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Everything posted by gerbilschooler

  1. gerbilschooler

    omg in rage new player!

    Trust me man, the grass is always greener. Once you're all geared up and all that and you know how the game currently works, you'll want to go back to being a fresh spawn struggling for that first can of soda.
  2. gerbilschooler

    Another thread on crashing

    Project Zomboid is an awesome game! But you might want to try reverting your graphics driver and maybe have a look at this thread if you have not seen it http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/204rwe/warning_for_nvidia_users_geforce_33523_driver/
  3. gerbilschooler

    zombies like in arma 3 breaking point

    Yeah. The Breaking Point zombies are fucking spectacular Edit: Look at them spawning and despawning by the dozens
  4. gerbilschooler

    PC Upgrade

    well, Yeah, there is. Cause.. I was one.. so there must have been a reason. Anyway. This post is ridiculous and nothing more than this guy trying to start a pissing contest. And He already has a WAY better power supply than what you suggested, so... this guy doesn't need help. Anybody spending as much as he must on computer components should already know whats what.
  5. gerbilschooler

    PC Upgrade

    And, yeah. I am a bit jelly that this guy has the money to throw around on useless upgrades
  6. gerbilschooler

    PC Upgrade

    Well, I would definitely NOT go with that corsair power supply recommended above. I think 750 watts will be short changing a system like that.
  7. gerbilschooler

    PC Upgrade

    I doubt you're going to notice much of a difference...
  8. gerbilschooler

    playing on second computer, character is gone.

    Most Arma based games take the Windows User Account's name as the main profile name as to getting your character on that computer, I don't really know. I thought characters were connected to the hive.
  9. gerbilschooler

    Anyone Know what's up with the servers?

    Only rumours...
  10. gerbilschooler

    Anyone Know what's up with the servers?

    *Facepalm... Every Wednesday from 7am to 10am GMT all servers are down for maintenance
  11. gerbilschooler

    DayZ Keeps Crashing

    http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/204rwe/warning_for_nvidia_users_geforce_33523_driver/ Check this out^ Edit: Might need to revert your driver
  12. gerbilschooler

    Bambi Mafia has started.

    Here's as worthwhile of a comment as the OP! Enjoy that shit
  13. gerbilschooler

    The reason behind the lag in ArmA2/DayZ

    ...get a better computer?
  14. gerbilschooler

    Frustrated by a strange PC problem

    Well, a bitcoin miner is not going to effect the hard drive. It WILL tax the shit out of your GPU and CPU. I had one with my brand new 7950 and it was running my card at 90* when I was not doing anything and would cause BSOD and random shut offs whenever I tried to play a game, etc., until I found out what was wrong. And, I am the type to just reformat when ever a little thing goes wrong with my PC... I find it much easier, considering the bulk of the info on my computer is on my storage drive.
  15. gerbilschooler

    Frustrated by a strange PC problem

    Format that drive!!! And get a clean install on there. If she had a bit-coin miner... damn those things tear up computer hardware, man.
  16. gerbilschooler

    Gun 357

    Don't put the bullets in your hand. Just drag them from inventory over your gun in the inventory
  17. gerbilschooler

    Simple ideas for better dayz

    I do not want to see the raise and lower weapon taken out. If I am chilling with my mates in Elektro or whatever I don't want to be rude and have my gun pointed in their faces the whole time we may be standing around dicking about. But, most of your other points I could get behind.
  18. gerbilschooler

    The future of dayz!

    When it becomes open for modding, you can make your own pumpkin themed deathmatch map Edit: I'll try it out ;)
  19. gerbilschooler

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    This comment just feels soooooo sad... omg QQ...
  20. gerbilschooler

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    Shouldn't a squad be more powerful than a fresh spawn?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?@!?!~?!@?!?!@?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? !?!? Maybe?!?!?!
  21. I would recommend building a system around a I5 4670K... start with that and just get the other parts around it as you can afford them. No one can really just say "Hey this is the best computer deals now" especially when talking about building a whole system. Bu, just read read read man. Research your shit and find teh good deals out there and for the same price as that piece of shit you were looking at, you could put together a stellar gaming rig...
  22. gerbilschooler

    Got my friends to buy DayZ.

    All that shit is in the works, my friend. Edit: 6 months until vehicles
  23. gerbilschooler

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    I might be able to... played a bit of X-Plane ;)... that shit's approved by the FAA!