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Everything posted by gerbilschooler

  1. gerbilschooler

    DayZ shuts down computer

    Wowsers! Look at that! you give some constructive input and you get some feedback that you can start using to problem solve! I love it!
  2. gerbilschooler

    DayZ shuts down computer

    Most PSU's have some sort of fail safe shut down. Now... again. If you could list your computer's system specifications, one might be able to help you a bit better
  3. gerbilschooler

    DayZ shuts down computer

    Well, in order to get more useful feedback, other than people telling you to go fuck yourself and that it's alpha and that you definitely should not be bitching for a refund, I would suggest you list all of your computer's hardware and people might be able to offer better advice. As of your post right now, people are more than likely going to tell you in way less pleasant terms to get bent.
  4. gerbilschooler


    You don't have to join a different server. Try just exiting, after you die, and then rejoining the same server
  5. gerbilschooler

    Bad looking Grass and trees

    I noticed when I went from my 20 inch 1600x900 to my new 24" 1920x1080 that the grass and trees look a whole shit ton better. On my old monitor it was looking like there were christmas lights on the trees or something. The light coming through the various gaps in the leaves was distracting and made a sort of epileptic dance. With the higher resolution and bigger monitor I have not had this annoyance one bit!
  6. gerbilschooler


    I have not found ANY of these problems so rampant as to call the game unplayable. Yes. I have had my character reset a time or two when switching servers to get with my buddies. But, again, you were warned, man. Character wipes "Every couple of days". The standalone is still a cut above the mod, man. I have yet to open a door just to instantly get the "You Are Dead" message. I have yet to get stuck in a structure I can't get out of (In the mod if you clipped and got stuck in a structure... you would most likely die). And, when you think that this game still has a year (and about 30 million dollars to work with) until they are even thinking the Beta will be ready... Just. ugh. STFU. I still beleive that all of these server issues you are having are from you being a loot whore server hopper.
  7. gerbilschooler


    But... here is a link to a thread about this. http://bmrf.me/vbforums/showthread.php?12001-Trying-to-prevent-server-hopping
  8. gerbilschooler


    Quit being such a little server hopping bitch... problem solved
  9. gerbilschooler

    So I met this girl and it Didn't end well

    That's about the way every budding romance goes in the zombie apocalypse...
  10. gerbilschooler

    T3N RDS no good when crouching or proning

    I have just recently experienced this and I don't recall it being an issue before. Perhaps it was with the latest update
  11. gerbilschooler

    Unarmed / Low Tier Melee Players not Listening to Armed Guys

    However you slice it, bro. Loggng out to avoid interactions with other players is bitch shit. Avoiding them in game is one thing
  12. I mean. Shit. I would love to get a 120hz monitor and pump out 120 FPS... but. I am on a budget, like most gamers out there. I think this is where the hostility starts when it comes to talking about frames. You having this attitude of Holier than thou because my frames are "unacceptable, since there are people already running games at 120 fps". Well, sorry that it is unacceptable and "really, really bad" that I don't have insane amounts of money to spend on a computer. But, I'd say, more the fucking majority of the populace 30 fps is good e-fucking-nough. So, until you're ready to buy me some quad sli Titans and a tri 120hz monitor setup. Don't insult my fucking frames... twat
  13. If a person can't play a game at 40 FPS then they are probably just not that good at the game or have a mor edetail oriented mind than, what I would consider, the average person. The average person being able to play a game at 25 FPS with motion blur added
  14. I get wonderful frames (40+) with EVERYTHING maxed out almost 100% of the time! Specs: CPU: FX 8350 Vishera 4.0ghz GPU: HIS IceQ turbo HD 7950 MoBo: AsRock 990FX Extreme 3 PSU: Corsair TX750W 750 Watt PSU Hard Drive: 2TB Western Digital 7200rpm (Getting a 240GB SSD for ChrimbuS!!! wooo hoo)
  15. gerbilschooler

    Your first encounter with a player in SA

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okgpfUsXjiM Disregard the first bit and watch from about 4:10. It's one of my first encounters and it's funny as hell!