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Everything posted by PoebusApolloHC

  1. PoebusApolloHC

    Wall glitchers are the biggest problem.

    Never. *Runs off into the wild*
  2. PoebusApolloHC

    So I tried Hardcore..

    I personally love Hardcore and play it when I want to get the visceral survival experience that DayZ is. Also it allows for fairer player vs. player encounters, where keeping your head on a swivel actually can save your life. I only play third person when I have friends on who don't enjoy Hardcore, or when I just want to mess around.
  3. PoebusApolloHC

    Killing filthy surrender monkeys..

    Why would you want to surrender to someone who is blatantly trying to kill you? I'm sure his finger kept slipping onto the trigger even while he was running towards you. I'm also sure that he was yelling "Friendly! Friendly!" whilst he did all this.
  4. PoebusApolloHC

    So I Ran Through Vybor....

    If you dont completely break their line of sight, they will chase you until the ends of Chernarus.
  5. PoebusApolloHC

    So I Just Shot A Man.

    Saw the topic post and immediately thought: "Mama, just killed a man. Put a bullet throught his head. Pulled my trigger now he's dead."
  6. PoebusApolloHC

    Pve Mission Loot ?

    I would love to be able to see nationality tags just below each member's profile picture. IE. United States, Britain, Sweden, New Zealand, Botswana etc. It would help in the understanding process of reading forum posts.
  7. PoebusApolloHC

    Shootout At The Cherno Corral

    The good 'ole bait and switch. Whenever I see a guy in a city, I've come to expect at least one or two more guys that might be with said guy. It's hard to know when you're facing off against just one guy or if your enemy is actually a group. It's safer to expect the worst and prepare for it than be caught with your pants down.
  8. PoebusApolloHC

    The Finished Game

    They need to implement the workshop into DayZ in a similar way to Dota 2 and crowdsource all the talented artists and model creators that want to create content for the game. People love creating stuff for free and this would be a great way for the devs to pick and choose cool/useful items that could be included in the game.
  9. I was hoping for a suggestion thread about being able to burn books to stay warm when you are holed up in a city. I was disappointed to see that it was about reading them. :blush:
  10. PoebusApolloHC

    Reaction On Dying

    Inhale deeply and exhale. Click on respawn button.
  11. I was about to post the reason as to why the flag is "backwards", but you set the OP straight. You have my beans. O7
  12. PoebusApolloHC

    Humanity Restored

    Players sure can surprise you with how helpful they can be. I've dedicated my normal character to be the "Hero" by befriending everyone that is willing and helping those in need. My Hardcore character is for survive at all costs mentality and for squad play. I find it fun to have two characters that I can use in two totally different play styles.
  13. PoebusApolloHC

    Jump option

    When the dev team is gets to the point of polishing that animation, using the vault/step over key bind will hopefully produce the correct animation. Right now the difference between vaulting over something or stepping over it lies in what item is in your hands, what stance you're holding said item(down or at the ready), and if you're walking, jogging, or sprinting. As I said, once the dev team gets around to polishing animations, vaulting will become much smoother and hopefully won't bug out and make you step over.
  14. PoebusApolloHC

    Have you ever been scared to continue?

    Almost every player experiences this feeling, and it can be hard to come to terms with losing all the hard sought after gear after surviving and adventuring for several days. Just remember, you won't lose it if you're careful, but when you do die, each new spawn brings another new experience.
  15. PoebusApolloHC


    A thesis above a high school education is much more than a simple paragraph synopsis of the purpose of a paper/essay. A proper thesis can be several pages and go into detail. While I will agree that this isn't a thesis nor an essay, I will say that it provides solid insight into mosin damage on particular body parts.
  16. PoebusApolloHC

    What if DayZ ran on the Snowdrop Engine

    Woah we got a first person only, ultra-realism elitist over here! As the saying goes, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, so that must mean even more when said book is a year or more away from being released. IE. Don't make judgements about a game/engine that you have never played nor have sufficient knowledge about.
  17. PoebusApolloHC

    Shotgun or Sawed-Off Shotgun

    Shotgun for close range, sawed off for extreme close range.
  18. PoebusApolloHC

    Mosin rifle or M4?

    I usually prefer using the mosin when playing because I do not usually go into cities. When my group does venture into cities for loot, I like to provide over watch instead of getting into CQC. Also, by taking the mosin and having a revolver as a secondary, I can maintain a rapid, semi auto fire rate at close quarters with a few magnum auto reloaders. In the end it's personal preference, but for traveling and looting airfields, I enjoy a mosin, while I would like an M4 for urban environments.
  19. Just go to an Air Control Tower at one of the three airfields and you can find one.
  20. PoebusApolloHC

    I have a complaint.

    The problem is you thinking "gamma exploitation" is a DayZ crime and deserves death in an Alpha.
  21. PoebusApolloHC

    Possible new (?) hack ? (Shooting trough walls)

    Once you glitch through walls you can use magnums or mosins to shoot through and kill players on the outside. The M4 will not. Tested and confirmed.
  22. Complains about someone using third person then complains about dying while server hopping...
  23. PoebusApolloHC


    1.Run into the invisible wall towards freedom. 2.Reload any weapon you have, if no weapon continue running. 3.Exit the game and rejoin. 4.Enjoy your freedom!
  24. PoebusApolloHC

    DayZ not Worth a Buy

    A somewhat fair assessment of an alpha product, although premature, since controls and animations are further down on the priority list. I'm sure an evaluation of DayZ once it reaches beta will be drastically different.
  25. PoebusApolloHC

    New Guba

    This new town should be a great area for loot and epic firefights between groups in town and up along the rock ridge north of the town. Looking forward to ambushing and being ambushed in and around this new northern town.