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About usedpasta_

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    DayZ, Battlefield 4, Metro last light, Bioshock, Arma 2 wasteland
  1. usedpasta_

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Will the duplication exploit be fixed?
  2. usedpasta_

    Please add back the old spawn

    Ok I bet i'm not the only one that wants this but, it was okay when you could spawn in Electro but now thats gone. Did the devs want to make berezino a death zone? Because thats what it is! As soon as the spawn at berezino or svet you will be dead in the next 5 mins of so. So please add the old spawns back like the good old days.
  3. usedpasta_

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Where are the 100 slot servers?
  4. usedpasta_

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Is the AKM in the game yet?
  5. usedpasta_

    Developement time in DayZ

    I am giving up on standalone, its not going anywhere soon, the people that play it are dicks, Base building Nope. never. Going back to the mod and bring on H1Z1!
  6. usedpasta_

    Why I don't like DayZ

    Ok first thing, its not the game I don't like I love the idea of DayZ and i'm not a new DayZ player I had the mod for almost a year and got the standalone as soon as it came out. But the thing I hate about DayZ is the people that play it. The people that just shot first and don't ever talk to anyone, the people that think its a deathmatch, the people that camp on a hill shooting at a fresh spawns. Now i'm not saying that everyone is like this but lets be honest most people that are geared are like this. It makes me really sad when I see this stuff happening because the game has so much potential and it is ruined by those people, and I don't think it will ever stop. I giving up hope on DayZ. That is all
  7. usedpasta_

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    I thought that development would be much faster. But oh well
  8. usedpasta_

    Unfair Situation in DayZ

    This what DayZ has become unfortunately...
  9. usedpasta_

    my leg is in pain........what do i do?

    I had it too, it puts your aim off a bit but to fix you just have you inject yourself with morphine
  10. The speed that zombies run now is making them a bit to glitchy. But this is just my opinion
  11. usedpasta_

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Desync has just got unbearable this game is unplayable for me with the new patch.
  12. Thats just what DayZ has become unfortunately I always try to talk and be friendly
  13. usedpasta_

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Is there an ETA on stable?
  14. usedpasta_

    A random DayZ video

    I put this together in about 5 minutes to kill some time, this is how it came out. Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5PGl2XiHWA
  15. usedpasta_

    "The Bambi Trail" - 100 Player Server Horror

    This day will go down in history.