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Everything posted by Ynneead

  1. commences to complain about KOS
  2. Ynneead

    Regeneration just won't start

    saline bags do heal blood (which is color related), but do nothing for health (as per standalone is what is keeping you alive)
  3. fully outfitted still dies to 5-6 .45 rounds just like anyone else which means each of your friends (friends being plural have to assume at least 2) have to shoot him twice
  4. If your worried about bandits don't go to military places. Military bases are not only killzones but they are also home to the elusive server hoppers. Also if you don't like bandit (and i assume since you don't like them so you won't be one) why would you need a gun? As you said there isn't a lot of zombies so having a gun is kinda pointless especially since zombies die from 1 swing of a fireaxe.
  5. Ynneead

    action cancelled taking a weapon out

    you cant switch between raised weapons and items as this will result in you putting your current weapon/item away take out the weapon/itme you wanted and immediately put it away as well. You have to lower your weapon/item before switching with space
  6. Ynneead

    Regeneration just won't start

    also after you understand regeneration also by the same guy
  7. Ynneead

    Regeneration just won't start

    here ya go! from the poster named in the video
  8. Ynneead

    Teleported inside a wall...

    eat everything you have... EVERYTHING. um sprint if you can unti lyou cant no more or just afk sure something will happn
  9. the best thing to do is handcuff server hoppers while they stand there for 30 seconds loading their gun and say surprise!
  10. Ynneead

    Painful story

    I've fallen about 10 feed before (the ladder to the top of the school). My guy made a crunchy noise and was groaning for a while but i didn't die or get broken legs
  11. Ynneead

    Hackers in SA

    errday im swosshing it
  12. Frankie played the dayz mod not stand alone in all of his videos that i know.... i know i watch all 36~ of them.... hershals farm was the last one i saw. There really isn't much to do in the standalone :C. I suppose since your new you can learn the map in the mean time.
  13. Ynneead


    Why would anyone drink pond water :C good luck with that ecoli
  14. Ynneead

    DayZ Is Officially Ruined(Player Wise)

    do you not know what ALPHA is?
  15. Ynneead

    Base building

    then they would be locked in eachothes base with nothing to do as in epoch everyone stored stuff in locked safes
  16. Ynneead

    how can i find my friends?

    by walking! i know its magical right?
  17. Ynneead

    Cereal compass.

    i wish my cereal came with a compass
  18. Ynneead

    Base building

    Now that you mention it i do remember (i think) rocket saying hes going to add "bunkers"
  19. Ynneead

    Base building

    in the mod you can build a lot of things even bases if you so choose form the floor up. Was pretty hard as anything that wasn't wood(able to be shot through) was relatively heavy and had to be scavenged
  20. Lol i added you that day but didn't get to play. Good thing to as i would of probably killed the group
  21. Ynneead

    Cant switch to axe

    you can't switch if something is held up (space). Put it down (space) and try again. If you try to switch with something held up you will put everything away
  22. i have a question would it be possible to take blood from yourself (have a player take your blood and give the full bag to you) to use on yourself later?
  23. Ynneead

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    Problem is there is no common enemy zombies are no threat and they don't respawn so server usually don't have any I'm not positive but i do believe they are going to implement crafting/base building in the game. It is alpha after all so this is pretty much the bare bones and basic mechanics of the game. I'm not sure if they will add crafting classes. you should check out dayz epoch. If you want to build any sort of base you will need multiple people as everything is weight based(so one person cannot carry everything/will have to make multiple trips to town) and one person alone would take hours to make a wooden box without a roof much less fortify it. Vehicles are already planned remember this is alpha! Vehicles where also in the mod. night time is pretty sucky.... can't see anything if it is cloudy at night Zombies and loot are planned to be respawned(alpha). I can't say where but i'm pretty sure i saw rocket saying he wants to add zombie hordes that wonder cities/forests i think it was in one of his videos. People tend to KoS because there really isn't much to do in the alpha. Think about it: ya I'm well fed got good gear got decent ammo a weapon i can A.help people(this seems like it will be the obvious choice but bare with me). or B. kill everything that gets near me.... I feel most people start with A and eventually take a few axes to the face which will turn them into a B. All that gear you took so long to get gone with one axe swing to the face and the killer gets fully equipped in less than 5 seconds You usually will not find friendlies at all. I'm pretty friendly and willing to help out but you will never see me approach someone as the voice distance in the SA is only about 8 meters(really annoying) compared to the mod which was like 50m~. Leading me to just hide and observe people until they move on.
  24. Ynneead

    KOS is for lazy people...

    i see the problem here you ran into the middle of a military zone aka warzone/killzone. Carrying decent gear in hopes that someone 500m+ couldn't see you while you run in plain sight in the middle of a field carrying 300 bullets...... please read this back to yourself