never found a saline bag in them :C
  12. dono what we would do with 10 people that's a lot of stomachs to feed
  13. Ynneead

    KOS is alive and well...

    why do i feel like i've seen this post before but in a military base?
  14. i guess i could try some social stuff started as a team then kinda ventured off on my own. id: meeps....MEEPS
  15. Ynneead

    can't hear my team?

    by default setting you can only hear people about 8 meters away from you. i put my microphone 100% and sfx at 15% and that gets it up to about 15 meters
  16. Ynneead

    I have no idea where to go...

    find a sign or if your on the coast find the train tracks with a small wooden station it will have the town name on top of it
  17. Ynneead

    Playing in the Dark: How?

    kinda don't like the current night cycle. I wish it was faster to maybe 4 hours day 4 hours night... but seeing at night if there is no moon out then seeing is pretty hard. I know if he had a certain scope(maybe acog not sure) if he aims at you the aimer moving along your characters skin a bit
  18. Ynneead

    .357 ammo available

    how storng is the magnum in game?
  19. Ynneead

    where to find saline bags?

    Technically you should be able to make them with that i mean saline is water and and a bit a salt
  20. Ynneead

    where to find saline bags?

    i wanna put so much saline in my body! Gimme that iv cleaner!
  21. Ynneead

    New player, question about character

    yes quickly find a tall build and jump off it to turn into your default character best advice ever
  22. Ynneead

    where to find saline bags?

    lies i have 3 first aid kits and there was no saline in them :C
  23. Ynneead

    Position vacant (apply within)

    is this post for real?
  24. Ynneead

    how can i fix this ? ( draw distance ?)

    I had this happen before. it was kinda creepy as it was a house in the middle of night bright as day.
  25. Ynneead

    .357 ammo available

    oh they added more weapons? Last i saw there was a mosin m4a1 and a fnx.45. There always been .357 ammo and shotgun shells but last i checked there was no spawns for shotguns or the magnum