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Everything posted by gerbilschooler

  1. gerbilschooler

    the ussles deads in - please wait and lose conection

    It was summers at grandpa's that did this to him, actually!!
  2. gerbilschooler

    DayZ Unplayable FPS with decent computer! Help!

    Yeah, buddy. You're gonna have to tweak like mad, and even then play at pretty dismal resolution and settings... if you can get it running comfortably at all
  3. gerbilschooler

    Too difficult/frustrating in the beginning?

    I assure you, if your friends stick with it, they'll be longing for the days when they had no clue what the fuck was going on and they were running from house to house like a chicken amped up on adrenaline with it's head and dick chopped off... Oh, those were the days... ahhh
  4. gerbilschooler

    What exactly is Ghosting?!?

    Ghosting is the same as cheating, though it would technically be considered an exploit. Exploiters are worse than cheaters as there is no recourse for stopping them. So, knock it off if you're attempting to ghost. Suck it up, it's just a game. No need to potentially wreck other people's experience just because your's has been. Not all "hackers" you see, indeed are.
  5. The problem with .50 cal snipe you from 1.5 klicks away is there is little to no fun counter-play to be had with them. I cannot see having fun or being able to utilize a fun workable strategy against a guy sniping me from over a klick away. Maybe if such a powerful sniper required a spotter, but I don't see how that'd be a possible mechanic to work in.
  6. gerbilschooler

    DayZ on MAC?

    I have heard that people have already gotten DayZ to work on Mac. A program called bootcamp is essential, however. A program that runs Window son the mac. here is a link to learn more about boot camp http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1461
  7. gerbilschooler

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    ^Yup, not hacks but wall glitching
  8. gerbilschooler

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    IKR?!?! I know this shit from pre-school real world experience. They sould get IT RIGHT!
  9. I want to hear from the Devs of Project Zomboid! Love that game... Just got my character to level 4 carpentry... rain barrels, baby
  10. gerbilschooler


    Even on high pop servers, I can still find guns. Had just been killed, respawned in Elektro on Balota Book Exchange (a generally high populated server, had at least 30 on it at the time) and was able to find FOUR guns. A .22, two SKS', and a Mosin in Elektro. And it had been "picked clean"...
  11. gerbilschooler

    Relog and spawn as fresh spawn 3rd time today..

    Well, regardless of whether you think it should happen in an Alpha game. It clearly states that it character resets will happen. I understand it is frustrating and I'd be pretty hot and bothered if it happened to me three times in a day. Just, go play some other games for a while. Chillax a bit, have some lemonade and some cake,,, maybe pull the pudd. And, come back to it later.
  12. gerbilschooler

    3D Preformance error

    I've been getting that for a while as well. Since before the update even
  13. gerbilschooler

    Hi, im new and have a few questions

    For the DayZmod.com one you need to buy Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead and is the older incarnation of the game. The dayzgame.com one is the newest and standalone version of DayZ and you don't need another program to run it.
  14. gerbilschooler

    Graphics Card Problem

    A 660 TI will serve you well, I am sure. I'd wager better than the 750 TI I recommended ;)
  15. gerbilschooler

    Graphics Card Problem

    Well, the 150-175 dollar range is not exactly high end... it's more entry level range. So, I don't think you are gonna have to worry about heat all that much unless your case is just totally constricted. I would look at a 750 TI as a solid card in your price range.
  16. gerbilschooler

    PC Upgrade

    Easy to make that mistake, seeing as he's posting this on the DayZ forum, huh?
  17. gerbilschooler

    Oh God I'm In Terrible Shape

    QUICK! Away with me! We make for my chamber of gentle ass play!
  18. gerbilschooler

    Graphics Card Problem

    Forget a cooler for your graphics card. that sounds a bit... a bit much for you. But, getting cooling straight in your case should be a must. Before getting a new Graphics card. Get either a new case (if your case simply is not capable of being upgraded to get proper airflow) or some fans to plop in that bad boy. Yoiu should only be worried about a new GPU if you have a nice cool bed for it to rest in, otherwise you risk severely shortening the life of your new friend
  19. Here's a build I slapped together in your price range: Case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811815035 Wireless Adapter: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833166073 Graphics Card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130900 Power Supply: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139026 Memory: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148496 Motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132052 Processor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116898 SSD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820721107 Windows: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832416806
  20. SLI does not double usable VRAM. And, I have every option maxed as far as it will go on my 900 dollar rig (1080p) and get buttery smooth frames wherever i go. I have a feeling that the original computer he was planning to get would be able to get 30 FPS with high settings, easy
  21. Out of curiosity, why not build a PC if that's what you prefer?
  22. Try this http://www.digitalstormonline.com/comploadvanquishii.asp?id=927497 And for a little more(just out of your price range), they have this one: http://www.digitalstormonline.com/comploadvanquishii.asp?id=927499
  23. gerbilschooler

    Having problems on steam :'(

    On just about every server you join for the DayZ mod you will get a pop up or two saying something like blah blah blah script nor found or whatever. Just click OK and get on with it
  24. gerbilschooler

    Having problems on steam :'(

    Have you set your server filters to DayZ only?
  25. gerbilschooler

    Having problems on steam :'(

    Oh, and also, make sure that you have ran ,after install, Arma 2 AND Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead before trying to install DayZ