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Everything posted by gerbilschooler

  1. gerbilschooler

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    I am not saying I am against choppers. I think they add a brilliant dynamic, having this Pearl that everyone covets. I was just mentioning that they are indeed powerful, but it is not impossible to break up a hoarders base and make off with the goodies.
  2. gerbilschooler

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    The thing about helicopters, is once you have one, and a decent squad. You own every vehicle, just about, on that server...
  3. gerbilschooler

    What should I upgrade ?

    I need a little more info about your PSU, If you could get the make and model I could give you a more definite answer. But, assuming it is a decently constructed PSU with good amperage on the 12V+ rail. I would recommend popping that money on a GTX 770. Maybe look at an AMD 280X if you plan on reselling the card any time soon (like within a year or so... who knows rally how stable litecoin is?)as right now litecoin mining has created an extraordinarily high demand for high end AMD cards. But, the GTX 770 will not disappoint, I am sure.
  4. gerbilschooler

    What should I upgrade ?

    Honestly, I would drop all that money on a new GPU, man. Some people may come on here and slam on your CPU and say "Get an I5" "AMD sucks for the Real Virtulaity Engine!" But I think to see a significant Performance improvement, a GPU upgrade is gonna have the most pizzazz (holy shit, pizzazz is an actual word! Spell-check didn't hit on it!). So, before I can recommend a GPU, I will need to know your PSU specs.
  5. gerbilschooler


    I have not found the mouse acceleration anything not easily adjustable to, but I can see where some people would take issue with it..
  6. gerbilschooler


    Why are you guys insistent on supplying false information. This has been a rampant complaint on these forums, about the mouse acceleration and Rocket said, somewhere on his Twitter that it will be fixed as one of his programmers (or someone on his staff or some such) said that turning his character in DayZ was like trying to navigate through honey.
  7. gerbilschooler

    Well, that was lame

    Shadowplay is not officially supported but I have heard people have gotten it to work
  8. gerbilschooler

    In desperate need of some help :(

    http://support.asus.com/download.aspx?SLanguage=en&m=P8P67&os=30 ^ Here's a link to all the initial drivers you will need. download the LAN the ChipSet, the Audio, and the USB drivers and install them. Then go to http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows+7+-+64# and download the GPU drivers. That should be all you need to have your system running and ready. Edit: Make sure you have the 64 bit version of windows installed to address how much memory you have
  9. gerbilschooler

    dayz movement presets dont work

    You'll need to find a morphine auto-injector or sticks and rags to craft a splint to fix that. Though... finding these items is unlikely in your condition by yourself. Try contacting the medical guys... http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditRescueForce
  10. gerbilschooler

    dayz vids

    ...YUP, GO IGNORANCE! :thumbsup: Edit: This is the DayZ forums, sir... Mod included
  11. gerbilschooler

    Whats a good pc?

    With 2500 you can build one beast of a computer man... and I'd agree with one poster above, if money is no issue (although AMD GPU's are stupid expensive right now) go with Intel and Nvidia. Get a good power supply (never skimp on a PSU) with a strong amperage on the twelve volt rail. Seasonic, Corsair, thermaltake, and Antec are some good PSU brands. And when looking at memory, remember that one of the most important things to consider for how fast the RAM will be is the CAS Latency and the lower the faster (though memory speed should have negligible effect on FPS in most games unless using onboard graphics)
  12. gerbilschooler

    Show Location at Spawn

    Huh? Edit: You do realize the languages use separate alphabets, correct? One is based in Latin the other Cyrillic
  13. gerbilschooler

    DayZ shows up as a clear window

    Try unhooking the monitor you are not currently using for DayZ and changing the output you are using on your graphics card for your primary monitor.
  14. gerbilschooler

    So I'm gonna cry

    And... to cheer you up, You got it going on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPyuZ6ZTqmo
  15. gerbilschooler

    So I'm gonna cry

  16. gerbilschooler

    new pc will this play dayz. HELP

    Yes, this should definitely run DayZ. Although, for future reference when posting specs, post the PSU as well as the model number of the processor. I don't know if that's the 3570K or the 4670K.
  17. gerbilschooler

    Experimental servers: A word to the devs

    *Facepalm... Making it easier to get gear would NOT eliminate your unfriendly player problem... Testing the game in any manner that you guys have suggested would place a highly synthetic test environment in place... which would be counter productive to testing.
  18. gerbilschooler

    Need help with computer

    Yeah. Those specs should definitely handle DayZ at 1080p with pretty high settings
  19. gerbilschooler

    Need help with computer

    Yes, you need to get the essential drivers for your motherboard before you can do anything with it. Find the make and model of your MOBO then go to the companies site and at least find the appropriate network controller if not all the drivers for your MOBO.
  20. gerbilschooler

    Orbs in the sky and game crashing

    Yeah man.. it looks like one of your 680's may be on the outs...
  21. They's got boonie hats in experimental?!
  22. gerbilschooler

    DayZ is pixelated

    Did you completely remove your Nvidia drivers when testing the 6970? I have heard that AMD and Nvidia drivers can conflict with one another... though I don't see how the same graphical bug would persist. Perhaps it is your HDMI/VGA cable? ... but then, it should be happening even without playing a particular game... hmm.. iono man
  23. gerbilschooler

    Forgive me forum, for I have sinned

    Campbell's makes beans??!?! ... Did not know
  24. gerbilschooler

    Forgive me forum, for I have sinned

    Yeah, the ping between the EU and AU is outrageous. I can play pretty decent with my mates in Australia from here in America where we can usually find a server that we can get 150 or less ping on...
  25. gerbilschooler

    Change voice for masks, helmets
